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The worst I have ever owned


Apr 9, 2022
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Let me preface this by saying I have been a professional photographer for 37 years. I added drones about 10 years ago. I shoot all genres of photography but my biggest revenue generating industry is the commercial real estate developers, architects and construction companies. I have started with DJI Phantom 2, then the 3, the the 4, then the Mavic Pro series which I still have and use, I bought this Autel drone for the geo fencing as I do work on massive commercial real estate projects. So I bought the rugged bundle for a little over $3k. Did my homework on the drone via You Tube. Did some testing around the neighborhood, then to a jobsite yesterday that I have been shooting for over 2 years.

First, the controller, I got less than a full hour from the controller before I got low power warnings. I fully charged it again, when back out for the afternoon shots and got ONE HOUR AND ONE minute of power. What the heck are we supposed to do, carry multiple controllers around like extra batteries? Plus the screen wasn't as bright nor detail as the DJI RC. One hour is totally unacceptable.

Next, the camera. My first camera when I was 12 years old was a Polaroid swinger. That camera is better than the one that is on the EVO Pro 2 V3. If i get the building with good color and focus, the sky is totally blown. I get the sky details, my subject (buildings) are dark. I tried every conceivable adjustment and mode. I went from a NP4 filter to 8, then 16 then 34....no effect. I did the unspeakable and shot in AUTO mode and it was still very low quality. I could spend 5 hours in post and these photos would never be acceptable to my clients.

I have had my issues with DJI over the years and I made them well aware but this piece of orange crap does not even come close to the quality of the Mavic Pro 2 or 3. I have both. I am going out this morning to shoot 150 acres that will become a manufacturing and industrial park. I am taking this EVO Pro V3 and a Mavic 2 Pro and do some comparison postings here and other drone social media platforms. As soon as I do this, I am returning this immediately with examples I have described.

People need to know what they are getting when they purchase this AWFUL EVO Pro 2, V3. This is NOT for a professional photographers.

Sky Eye Images
BobbyC Photography
A RockStar Photographer
Mine does last much longer than an hour and I fly 5 batteries till 30% and my RC is at 10% when I am done. Have you done the latest updates for the drone because the RC had a factory fault of draining the battery
Mine does last much longer than an hour and I fly 5 batteries till 30% and my RC is at 10% when I am done. Have you done the latest updates for the drone because the RC had a factory fault of draining the battery
FIrst, thank you for responding. Use, I have all the updates. The drone just arrived on Thursday and I bought this for a specific project/development. The video footage i got today was HUNDREDS of times better than the photos. Again, thanks and Photo Well, Photo Often. BobbyC
Sorry you are having problems. I have 2 x Evo 2 Pro Enterprise V2 (not V3) drones. For large surveys I carry 11 batteries. I generally get 2-3 hours from their RCs but I get around that by plugging the RC into to a Jackery Portable Power Station (240 or 300). I have flown 500+ acres surveys in a single day. Cameras work fine. If needed, I post process photos in Lightroom.
Sorry you are having problems. I have 2 x Evo 2 Pro Enterprise V2 (not V3) drones. For large surveys I carry 11 batteries. I generally get 2-3 hours from their RCs but I get around that by plugging the RC into to a Jackery Portable Power Station (240 or 300). I have flown 500+ acres surveys in a single day. Cameras work fine. If needed, I post process photos in Lightroom.
Thanks for the reply. I truly believe I either have a knock off of the actual Evo 2 Ver 3, or it is one of those deals where they are made in different factories/countries and I got the bad factory. I am looking at a Jackery now as I just signed a 3 year deal with a developer. Photo Well-Photo Often
The good news, I bought through Amazon so the return is easy, Taking it to UPS tomorrow. The search continue for a photography drone that is not GEO Fenced.
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The good news, I bought through Amazon so the return is easy, Taking it to UPS tomorrow. The search continue for a photography drone that is not GEO Fenced.
I think you must have a dud. I long ago deserted Autel because of their terrible international product support - but even from my first Evo 4K, their cameras were technical marvels - superior to anything I found at double the price. I still think it's a tragedy that they self-destructed.

Btw, based on my reading of the latest consultation documents from the UK Civil Aviation Authority, I would be very surprised if any camera drone is flying without geofencing in a year's time. No doubt Autel only have to flick a switch to activate it.
I have one DJI Mavic and now two Autel EVO II and one Nano plus. I have a LOT of nit picking that I give Autel and their service is poor compared to DJI but the reason I LIKE Autel is the lack of GEO fencing and their photographic quality. I am a professional photographer going back 30 years and I too took the plunge into drones. Never had any trouble with the still or video quality once I got it set up correctly. One thing that really helps is shooting with ND Polarizers. A huge difference in quality.
I hope you find your honey drone.
Let me preface this by saying I have been a professional photographer for 37 years. I added drones about 10 years ago. I shoot all genres of photography but my biggest revenue generating industry is the commercial real estate developers, architects and construction companies. I have started with DJI Phantom 2, then the 3, the the 4, then the Mavic Pro series which I still have and use, I bought this Autel drone for the geo fencing as I do work on massive commercial real estate projects. So I bought the rugged bundle for a little over $3k. Did my homework on the drone via You Tube. Did some testing around the neighborhood, then to a jobsite yesterday that I have been shooting for over 2 years.

First, the controller, I got less than a full hour from the controller before I got low power warnings. I fully charged it again, when back out for the afternoon shots and got ONE HOUR AND ONE minute of power. What the heck are we supposed to do, carry multiple controllers around like extra batteries? Plus the screen wasn't as bright nor detail as the DJI RC. One hour is totally unacceptable.

Next, the camera. My first camera when I was 12 years old was a Polaroid swinger. That camera is better than the one that is on the EVO Pro 2 V3. If i get the building with good color and focus, the sky is totally blown. I get the sky details, my subject (buildings) are dark. I tried every conceivable adjustment and mode. I went from a NP4 filter to 8, then 16 then 34....no effect. I did the unspeakable and shot in AUTO mode and it was still very low quality. I could spend 5 hours in post and these photos would never be acceptable to my clients.

I have had my issues with DJI over the years and I made them well aware but this piece of orange crap does not even come close to the quality of the Mavic Pro 2 or 3. I have both. I am going out this morning to shoot 150 acres that will become a manufacturing and industrial park. I am taking this EVO Pro V3 and a Mavic 2 Pro and do some comparison postings here and other drone social media platforms. As soon as I do this, I am returning this immediately with examples I have described.

People need to know what they are getting when they purchase this AWFUL EVO Pro 2, V3. This is NOT for a professional photographers.

Sky Eye Images
BobbyC Photography
A RockStar Photographer
You're lying or you got a knock off
Hello, I have to chime in on this thread. I have an EVO 2 Pro V1 I can't compare that camera with the latest DJI Mavic series. I have been shooting photography with drones since 2015. The EVO 2 Pro V1 has the best camera to date of any drone that I have owned so far including those from Yuneec. Parrot and DJI. the detail of my stills is amazing. The only issue I have is I can't seem to find an option for locking exposure.
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Позвольте мне предварить это, сказав, что я профессиональный фотограф уже 37 лет. Я добавил дроны около 10 лет назад. Я снимаю во всех жанрах фотографии, но моя самая большая приносящая доход отрасль - это девелоперы коммерческой недвижимости, архитекторы и строительные компании. Я начал с DJI Phantom 2, затем 3, 4, затем серии Mavic Pro, которые у меня все еще есть и которыми я пользуюсь, я купил этот беспилотник Autel для гео-ограждения, поскольку я работаю над крупными проектами коммерческой недвижимости. Итак, я купил rugged bundle чуть более чем за 3 тысячи долларов. Сделал свою домашнюю работу над дроном через You Tube. Провел кое-какие тесты по соседству, а вчера побывал на стройплощадке, которую я снимаю уже более 2 лет.

Во-первых, контроллер, я получил меньше часа от контроллера, прежде чем получил предупреждения о низком энергопотреблении. Я снова полностью зарядил его, когда вернулся на дневные съемки, и получил заряд на ОДИН ЧАС И одну минуту. Какого черта мы должны были делать, носить с собой несколько контроллеров, как дополнительные батарейки? К тому же экран не был таким ярким и детализированным, как у DJI RC. Один час - это совершенно неприемлемо.

Далее, камера. Моей первой камерой, когда мне было 12 лет, был Polaroid swinger. Эта камера лучше, чем та, что на EVO Pro 2 V3. Если я получаю здание с хорошим цветом и фокусом, небо полностью размыто. Я получаю детали неба, мой объект (здания) темный. Я перепробовал все мыслимые настройки и режимы. Я перешел от фильтра NP4 к 8, затем к 16, затем 34....no эффект. Я сделал неописуемый снимок в автоматическом режиме, и качество все равно было очень низким. Я мог бы потратить 5 часов на публикацию, и эти фотографии никогда не были бы приемлемы для моих клиентов.

У меня были проблемы с DJI на протяжении многих лет, и я хорошо осознавал их, но этот кусок оранжевого дерьма даже близко не сравнится по качеству с Mavic Pro 2 или 3. У меня есть и то, и другое. Этим утром я отправляюсь снимать 150 акров, которые станут производственным парком. Я беру этот EVO Pro V3 и Mavic 2 Pro и делаю несколько сравнительных постов здесь и на других платформах социальных сетей для дронов. Как только я это сделаю, я немедленно возвращаю это с примерами, которые я описал.

Люди должны знать, что они получают, когда покупают этот ужасный EVO Pro 2, V3. Это не для профессиональных фотографов.

Изображения Небесных Глаз
Фотография Бобби
Фотограф - рок - звезда
как вы можете сравнивать с m2, если фотография превосходит m3, у вас плохое зрение
Hello, I have to chime in on this thread. I have an EVO 2 Pro V1 I can't compare that camera with the latest DJI Mavic series. I have been shooting photography with drones since 2015. The EVO 2 Pro V1 has the best camera to date of any drone that I have owned so far including those from Yuneec. Parrot and DJI. the detail of my stills is amazing. The only issue I have is I can't seem to find an option for locking exposure.
This is correct. I’ve owned dji phantom 3, phantom 4 pro, mavic 2 pro and I use an air 2s as my backup. My evo 2 pro has a better camera than all of them.
This is correct. I’ve owned dji phantom 3, phantom 4 pro, mavic 2 pro and I use an air 2s as my backup. My evo 2 pro has a better camera than all of them.

I first got into drones with the Evo in 2019… then the E2P v1… and now the v3.

I see complaints like this on these forums and I’m left scratching my head. How exactly does a drone just fly into the side of a mountain or fall out of the sky for no apparent reason?

Hasn’t happened to me. Is it drone failure or operator failure? I personally have nothing bad to say about Autel. I skipped DJI due to the geofencing so I have no idea how good they are… and haven’t had a reason to switch. My Autel experience with both drones and their associated cameras has been nothing but positive.

I don’t do anything special other than fly responsibly… pay attention… monitor the drone/batteries… and don’t press my luck with either.

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