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DJI Mavic 3 "Leaks" On the Verge - Dual Cameras / 46min flight time / M4/3 Sensor / Apple ProRes

Hasselblad is nothing but the color science and a label for marketing purposes. Autel has plenty of edge, being in that the sensor is the same as the Sony RX100 v7
wait so you are saying Apple Retina screen is just marketing LOL they really didnt make a screen from Pixie dust
That's going to be difficult this time. DJI has over 8,000 engineers on staff, all constantly working on R&D, and they keep raising the bar! The Hasselblad purchase gave DJI a new edge in the camera realm. Unless Autel Robotics suddenly buys Sony, Canon, or Nikon, DJI will continue to stay at least one step ahead! DJI has to create it before Autel Robotics can copy it and tweak it. ;)
Well... Autel can skip the gimmicky zoom lens and concentrate on the main camera for the win. The EVO 3 leaks indicate a 1.4 inch Supersense model which would make it the largest sensor consumer drone available. If that camera also packs a higher megapixel count and a real 6k to 8k video resolution then Autel will have something they can hang their hat on.
Well... Autel can skip the gimmicky zoom lens and concentrate on the main camera for the win. The EVO 3 leaks indicate a 1.4 inch Supersense model which would make it the largest sensor consumer drone available. If that camera also packs a higher megapixel count and a real 6k to 8k video resolution then Autel will have something they can hang their hat on.

That sensor size is completely confusing to me, there is no current sensor size with that dimension that I am aware of so I really wonder if this isn't some kind of gimmick and its really just a m4/3" sensor on steriods in some way. Technically I guess you could say a M4/3" sensor is 1.333" but the next step up from that is usually an APS-C sensor size.

I am curious as well regarding who is making the sensor, I doubt Sony would make a custom sensor size like this just for Autel drones.
That sensor size is completely confusing to me, there is no current sensor size with that dimension that I am aware of so I really wonder if this isn't some kind of gimmick and its really just a m4/3" sensor on steriods in some way.
I agree that this is an anomaly, being just slightly different in size from the m4/3 camera. There is already a Micro 4/3 version rumored as well so this should be an entirely different model if it ever comes to fruition. Its all vapor at this point anyway.

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