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After the latest 1.3.46 update, drone maintains altitude when flying at Ludicrous mode full speed ahead!

Still loses altitude if the drone slows down enough, try fly it in a strong headwind
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Wow, that's great to hear. I assume they knew of the issue and either fixed it if it was an actual bug, or found a way to automatically compensate if it was just an aerodynamics vs weight vs upward lift type of deal.
Regardless, bravo!
You just got to know when to turn AutoPilot off... That's all.

And I'm broke... I'm not paying for a wall. Too many toys on my list. Lol!
Still loses altitude if the drone slows down enough, try fly it in a strong headwind

I have not flown since Saturday and have only flown on the new firmware twice -- I have yet to try Ludicrous 45 mph on this firmware -- but have tried 34 mph both times.

...some have mentioned in other discussions -- they have seen theirs loosing altitude not only in Ludicrous mode but also when selecting 34 mph.

I did notice a particular moment in one of my flights -- it was doing 33-34 -- full speed ahead... and it did loose altitude. ? I keep this on 22 mph in lower altitude and until recent flights -- never really actually used these faster speeds other than "testing" in the first few days of getting to know this machines capabilities, on the previous firmware. I am still figuring all of this out. ? hahahah

I am not sure if it was doing this behavior in my video -- as in nothing changed in the drones behavior OR if this was just a random wind incident...

I am hoping the wind over the next day or so will allow me to get a look at this further with the 34 mph selection. and I will also try Ludicrous Mode 45 mph. I will get recordings from the Autel app and Evo and see how it preforms and post it. I am curious of what will be recorded/seen. ?

The wind has been relentless and rarely ever "calm" during the day too often here, as well as the bouts of rain.
Spring sprung and overall March has been cooler/more unsettled here.
Summer brings afternoon/evening thunderstorms that can mess with the winds for miles away.
We do have the occasional tropical storm or hurricane run this far inland as it aims at our coastline.

We need these higher speeds, if we sometimes are going to get blessed with a 25-35 mph wind aloft -- all of a sudden... and it needs to fly level as much as possible...
some have mentioned in other discussions -- they have seen theirs loosing altitude not only in Ludicrous mode but also when selecting 34 m
Yep I noticed this also and it caught me completely off guard. Had I been a newbie operator I would have possibly lost the bird. All my DJI AC in this situation would simply hold altitude and just fight the wind tooth-and-nail and it's currently elevation.
I flew in Ludicrous mode today and I didn't lose any altitude. At what rate does the Evo start losing altitude. I do admit that I only flew a range of some 50-100 feet and stopped. I did not see any altitude gained physically or in the controller.
I flew in Ludicrous mode today and I didn't lose any altitude. At what rate does the Evo start losing altitude. I do admit that I only flew a range of some 50-100 feet and stopped. I did not see any altitude gained physically or in the controller.

You need to actually fly a little more than 100 feet to see something like this happen... lol

I am going to re-watch the video this happened to me in. I have done nothing with that footage since Sunday.
You need to actually fly a little more than 100 feet to see something like this happen... lol

I am going to re-watch the video this happened to me in. I have done nothing with that footage since Sunday.
My office is in the middle of a huge concrete jungle and full of moving objects from above and below. In order to fly, I have to ask authorization to the LAANC and I cannot fly above 150', so I limit myself to flying within the street.
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My office is in the middle of a huge concrete jungle and full of moving objects from above and below. In order to fly, I have to ask authorization to the LAANC and I cannot fly above 150', so I limit myself to flying within the street.

I have re-watched and am processing the video from the recording from DU recorder from my phone. ** I HIT A HEADWIND ** Otherwise after careful re-plays... it was holding altitude just fine at 34 mph up until this one point. You know I hit a headwind because it goes from 33+ to the mid teens as I am yawing and moving a little further at a time.

That is what caught me off guard here -- even when I do not need "authorization" -- I am teaching myself to stay low and not get used to that 250+ altitude. I am of course trying all the way up to close to 400 where possible -- but lower alts are just as good for most of my purpose. I just need Evo to be able to "stay put" lol -- within a reasonable vertical and horizontal "area".

This is why I did tough it out and fly this past Friday -- it give me some good practice with what to expect with the down-bursts we can often get from weather in the general area -- but not necessarily affecting all locations. -- thinking summer time pop-up thunderstorms causing something like this -- its clear and sunny where you are flying -- but a county over is having a nice size thunderstorm -- and hope the wind flows and down drafts are pointed in other directions, Mother Nature is very unpredictable and always wins. ?

I have to get back up in the air today/tomorrow -- it will be interesting in a few more weeks of seeing hardwood trees go from winter to spring. In another 2 -3 weeks, the whole landscape will look different and more colorful.
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Yep I noticed this also and it caught me completely off guard. Had I been a newbie operator I would have possibly lost the bird. All my DJI AC in this situation would simply hold altitude and just fight the wind tooth-and-nail and it's currently elevation.

My office is in the middle of a huge concrete jungle and full of moving objects from above and below. In order to fly, I have to ask authorization to the LAANC and I cannot fly above 150', so I limit myself to flying within the street.

...once it hit the headwind -- it took approximately 100 - 200 feet of distance to drop.. it dropped so fast I can't really see the numbers here slow enough to give the exact distance in this instance.

...once it hit the headwind -- it took approximately 100 - 200 feet of distance to drop.. it dropped so fast I can't really see the numbers here slow enough to give the exact distance in this instance.

Video is set to private. Cab't see it.
Video is set to private. Cab't see it.

I do have several that are "private" or "unlisted". This one is Public.


@Ansia - if you are referring to the one I showed you the other day -- it was exactly what I told you would happen -- happened...


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