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V1 or V2 extended range antennas?

I've don't have a problem with Alientech. Their website comes up second on Google for me. The website is at this link: ALIENTECH

I have ordered from them twice and products have come fairly quickly despite their location in China.
They have also been out for the Chinese Holidays for the last several weeks.
I must have my IPVanish (VPN or virtual private network) blocking these guys? Not sure? Maybe cookies?
But they make the best stuff, at the best prices, including both Autel Robotics and DJI!
Prices are overrated with everyone losing jobs around us because of Wal-Mart mentality.
If we didn't start this love affair with China over the BEST price then you could retire with a decent wage, a pension, younger retirement age and benefits.
I didn't buy into it at all here in Canada from the start of Chinese trade.
All the Mom and Pop businesses are closing around us. They can't compete with forced labour in China and other third world countries around the globe.
As soon as Wal-Mart has closed down the local stores they are known for raising their prices to "top themselves up".
People all over North America are saying I don't want to pay the price for domestic products even though my neighbor is losing his job because I buy from China with the cheap prices.
One day that will shoot yourself in the foot with that train of thought.
How can you buy if YOU don't have the job because of outsourcing? I buy Canadian products because that is my moral compass.
Some things still have no other source than offshore but I truly hate putting our people out of work.
The ONLY good thing about Autel is that they are based in Washington. It does keep SOME Americans working albeit a minimal amount.
Worked in a steel mill for 32 years, retired at 52 years old with a pretty good pension and benefits. I am 70 years old now.
I wouldn't have been able to retire or afford a drone in my retirement years. I may still be working without a full pension, benefits and healthcare.
Healthcare in Canada is free. I don't have to give away my life earnings because I have cancer or a bad heart, diabetes or dialysis.
People in North America are not looking for products. They are looking for
Lots of good points. I buy the best I can afford, whether it is a German made BMW or a Chinese made DJI drone. Businesses only exist to make a profit, and if the Chinese can make it cheaper and better than we can, outsourcing to China only makes sense. It's a free market and capitalism applies across borders. Can't fault the consumer for buying the best they can afford. Nothing is truly free. Somebody has to pay for it, even if you aren't. In the mean time, I'm enjoying the best of what I can afford, from wherever I can get it, including China, and let the chips fall where they may! We are all going to end up being owned by China anyway! HAH!
Lots of good points. I buy the best I can afford, whether it is a German made BMW or a Chinese made DJI drone. Businesses only exist to make a profit, and if the Chinese can make it cheaper and better than we can, outsourcing to China only makes sense. It's a free market and capitalism applies across borders. Can't fault the consumer for buying the best they can afford. Nothing is truly free. Somebody has to pay for it, even if you aren't. In the mean time, I'm enjoying the best of what I can afford, from wherever I can get it, including China, and let the chips fall where they may! We are all going to end up being owned by China anyway! HAH!
Since Mal-Wart opened here in 1994 in Canada I have not been in their store for anything. Every dime goes into the pockets of six billionaires in Arkansas. Other than buying 6 houses and 24 cars in Arkansas they have not helped with the American economy. The brokers who sell to them from China would get rich from their sweat shops they run in China. I am glad I won't be around ten to twenty years from now to see what the fallout from offshore buying will do to our kids and our grandkids. If I buy hardware I go to Home Hardware which is all Canadian. Any foodstuffs I buy from Metro or Loblaws which are Canadian. Unions and locally owned businesses are the way to go. When our grandkids retire they will be living on the Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security which may add up to $1200.00 a month in today's dollars. I make more than that in a week with my Union pension with all my other CPP and OAS pensions with my wife and I. See if those grandkids will be able to afford to drive a car or buy a drone after living in government subsidy apartments and buying groceries for the rest of the month. As you can see I am passionate about keeping my country my country.
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You are definitely putting your money where your mouth is, and I admire the passion. Not many can afford to do so, and many others are hypocrites!
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Had Autel actually included the 5.8Ghz frequency in the V1 SC in the U.S. like they represented, or even a functioning 900Mhz band, it would likely have been better. I returned my SC. The V2 SC claims to now actually have a working 5.8Ghz band. Rather than throw good money after bad on a new V2 EVO 2 and V2 SC, I opted to add an Alientech Pro to the stock EVO 2 V1 controller instead. It arrives today.
Great info. I was planning on purchasing the alientech as well. I live in a borough outside NYC, and thought with all the congestion here, if it is worth buying. How’s it working for you ?
I really can’t say I have ANY better range with the AlienTech on Version 2 with the Smart Controller. I really wish I didn’t waste my money on it. In hindsight I might have waited until they invented better external antennas than buy the AlienTech.
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I tend to keep some of my opinions to myself but I will share the fact that I have a very low opinion of these aftermarket antenna mods. Just some of my concerns are the additional RF radiation that these amplified antennas can emit (potential cancer risk), the fact that here in the USA they are typically not FCC approved meaning you could be in serious trouble if your mod caused interference with a legitimate transmission source, and a final downside to me is that if one of the parts in the aftermarket antenna is low quality it could fry the transmitter circuitry in the remote controller which could cause you to lose the drone or worse.

Lets not forget the fact that if you perform one of these mods and happen to power up the controller without the modified antenna attached you could once again fry the transmitter circuitry in the remote controller. I dislike transmission congestion as much as anyone but to me these antenna mods are never worth it.
Great info. I was planning on purchasing the alientech as well. I live in a borough outside NYC, and thought with all the congestion here, if it is worth buying. How’s it working for you ?
Gives me the range I was expecting out of the SC on the EVO 2 Pro 6k, but never got, at less than half the price! However, the Mavic 3 with the RC-Pro is a far superior setup and camera combination, with a secondary 7x telephoto!
I tend to keep some of my opinions to myself but I will share the fact that I have a very low opinion of these aftermarket antenna mods. Just some of my concerns are the additional RF radiation that these amplified antennas can emit (potential cancer risk), the fact that here in the USA they are typically not FCC approved meaning you could be in serious trouble if your mod caused interference with a legitimate transmission source, and a final downside to me is that if one of the parts in the aftermarket antenna is low quality it could fry the transmitter circuitry in the remote controller which could cause you to lose the drone or worse.

Lets not forget the fact that if you perform one of these mods and happen to power up the controller without the modified antenna attached you could once again fry the transmitter circuitry in the remote controller. I dislike transmission congestion as much as anyone but to me these antenna mods are never worth it.
All the more reason to go with a stock Mavic 3 with an RC-Pro, which is now my go to aircraft, after getting all blue Authorization Zones removed by DJI!

I never remove the Alientech external antenna, and I had it professionally installed onto the controller. It works, but I always prefer the stock DJI M3 setup that requires no mods!
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My experience has been that the SC(v1) is better than the STOCK controller by at least twice the distance. Having said that, my SC(v1) has never worked further than 2 miles, even with good line of sight for the signal. The SC(v1) sometimes chokes at less than a 1/4 mile (albeit lots of trees in the way), also one of my antennas seems not to tighten all of the way. I ordered BINFUs from AMAZON, after reading a similar post on the forum. [[ https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CH27HVH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ]] but the plastic BASE is too FAT, waiting on new SMA connectors to re-try.
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My experience has been that the SC(v1) is better than the STOCK controller by at least twice the distance. Having said that, my SC(v1) has never worked further than 2 miles, even with good line of sight for the signal. The SC(v1) sometimes chokes at less than a 1/4 mile (albeit lots of trees in the way), also one of my antennas seems not to tighten all of the way. I ordered BINFUs from AMAZON, after reading a similar post on the forum. [[ https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CH27HVH/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ]] but the plastic BASE is too FAT, waiting on new SMA connectors to re-try.
Please let us know when you get it and install. Which SMA connectors did you order ?
Gives me the range I was expecting out of the SC on the EVO 2 Pro 6k, but never got, at less than half the price! However, the Mavic 3 with the RC-Pro is a far superior setup and camera combination, with a secondary 7x telephoto!
You must have got lucky then because after a month of asking for and searching for DNG files that showed otherwise, all I ever saw from the M3's main camera was soft if not smeared corners and in some cases, very bad de-centering. The camera on my EVO II Enterprise is perfectly centered and very, very good in the corners and truly excellent everywhere else.
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You must have got lucky then because after a month of asking for and searching for DNG files that showed otherwise, all I ever saw from the M3's main camera was soft if not smeared corners and in some cases, very bad de-centering. The camera on my EVO II Enterprise is perfectly centered and very, very good in the corners and truly excellent everywhere else.
A new M3 FW and Fly app was released just last week fixing most past issue, perhaps even including yours.
A new M3 FW and Fly app was released just last week fixing most past issue, perhaps even including yours.

You can’t fix bad optics with firmware sir. I have no issues with a Mavic 3 because I did not buy one. The reason I passed on it is like I said, I did not find the optical quality better than my Mavic 2 Pro in a month worth of sample searching so I bought an EVO II Enterprise kit instead and love the image quality.
You can’t fix bad optics with firmware sir. I have no issues with a Mavic 3 because I did not buy one. The reason I passed on it is like I said, I did not find the optical quality better than my Mavic 2 Pro in a month worth of sample searching so I bought an EVO II Enterprise kit instead and love the image quality.
You are naively assuming that it was bad optics that caused your issues. DJI fixed the sharpness problem with the 7x telephoto camera with a FW update. I also own the M2P and the EVO 2 Pro, and they are gathering dust while I shoot everything now with the Mavic 3. Check back with your sources. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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