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A follow up on Master Airscrew props

Quit messing with these cheap props and just get cam carbon. Love mine.

Aeronaut CAMcarbon Light Prop for DJI Phantom 2/3, Autel X-Star 9.5 set of 4
I can't really justify that price. It was hard enough for me to upgrade to the MA and with the recent problems I would like another set and if they are not up to par i'll move on and probably stick with OEM. Slight chance i'll try those though. The only thing i've seen different from the reviews is that the Aeronaut props are slightly quieter but much sharper.
I somewhat agree. All this talk about wobble and stuff makes me think, just stick to stock.
Yes sir. Jennifer Brown. I phoned her and we spoke for a while. She's sending me two sets to compensate for the delay. Very professional lady.
That's awesome you got a person on the phone. They stopped responding to me. Two emails, two phone calls. Just get their voice Mail but still they don't respond. Maybe they're just waiting for this new shipment from China before responding.
That's awesome you got a person on the phone. They stopped responding to me. Two emails, two phone calls. Just get their voice Mail but still they don't respond. Maybe they're just waiting for this new shipment from China before responding.
I know they were all sick there. She mentioned that during the convo. Even said she was off for a week so not much got done. Hopefully you'll get settled with them as I hope I do.
I'm also waiting for my replacement set, from what you guys have said this should hopefully be in the next week or so. Interesting that they say they are waiting for a new shipment from China, this statement is directly from their website:

Master Airscrew Model Aircraft Propellers are preferred choice for the many experienced flyers and hobbyists.
Proudly designed and manufactured in the Golden State of California, USA
Just wondering if anyone has tried putting a M6 flat washers on the motor shafts to see if the prop would tighten down properly. I know Francis LACROIX said he had to use spacers when he did his motor conversion over to P3 motors.
I just received the second package from Master Airscrew. I found the two props with the black caps to be loose. I also found putting a small flat washer on the motor shaft will allow the prop to be tightened down. This was a common thing to do with the upgraded motors on P3's and it works for this problem also.
I emailed that Jennifer Brown and let her know they are still sending out old stock and it is not helping their situation. I also suggested once they get the new nuts in from their supplier to send out the nuts to who ever wants them or send out spacers.
Jennifers return email

Good morning sorry for that we did go through our stock and took out the loose nuts we found. I have some new nuts coming in by the end of this week from a new supplier. Can you send me your address and which color you had of the Autel and once I get the new nuts in I will send you a new set. Again sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.
Talk to you soon and have a great day.

You can pop those nuts out no problem and replace them. It takes a little wiggling to get them back in.
Interesting. Should have mine next week i'm guessing. Hopefully all will be good.
Windsor Propeller LLC, part of UVIONIX
They are into more then just props this company so you think they could get this right LOL
You gotta think the same about Autel. They have thousands of automotive products out there.
Wow - I think Jennifer "haz sum splainin' to do."

The seller on Amazon is MA so it would seem ultimately they come from the same source. Amazon just being the conduit.
The built in nut ones for the DJI phantoms are the same props so I am wondering if it is a problem for the phantoms also. The motor shaft might be a different length and not causing them any issues. With the quarter inch flat washer I added shortens the motor shaft so the nuts can tighten right down. All they need to do is make a change on how deep the nuts get recessed into the prop and that would correct the problem I would think.

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