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Evo release date?

Seriously? I think you have it backwards. DJI is who is concerned with AR, not the other way around. LOL

Since the Evo announcement, DJI has come out with 2 and preparing for a 3rd, drones. They didn't do this before the Evo was announced. Seems DJI is shoveling product into the market even if it isn't ready, and, after reading some posts, that is my take on it anyway.

Then you have DJI with their latest announcement and using the slogan, "Evolve with us" is a direct dig at AR, which is leading me to believe DJI is more concerned with AR than AR is concerned with DJI. Otherwise, AR would be shoveling half baked product into the market.

DJI is the biggest, but AR is most desirable. And therein lies the rub. :cool:
I agree. Competition is healthy in any arena. Most innovative ideas are born in competitive environments... Autel has made DJI better, even their customer service has improved...kinda sorta...
The question remains has it made Autel better.

The industry leader has moved forward.
I'm at FDIC in Indy and Autel is here saying it will be coming out in a couple weeks. What they are displaying is everything they have said from the beginning as far as Specs, technology, flight time, range, etc...evo.jpg
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Ask Autel what comes AFTER the Evo? an Evo with 1" sensor? or a XSP2 like what DJI is doing with the Phantom 5? Ask them what comes next....

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