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1 month review

I've flown mine about 10 times now.
My yaw is not jerky at all, and the horizon tilt is fixed for me.

But I took it to my friend's house yesterday.
I had 3 fully charged batteries.

Launched, didn't do much but hover and slowly fly around his yard. No wind at all.

Within 5 minutes I got a low battery warning.
Looked and saw 5 minutes remaining.

This sucks. 10 minute flight time is a $12 dumb lipo, not an $85 "intelligent" battery.

I also took it to another friend's go cart track to try out dynamic tracking. It doesn't seem right that a car passes behind a light pole, 90% of the car
is visible and Evo loses it. Full sun.

I know this isn't a super expensive commercial drone, but for a thousand bucks it should handle the basic modes Autel said it could.

My wife will flip if the Evo ends up being a training toy and I have to buy a geofenced Mavic Pro 2 to do work. I could have bought a Spark for that.

I agree with Michael's video... Wait.
Autel needs to respond to the issues.

DANG! I didn't want to have to go DJI.

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