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Do any.of you actually like the Nano+?


Oct 18, 2022
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It seems this sub is full of complaints about autel products. I've never seen so many people crash their consumer drones, FPV quad yes but consumer camera drones. You don't even read this many crashes with people using cheaper quads like Fimi. I want to think some is operator error.
  • Haha
Reactions: agrofactory
It seems this sub is full of complaints about autel products. I've never seen so many people crash their consumer drones, FPV quad yes but consumer camera drones. You don't even read this many crashes with people using cheaper quads like Fimi. I want to think some is operator error.
As usual, nobody logs in to a forum to share their positive/boring non-issues.

My Nano+ is doing fine. It fulfills all of my requirements. Could it be "better"? Yeah, of course it could. Nothing is perfect.

Meanwhile I'm happy to share my experiences and swap any hints and tips.
Its good to hear some enjoy it. I'm coming from mostly fpv world, I do have a fimi x8 which is awesome for the price but I need a sub 250g with no nfz and autel seems to have to best camera.
I have been pretty happy with my Nano+. I have never lost GPS lock, signal lock on to the controller, no corrupted videos, no battery failures or fly-aways. I am slowly gaining confidence in using it as I should be able to since there is no reason why it should suddenly fail (although obviously others have had it happen) so I am still more hesitant than I should be. I love that I don't have to deal with unlocking areas I need to fly in. The photo and video quality of the Nano+ is amazing and its low-light capabilities are surprisingly good. It handles wind quite well in spite of its size.

NOT Bad for a straight out of the camera JPEG with very low ambient light (all the streetlights have already turned on).

My only real negative issue was once when the gimbal started hanging crooked and off-horizontal all of a sudden mid-flight. I recalibrated the IMU, Compass and Gimble and everything returned to normal.

Of course I am upset that Autel took forever to implement some promised features and then phoned-them-in (i.e. - tracking).

I despise how Autel ALWAYS insultingly over-promises and under-delivers on battery life (but so do ALL Chinese drone Manufacturers to their shame).

I don't like that I have to take off before adjusting some settings, wasting valuable flight time in the menus.

Autel has yet to open up it's skd system so we can use third party mapping software on their little drones as has DJI, making real-estate mapping much easier in Europe.

As a photographer and videographer, the video images are great but the lack of input dampening capability makes it more challenging to coordinate smooth video movement on some axis. I'm not sure why a simple hand-held gimbal can affect smooth movement on all axis and yet a drone mounted gimble on the Nano+ can be so uneven in it's movements that you have to train your brain and fingers to compensate for what the computer should already compensate for. The DJI is a more well-rounded flight and video experience.

I purchased (more expensive than the competition) the Nano+ from Autel because I believe in giving the underdog a chance to step up and create truly amazing products. Multiple manufacturers in the same field drives innovation and spurs experimentation. Unfortunately, I do believe Autel has chosen to move slower than I expected, making minor upgrades rather than technology pushing changes. Had they beat DJI by releasing the sdk to their sub-250gr drone to third parties, they could have swept the market share. Their Nano+ camera was better than the competition, but they hesitated and didn't round out the overall flight experience before releasing it. If they had been the first to offer mapping capabilities in the sub-250gr market, again they could have cleaned up! But no, they release the most basic firmware changes, with poorer than the competition upgrades and continue to hobble the sub-250gr line while DJI is empowering it. Had they opened up their pro controller to be used with the sub-250gr drones for more professional work (even though it cost more than the drone!) I would have purchased it! But no, they rested on their laurels until DJI came offered it first and then even came out with a mini-pro-controller before they even moved so I still have to futz with a second cellphone to fly the Nano+.

I get it, DJI is a much big company with a larger cash-flow and a larger staff. But it appears to me, Autel could have grabbed a much larger market-share if they had opened up the capabilities of their sub-250gr line earlier (with all it's faults) they could have swept the board. By risking a few Autel EVO Pro sales, they could have taken the entire small drone mapping/inspection/SAR component from DJI by enabling everything on their sub-250gr drones. Ok, before anyone flames out at me, I know the processing power is reduced because of the weight restrictions, but I don't care if using the slower sub-250gr chip to do my mapping results in longer time on site, I still want the ability to complete the tasks albeit slower than the big guys.

Certain companies have done this successfully, introducing innovative and highly competitive and capable products that could cannibalize their higher end products and have changed the face of their industries. In July 2008 Nikon released the D700 digital SLR that is still seen as one of the best and most iconic modern cameras Nikon has introduced in the last two decades. They packed most of the capabilities of their professional D3 camera into a smaller, but rugged D700 body. Did they lose some D3 sales, yes, but although I never would have purchased a D3, I have bought three D700s along with their grips and flash system totaling more than the cost of two D3 cameras. So many of my photographer friends did the same! They changed the industry for over 10 years and created a new niche in the market. If ony Autel would do the same!

So yes, I am pleased with the Nano+, I even like its orange color!
EVO 2 and have only crashed it once, found out it doesn't see power lines very well. So I just watch for power lines or fly higher and all is good.
As a photographer and videographer, the video images are great but the lack of input dampening capability makes it more challenging to coordinate smooth video movement on some axis.

Compared to the Autel Evo, the Nano+ motions are more damped. I can get fine control of camera pitch, and very fine control of yaw. Perhaps you can adjust the stick deflection curve or the rotation speed to better fit your preferences.

You also claimed they would have 'swept the market' by releasing the SDK. I disagree: they released the SDK for Evo 1 and to my knowledge nobody made a single useful thing with it.
I also love my Nano+ :)
The low light video quality is great!
The tracking update is less than stellar in performance but I hope they are still working on it.
I'm also a bit concerned about all the posts where the "drop from the sky", not sure what to think about it.

I am the OP of the Evo II Pro “falling from the skies”. Unfortunately, this is still a problem , even with brand new batteries, bought directly from Autel Robotics, latest firmware across the board, and documented flight logs confirming normal data, temps, balanced battery cells, normal voltages, etc etc. I have forwarded this to Autel and after much back and forth they did at least give me a “discount” on the purchase of a new Evo II pro 6k to replace the one that did fall from the sky into a lake I was filming in preparation for a client. But even after a brand new E26k AND brand new batteries purchased from Autel Robotics directly, I still experience unpredictable loss of battery performance from my new E2P6K and new battery. I have the flight logs showing degradation of new battery and my new drone going from 80% on my property and plummeting in 16 seconds to “forced landing” mode due to less than 15% battery charge left. 16 seconds, flying at modest speed of 250-300 feet AGL in no winds / very light winds, 70F ambient temps and battery temps less than 102F?!?! All battery cells less than 0.01v differential, etc. I luckily did this test on my property over grass and pasture.

The reason for this post is that I also at that same time of buying that replacement E2 P6K, I also bought a brand new nano + with brand new batteries and after confirming upgraded firmware the very first two flights of mine and I’ll + within three seconds of lift off from the ground on my property you know literally flew directly into my house on two separate occasions. The first occasion only broke a propeller and after replacement of that propeller second flight did the same thing. However Autel did stand behind the product and send me a new nano + only charging me tax for my state and the past 10 flights have been perfect.

The nano + does have problems with the gimbal sometimes getting stuck in an off level position, but otherwise so far so good!

I want to post this because I agree that the Nano+ so far with the recent upgrade of firmware is stable, battery life is as expected (24 minutes real world) and so far other than gimbal issues rarely and the first Nano + having some sort of hardware IMU problem, I trust my Nano, WAY more than either my E2P6K OR my Evo II 640T. Because of the Evo II battery problem. They still do “fall from the skies”. Not pilot error, NOT improper battery prep or maintenance, but as I have repeatedly stated there is some sort of battery manufacturer problem and/or firmware problem of battery management software/firmware.

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