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Autel Nano PLUS - RAW RYYB - How to edit.

Nano+ are the worst looking RAW files I have literally ever seen in 22 years of shooting something obviously is up.
It’s due to the ryyb sensor , there’s been no processing in terms of tuning those colours prior to them coming out of the drone . The same occurred on Huawei phones shooting raw
It’s due to the ryyb sensor , there’s been no processing in terms of tuning those colours prior to them coming out of the drone . The same occurred on Huawei phones shooting raw
Are they going to do something about this?
Stock raw image vs my .xmp file, still a work in progress, but it's progress


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Wow... Has anyone received any sort of comment from Autel?

I'm trying to decide if I want to get a nano+ and between the price increase (world currently sucks issue,) the sport mode max speed thing (did they ever get to 15?) and now this, it isn't looking to promising.

Edit: I've also just read that 10bit is not enabled, the raw files are "locked" (not sure what that means as I'm shopping for my first drone) and that there seems to be some sort of compression even on the raw files. A comparison of grass from a mini 2 vs the nano+ showed a big difference in the sharpness of the grass due to the jpg like artifacts. :(

Anyone have any more info on these things?

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Anyone have any more info on these things?
At this point I would pull up a stool and wait. The Nano+ isn't where you need it yet for RAW processing, 10-Bit is promised but not here yet, and the DJI Mini 3 is just around the corner to give another option.

I don't think RAW is "locked" in any way. The RAW files just can't be used accurately by any editing program until Autel provides a camera profile to do the translation. Its bizarre that they haven't released one as Autel had to do this work internally to make their JPEGs look right.
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some edited raw shots i took, its a decent sensor and can be pushed. It take a bit of time fiddling with the colour hues in Lightroom to fix those raw files but it's atleast possible.

Personally I think in lowlight it's better than the DJI mavic air 2s.

These are from Victoria , Australia in Melbourne by the bayMAX_0229-01.jpegMAX_0223-02.jpegMAX_0212-03.jpegMAX_0213-01.jpeg
Yeah you can get the middle of the image looking okay but there's a circular gradient of green that gets worse as it moves to the edges, its noticeable in all images posted that were shot in raw

Its super lazy by autel, keep posting images to their socials to shame them in to fixing it
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some edited raw shots i took, its a decent sensor and can be pushed. It take a bit of time fiddling with the colour hues in Lightroom to fix those raw files but it's atleast possible.

Personally I think in lowlight it's better than the DJI mavic air 2s.

Any chance you have a fairly close shot of grass? From the air, but not really high up. I've seen shots that were RAW that look like there's some artifacts in the image that concerns me.

Thanks, and thanks for the photos you shared. I do see potential here. A lot of it. But it's going to be up to Autel or a group of programmers to fix it. :(

I also am waiting for a fix from Autel. I had such high hopes on the raw files and was so disappointed when I viewed them. I hope they come out with a fix. I hate that dji owns such a big part of he drone market.
some edited raw shots i took, its a decent sensor and can be pushed. It take a bit of time fiddling with the colour hues in Lightroom to fix those raw files but it's atleast possible.

Personally I think in lowlight it's better than the DJI mavic air 2s.

These are from Victoria , Australia in Melbourne by the bayView attachment 13464View attachment 13465View attachment 13466View attachment 13467
Beautiful shots,
many thanks for sharing them.
The RAW files of the Nano + have huge potential. I hope Autel fixes this issue
Can somebody share some raw files please as I'm about to buy this drone for work. Thanks
Here's what I don't understand.

They obviously have a profile in the drone because jpg's are fine. Why aren't they making it available for customers for raw?
I'm sure they could output it in a format that would either work in PS or LR or have the changed values as text so each customer only had to make the profile once...
Better shot in JPG. RAW are useless.
Sorry Admund, but I also need to disagree. ;)
RAW files directly from the camera look plain ugly, you need to put some work into them to get pictures looking as great as the JPGs - exposure, contrast, curves adjustment, color saturation, sharpness, etc.
That's for sure!

But JPGs are the result of countless of the above and more optimizations, done in an automated way, for achieving a pleasant look. By doing that, details vanish because the algorithms cannot know what exactly you want the picture to look like, which areas or details are important to you.

A typical example is underexposed and overexposed areas, like a darker landscape with a brighter sky. Algorithms will try to achieve a kind of balance; if the landscape is too dark, they will increase overall brightness, leading to sky getting overexposed, "burning out". That problem becomes a permanent part of the JPG, you cannot correct it later, the sky details are lost forever.
But if you are shooting RAWs, you'll always try to underexpose the picture a bit, so bright areas won't get overexposed. That's why manual settings (at least EV corrections) are THAT important, that's why enthusiasts cry for manual settings!

Of course the landscape will turn out to be too dark. But with RAW, you can increase the exposure and other details using several means in a way that darker areas get exposed correctly AND bright areas won't get overexposed, so you won't lose any details. You can even choose different corrections for different areas.
That way, you often can even save details from slightly overexposed areas, and masses of details of heavily underexposed parts.

That's why RAW is almost always a great choice. It's more effort and it needs some experience. But it's worth going that extra mile.
Just set your camera to take JPG and RAW - and if the JPG is okay, you just use the JPG. But if the JPG turns out to have some serious issues, you can use it's RAW sibling for saving all the things lost in the JPG.
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By the way: Did anyone of you try to "repair" that parking lot scene from the very first post?
I tried - and I totally failed. I just managed to get some parts looking okay, but other areas got just horrible at the same time.
Maybe that's because I just had a screenshot for trying, not the original RAW file. But still it's been a frustrating experience. ;)
Is Autel saying anything about anything regarding these new mini drones?

I'd love to love the Nano+ but it feels like Autel is just kind of dragging their feet on things or just outright ignoring them. :/
If that's the case, they definitely won't be getting my money, and I'm sure many others feel the same way.
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It is certainly better to shoot raw as they are sharper than jpeg, see pics below, but you just cant get rid of the vignetting and colour issue and as darkmatter said, they have a profile in the drone for the in camera jpegs, why haven't they applied it to the raws


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How many different colour readings would need to be taken to make a more or less perfect RAW profile using a Color Passport 2? We'd be talking about a huge number when you take into account different locations, lighting conditions, light source location, etc. Even if you managed to gather all the information, could it even be consolidated into 1 profile to use in a program like Adobe RAW?

BTW, regarding the vignetting, are you saying that it's not correctable even manually? If so, do you think Autel could fix?

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