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Boing Boing

Only going by what people post on the various forums NYC is pretty much a total NFZ. I hope you are checking to see if you are flying in a area that it is legal to do so. Ending up with a ticket and or court costs is not much fun :)
Unless, you have a fetish for those. I'm a poor person, so I cannot afford such expensive fetishes.
Only going by what people post on the various forums NYC is pretty much a total NFZ. I hope you are checking to see if you are flying in a area that it is legal to do so. Ending up with a ticket and or court costs is not much fun :)

I am vigilant and go by the book

Thankfully ALL NYC Parks are fair game (which surprised the heck out of me when i first started flying and was concerned with the legality of places to fly)

I live ADJACENT (outside my windows) To...FOREST PARK ( several hundreds of acres...a mile or more in size) when in the middle area of the park you would think that you were "in the county"...total silence and not another soul in sight

I live in a Hi RISE 20 story complex

from my 11th floor vantage point...one end of my 3 bedroom apartment i see the entirety of the NYC skyline...Empire State and so very sadly..for many years...The World Trade Center...almost 20 years ago i saw that place crumble and burn...i recorded the travesty from where i am sitting...my Dining room /next to my kitchen

On the opposite side of my Apartment is...The HUGE expanse of FOREST PARK with some trees higher than our 20 story building...The Park is a NYC Park and i can be flying in 5 minutes after leaving my place and open a secured entry/exit and within a few minutes walk i have a grand open area...combo..B Ball/soccer...Track area...astro turf...weekends are jammed but during the week...i have the place to myself...i can fly HIGH and see the NYC skyline on one end...and on the other...flying HIGH...i can see the Atlantic ocean...less that 10 miles away and all of the Marsh lands leading up to the beach...ROCKAWAY BEACH...a wonderful CLEAN beach that has seen better days..as a kid,there were Amusement Parks...Fireworks just off the beach shot from a barge that was towed to the same location...a 100 + feet off the Beach...Still a wonderful place with a Federal bird sanctuary area protected flight zone for the many migratory birds along the way to the ocean...WHICH i can also see from my perch miles away...out my door in Forest Park...I have been here for 30 + years...i Love my place and location...a 10 minute walk...or a bus (outside of the building) takes you to the subway where you could be in TIMES Square (or any other area of Manhattan ) in 20 minutes...1/2 hour...Best of both worlds...I RARELY go to the "City"....only when i HAVE to,or to see a show....MANHATTAN is a pressure cooker...BUT there are some areas there that are much more tolerable..a slower pace...unlike the maddening MANIC "CITY"
In NYC that is a small walk up complex. ?

In MANHATTAN that is true...truly Sky Scrapers..Most people(who never came here),when they think of NYC,they think of MANHATTAN...Manhattan is for the extremely RICH and the very poor...Manhattan is one of 5 Boroughs (areas) in NYC...That is where the Mega Trump like HIGH RISE buildings are...The Bronx/Staten Island/Brooklyn + Queens county are mainly inhabited by blue collar people like my self...i drove a Tractor trailer for the P.O....middle income people...each BOROUGH is a bit different...a MIXED nationality now..as opposed to 50 + years ago...i grew up in a town in QUEENS County..on a street in a neighborhood of GERMAN immigrants...we (my family as a kid) were the only ENGLISH speaking people on our block...There was and still ARE areas in the city (all of the 5 boroughs) where there is an Italian area/german/irish etc....If you wanted AUTHENTIC Italian food you can go several areas to get the best...Bensonhurst Brooklyn county...Howard Beach ...Queens County....German...Queens County etc...What i am trying to say that NYC as most people think of is MANHATTAN county...Broadway shows...Huge Parades...EXTREMELY High HIGH RISES...and wall to wall people..Jammed..Traffic like you would not believe(as a young man i drove a NYC Taxi...drove ONLY in MANHATTAN...working people in the other boroughs DON'T TAKE CABS)...Bottom line...NYC is not what most people think...NYC does NOT mean MANHATTAN (that is where you see all the insane traffic and wall to wall people)...i Live in QUEENS County...calm..people know one another..we have friendly neighbors and strangers..GOOD hard working people..NOT what everone thinks..they are thinking of MANHATTAN..Avoid THE CITY (Manhattan) nice people everywhere but NOT so much in THE CITY...Manhattan..all about $$$$$ and going places FAST...get bumped walking down a packed street..you will not hear...Sorry...In the OTHER parts of My City (out of Manhattan) people do the right thing..act like they should..Kindness..respect and DO THE RIGHT THING !
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Have you walked up those 20 stories via the stairs? I knew about the different areas (Manhattan, Brooklin, Bronx, Queens, etc) I spoke about NYC in general. At some point in time it had the highest skyscrappers in the world.
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Have you walked up those 20 stories via the stairs? I knew about the different areas (Manhattan, Brooklin, Bronx, Queens, etc) I spoke about NYC in general. At some point in time it had the highest skyscrappers in the world.

I have NOT ever walked the stairs ...the building is maintained well and in my over 30 years of living here i can honestly say that i have no intention of ever leaving...My 3 children were all raised and schooled in the area...all went on to be professionals except for my MIDDLE child who will soon be a Mom with a husband that islike hitting the jackpot...a Fine GOOD family man and Father for the 3rd time...babe expected in a week or 2...she has a f/t job dealing with her kids...most notably her SON..My Grandson...ANGELO (no Italian heritage in either parent) ..go figure..i call him..ANG...i like your "SKYCRAPPERS !) i agree..i avoid Manhattan and am happy living here Where i just returned home from Flying my EVO in Forest Park...Right out of my building...in less than 10 minutes i was zippin...sadly,overcast...wind not too bad but still fun for me...as i sit here typing i see a hazy NYC skyline out my dining room window...better from afar...beautiful from miles away...whenever i have to cross into Manhattan ISLAND....i usually am focusing on finishing my business quickly and then ..Quickly...turn around and get the F OUT !
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I have NOT ever walked the stairs ...the building is maintained well and in my over 30 years of living here i can honestly say that i have no intention of ever leaving...My 3 children were all raised and schooled in the area...all went on to be professionals except for my MIDDLE child who will soon be a Mom with a husband that islike hitting the jackpot...a Fine GOOD family man and Father for the 3rd time...babe expected in a week or 2...she has a f/t job dealing with her kids...most notably her SON..My Grandson...ANGELO (no Italian heritage in either parent) ..go figure..i call him..ANG...i like your "SKYCRAPPERS !) i agree..i avoid Manhattan and am happy living here Where i just returned home from Flying my EVO in Forest Park...Right out of my building...in less than 10 minutes i was zippin...sadly,overcast...wind not too bad but still fun for me...as i sit here typing i see a hazy NYC skyline out my dining room window...better from afar...beautiful from miles away...whenever i have to cross into Manhattan ISLAND....i usually am focusing on finishing my business quickly and then ..Quickly...turn around and get the F OUT !
Congrats on your soon to be born grandchild.
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Congrats on your soon to be born grandchild.

Thank you my friend...my kid looks like a mess...2 kids to eyeball AT ALL TIMES...specially my GrandSON .. a pain in the butt breaking balls and getting into EVERYTHING at the worst time...another week or so he will be nuzzling up with the new babe and all will be well...Life is GOOD
  • Haha
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Took Evo out for a blast in beautiful weather here in NYC

the Park i was flying at was JAMMED...multiple BB games..Soccer..Moms + Dads and their kids all out on this very fine day yesterday

I'm doin the loop de loops...soaring high to where it was almost invisible then DOWN at an angle...Huge space...a fine sight...Up so high i was able to see the Empire State Building (10 ?) mils away

i didn't know that i was running out of gas...i was caught up in the moment..

THEN...i have in 40/50 ft away...6 feet off the ground...and it starts with the Boing Boing...it was idling...just hanging in the air

It suddenly starts UP..Quick...i see it and i am..What the ?...i walk over (it is at my height) and i keep pulling DOWN on the controller....it keeps going UP

Up/Down..1 minute...i am freaking out a bit...THEN..i notice it went into RTH mode (i noticed it on the controller screen)


I stop trying to keep it down and it zooms up..WAY up...and goes into the RTH thing...landed exactly where we started

A sudden RUSH...and then...Ahhhhh...rth kicked in because the battery power was down to 13 % (i am ASSUMING that was why it jerked up and down like i described)...Sound true ? Thanks ALL..Martin/NYC

Check your RTH altitude. Also adjust your low battery threshold to leave you more reserve. My low battery threshold is set to 27% , rth altitude is set to 400ft.
We don't watch soccer mums in Melbourne. This is why !

Man slapped with a $1,000 fine after he crashed a drone into Melbourne's Eureka Tower
  • The man was flying the drone in January when it crashed into the Eureka Tower
  • He was issued with a $1000 fine by Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  • Another man was hit with two $900 fines for crashing a drone into farmland
We don't watch soccer mums in Melbourne. This is why !

Man slapped with a $1,000 fine after he crashed a drone into Melbourne's Eureka Tower
  • The man was flying the drone in January when it crashed into the Eureka Tower
  • He was issued with a $1000 fine by Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  • Another man was hit with two $900 fines for crashing a drone into farmland
All you have to do is not crash while watching soccer moms. Either that or Melbourne men should practice in their soccer mom watching skills.
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This post is probably the funniest and most intriguing one of them all on this forum! LOL!!!

Cutting to the chase, the symptom you've described sounds like RTH kicked in at the same as you were in the middle of landing. In other words, if you hadn't landed, your Evo might would have just activated the RTH feature (i.e. flying to whatever height currently set in the settings menu; mine is set to 400ft).

If you are still taking suggestions, I would simply verify and understand when and the altitude the RTH is set to activate on your drone. Then, instead of drooling over the soccer, joggin, strollin moms in that park, just watch your flight time vs battery life and put your dick back in your pants... I mean... bring your drone back home say a couple of minutes before that mark! It is obvious that the drone was ignoring your Boing Boing while it was doing its Boing Boing... (BTW, what the heck is a BOING BOING?!)

This post is probably the funniest and most intriguing one of them all on this forum! LOL!!!

Cutting to the chase, the symptom you've described sounds like RTH kicked in at the same as you were in the middle of landing. In other words, if you hadn't landed, your Evo might would have just activated the RTH feature (i.e. flying to whatever height currently set in the settings menu; mine is set to 400ft).

If you are still taking suggestions, I would simply verify and understand when and the altitude the RTH is set to activate on your drone. Then, instead of drooling over the soccer, joggin, strollin moms in that park, just watch your flight time vs battery life and put your dick back in your pants... I mean... bring your drone back home say a couple of minutes before that mark! It is obvious that the drone was ignoring your Boing Boing while it was doing its Boing Boing... (BTW, what the heck is a BOING BOING?!)


Seems that everyone else got ...BOING BOING and its meaning except you...bouncing up and down like a ball...a coil or a spring does a BOING BOING motion as it releases pressure and regains it...a bunny rabbit's hop could seem to boing boing...it is simple and all was explained to me weeks ago when i first posted this...i was running out of battery power and the RTH kicked in and i (not being an experienced flier) was shocked...i was worried that it might hurt someone...i had no control..it was frightening !...THEN i looked at the controller and saw that it was acting as it should..the RTH was kicking in,as it should have, and i then stopped trying to force it DOWN which made the up and down affect..aka...Boing Boing...and spare me any suggestions about WHO i look at and what i do with my DICK...i don't know you from a hole in the ground and i consider your PERSONAL remarks offensive...keep the focus on the details of FLYING...NOTHING personal but so very LAME...GUY IN A HELMET...
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Only going by what people post on the various forums NYC is pretty much a total NFZ. I hope you are checking to see if you are flying in a area that it is legal to do so. Ending up with a ticket and or court costs is not much fun :)

WHEN i fly at home..NYC...i fly ONLY in NYC Parks...never elsewhere in the limits of NYC...Flying in NYC Parks is legal...anywhere else it is not...when i visit UPSTATE NY,i fly in wilderness like areas...once again,LEGAL...i checked the flying regulations of NYC long ago before i picked up my Evo habit...It is LEGAL to fly a drone in any and all NYC PARKS...and the SIZE of the parks are substantial...i have mentioned before that i live adjacent to FOREST PARK...out my windows of my 20 story Apartment Condo building there are 538 acres of heavily wooded and also semi cleared land,along with Soccer fields...Football fields etc. (handball court etc...ALL legal and i use the park constantly...there are hiking trails within that go deep int to the park and there is SILENCE...a RARE thing in NYC
WHEN i fly at home..NYC...i fly ONLY in NYC Parks...never elsewhere in the limits of NYC...Flying in NYC Parks is legal...anywhere else it is not...when i visit UPSTATE NY,i fly in wilderness like areas...once again,LEGAL...i checked the flying regulations of NYC long ago before i picked up my Evo habit...It is LEGAL to fly a drone in any and all NYC PARKS...and the SIZE of the parks are substantial...i have mentioned before that i live adjacent to FOREST PARK...out my windows of my 20 story Apartment Condo building there are 538 acres of heavily wooded and also semi cleared land,along with Soccer fields...Football fields etc. (handball court etc...ALL legal and i use the park constantly...there are hiking trails within that go deep int to the park and there is SILENCE...a RARE thing in NYC

Here are the details of the legality of Drone flying in NYC

The best parks to fly your drone in NYC (without getting a ticket)
Ya I see that New York City specifically has a number of Model Aircraft Fields that are legal to fly in. Other than the areas listed below, you are not allowed to fly a drone anywhere else in the city:
Calvert Vaux
Marine Park
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Forest Park
La Tourette Park (Greenbelt)

State Parks seem to be hit or miss and may require a permit from what I have read.
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Ya I see that New York City specifically has a number of Model Aircraft Fields that are legal to fly in. Other than the areas listed below, you are not allowed to fly a drone anywhere else in the city:
Calvert Vaux
Marine Park
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Forest Park
La Tourette Park (Greenbelt)

State Parks seem to be hit or miss and may require a permit from what I have read.

YES...nowhere else in NYC...Flushing Meadows Park...i forgot that gem,i must fly there

Ample,substantial room for all who love to fly....thousands of acres...less than a mile from me (the site of the NY World's Fair 64/65 ) Flushing Meadows park...almost a thousand acres of open park space...Shea Stadium (renamed Citi Field..and we are not happy about the new name...BTW,i saw the BEATLES there in 64/65 ? when it was SHEA STADIUM !Flushing Meadows park is A grand open space for city dwellers who can stretch out without having to drive hours away to exercise and enjoy all it has to offer

Flushing Meadows–Corona Park - Wikipedia

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