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Adobe Lightroom Profile for Evo II Pro


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Hey all I am wondering if anyone getting a weird profile for the Evo II Pro in Lightroom. When I load in the DNG raw files it is only opening up a profile by the name of XT705 which seems to be a little flat. Anyone else seeing this?
Yes it is auto detecting the camera from the meta data of the photo and applying the profile that lightroom came with automatically before you push any buttons. If you go back to the "import" step on the undo panel thing on the left, it will revert back to untouched. I don't know who made that profile or anything about it. But it's certainly a good start from what I've seen.
Yes it is auto detecting the camera from the meta data of the photo and applying the profile that lightroom came with automatically before you push any buttons. If you go back to the "import" step on the undo panel thing on the left, it will revert back to untouched. I don't know who made that profile or anything about it. But it's certainly a good start from what I've seen.

Can't find it. Can you please post a screenshot?
What really bothers me is the lens correction profile that is applied. I rather not have it corrected.
Hey all I am wondering if anyone getting a weird profile for the Evo II Pro in Lightroom. When I load in the DNG raw files it is only opening up a profile by the name of XT705 which seems to be a little flat. Anyone else seeing this?
What are you using for lens correction profile for barrel/pincushion distortion? There's no built in one for any autel drones. I took the time to create one yesterday and I just posted it if you look at the thread from this morning I just made.
Hey all I am wondering if anyone getting a weird profile for the Evo II Pro in Lightroom. When I load in the DNG raw files it is only opening up a profile by the name of XT705 which seems to be a little flat. Anyone else seeing this?
the xt705 profile in Lightroom is pretty good. Far better than the piece of $#%&! LUT they have.
the xt705 profile in Lightroom is pretty good. Far better than the piece of $#%&! LUT they have.

You do not need a LUT to get the most out of the ALOG footage, simply shoot in ALOG, use the histogram to ETTR approximately 1/3 of a stop and color grade in Davinci Resolve using the WFM, Rec.709 color space, and the Primaries corrections. Here is a sample Rec.709 grade that I performed on a difficult lighting scenario.

You do not need a LUT to get the most out of the ALOG footage, simply shoot in ALOG, use the histogram to ETTR approximately 1/3 of a stop and color grade in Davinci Resolve using the WFM, Rec.709 color space, and the Primaries corrections. Here is a sample Rec.709 grade that I performed on a difficult lighting scenario.

View attachment 9893
Thanks, I grade my own footage wether I start with a Lut or not. I was just commenting on Autels’ lack of a decent starting place, it’s really pathetic, considering the quality of the images you can get out or it.
Thanks, I grade my own footage wether I start with a Lut or not. I was just commenting on Autels’ lack of a decent starting place, it’s really pathetic, considering the quality of the images you can get out or it.

Very true, you would think that the vendor that makes the camera would obviously be able to make the best LUTs for it, but it has been my experience over the years that this is not true in most cases; DJI had terrible LUTs as well. I no longer use LUTs during my primaries grading for any of my footage except for CLOG3 footage out of the C200. Canon really does know how to make a LUT that gets the most out of their cameras.

For the majority of cameras though, Rec.709 conversion LUTs do more damage than good; they are created with middle of the road settings and they bake in settings that require destructive post LUT color grading to remove. But I digress, I haven't even tried Autel's LUTs but I would imagine they are just as bad as DJI's which is a shame since ALOG is so much easier to work with than DLOG.

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