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We need a multi charger


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Aug 30, 2016
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i wish Autel or someone would make a multi charger for the X-Star.
How close are P3 batteries to the XSP batteries? Could we use the multi charger for it?
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Both are 4S LiPo batteries with a smart balance board inside the battery itself that does the balancing. DJI P3 battery charger charges at 17.4v Autel XSP charges at 16.8.

Where DJI P3 & XSP differ greatly is with the Remotes. XSP uses a 1S LiPo (4.2v). DJI P3 uses a 2S Lipo in the Remote(8.4v). Most of those Multi-chargers put 17.4v out on the remote charging branch socket and that is where you will want to be careful.
Both are 4S LiPo batteries with a smart balance board inside the battery itself that does the balancing. DJI P3 battery charger charges at 17.4v Autel XSP charges at 16.8.

Where DJI P3 & XSP differ greatly is with the Remotes. XSP uses a 1S LiPo (4.2v). DJI P3 uses a 2S Lipo in the Remote(8.4v). Most of those Multi-chargers put 17.4v out on the remote charging branch socket and that is where you will want to be careful.

I do not need to charge the remote on the multi charger just the flight batteries. Are the connectors the same? and is that extra 0.6v of charge power going to hurt the Autel battery?
I once tried to charge one of my batteries on one of the multi-chargers that a friend had. You need to push the button on the battery to initiate the charge. Autel battery charged faster on the multi than the stock charger by about 5min.

When I went to use that battery a bit later in the day, the XSP returned a error of unknown battery. Had to shut down the battery & reboot the battery in the XSP. The XSP then recognized the battery after that and flew as expected without issue. Scared the hell out of me at the time, but it really hasn't been an issue since. My friend said not to worry about the unrecognized battery error as it wont hurt anything, he gets them all the time on P3 & simple reboot does the trick. That is my experience with this so far.

I do not think the 0.6v makes much of a difference. a 4S battery is still a 4S battery. The only difference could be the tolerance levels of the smart chip in the battery. If the charging voltage was too high, the smart chip would shut down the charging. If the battery was too hot during cycle, the smart chip would shut down the charging.
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What cable do I need to charge the battery on my multi charger?
I would not suggest charging your battery with a aftermarket charger. The stock charger actually does a better job IMO.
I use my aftermarket charger only if I need to bring the battery to storage and I don't have time to fly it down.

These cables work for our batteries but like I said I don't recommend charging it with aftermarket chargers.

Venom DJI Phantom 2/3 Drone Battery to Charger Adapter Plug

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