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A few questions

Peter Goldwing

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2020
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I have received my Evo and I find quite a few things about it that I do not know nor can I get info on it. Perhaps I don't know where to look

(1) After I downloaded the app while my phone was plugged into remote after finishing downloading my phone said "success" but the remote said"try rebooting the remote control"
So I did but still not sure everything went ok,

(2) There is a port in the back of the drone and the instruction says "micro SD port" What is that for since I could not see any video while I was connected to it

(3) In some youtube video I see someone drawing a path on the phone screen for the drone to follow. I cannot get to that option.

(4) I Can turn the gimbal camera up and down but not left and right.

(5) I make a route mission and save it on the app but later when I try to find it is gone.Done this many times

(6) I dont understand View point. When or what would you use that for?

(7) And the last question : if I create a mission and the drone loses my connection does it go home or finish the mission and THEN go home?
Thanks, Peter
Thanks for the welcome.Did read it but does not answer any question. I watched View point in you tube and now I understand that
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Well we have a helpful bunch here so I am sure someone will come along and help. I don't own the EVO so I am not much help. Youtube is a good resource for finding answers as you have found out.
1. Everything is fine. What you experience is normal.

2. If you do not wish to take the micro sd card from the drone, you can connect the drone directly to the pc and access your photos and videos.

3. You can do waypoint in 2 ways. When you are in manual mode, if you tap the manual in the top of your app, you can change it to waypoints and do what the youtuber did. The other way is through the missions option. The app has a mini tutorial on how to achieve a successful mission.

4. That is correct. If you wish to turn the gimbal left or right. You will have to yaw the entire aircraft. This is normal for most drones. I believe the exceptions are Typhoon H series, Mavic 2 series, and the Poweregg.

5. Ever since Autel introduced the new Explorer app for Evo 1 and 2, it has had some glitches. Erasing saved missions is one of them. It's currently being fixed.


7. It will finish the mission, then go home.
Thanks guys
I tried the way point and it is correct that the drone finishes the mission THEN returns home even if it loses the signal during the procedure.
Regarding reading the card via the drone's port (located in the rear) it did not work for me Does the drone have to be on?
And definitely I cannot save future mission on my phone
Another question, can I save the live video on my cell directly?I have an SJRC and that drones app does so.
The drone must be switched on to make the connection with the PC and thus be able to transfer files.
"And definitely I cannot save future mission on my phone"
If and only if, you are using the Explorer version for the Evo 1 V1.0.1.45 and not the Evo1 / Evo2 version.
There all the missions can be prepared before.
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JJRC drones do not contain a micro SD card and that is why your videos save into your phone. What you can do is access the gallery on the Explorer app before turning off your drone and download the video into your phone.
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JJRC drones do not contain a micro SD card and that is why your videos save into your phone. What you can do is access the gallery on the Explorer app before turning off your drone and download the video into your phone.
SJRC has a card. Thank you Ill try that
The drone must be switched on to make the connection with the PC and thus be able to transfer files.
"And definitely I cannot save future mission on my phone"
If and only if, you are using the Explorer version for the Evo 1 V1.0.1.45 and not the Evo1 / Evo2 version.
There all the missions can be prepared before.
How do I know what I have? On my app I can select EVO 1 or 2.
When I click save it says "saved successfully" then I never see it again as the app only has HISTORY of flights.
How do I know what I have? On my app I can select EVO 1 or 2.
When I click save it says "saved successfully" then I never see it again as the app only has HISTORY of flights.
Are you asking which Evo you have? If it's shiny orange, it's an Evo 1, if it's matte, it's a 2.
N o, I was asking for the app. However I have solved the mystery of not being able to pre schedule a fight. The app as soon as it opens has two option EVO ! and EVO 2 I thought it does not matter which one you choose. But it does. My missions are saved in EVO 1 as it should. Thanks

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