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FAA Release NEW rules for UAS Operations

my "understanding", the AC already transmits the information since i have it displayed on the RC/smart device. seems "law enforcement", with some OEM SW tweaks could have all the same info. Gov'mnt being Gov'mnt needs to add more ^&** to impress the boss, efficiency be damned
The thing is yes, drone has 1-to-1 connection with RC and transmits data, including current position. This is most likely unencrypted connection, it can be hacked to ears drop or take full control of the drone. There are companies which sell such equipment. (It was in the news a few years back) But.. this is specific for each manufacturer and drone model. I'm sure such equipment is used for high-security targets. Most aircrafts do not have it, that's why standard transmitter is needed.

Question: do new rules make exceptions for old and DIY drones? They were in proposal, not sure about final version.

Would be nice to the list of 'free' zones available to public, not just club members.
I was thinking, what happens when you forget to turn off the black box, you're zippin down the highway heading home, inside a highly restrictive zone, I pictured an OJ Bronco moment, more likely a swat team in helicopters :cool:
excellent video from 51drones. it will be impossible for local law enforcement to understand all the drones rules so my suggestion would be to prepare yourself for the possibility of an investigation (instead of the education route) and what you would do based on the laws in your state. for some people this is an easy answer. you can be sure law enforcement will either not know what is legal or won't care so you need to prepare accordingly.

in my opinion, remote id broadcast isn't a big deal. when you stand out there in the open wearing a yellow vest gazing off into the sky, the people that you attract will probably be the same amount regardless whether you broadcast your details or not. for me, it's has always been a low risk endeavor (I'm not very approachable) and I don't see it increasing just because I'm sending up smoke signals. I hate to say it but I really feel the theft factor is a little bit overblown as it is being portrayed. I've always been "prepared" so unfortunately it might be finally time for the rest of you guys to join the club; sorry. the thief still has to spot and size up his prey and even today, you can open up airmap and look for the icons and off you go, hoping to get lucky.
agreed, great info. So will Jay Q Public just "magically" see the data, or do they have to find and app to find us?
@claudius62 has a post over at the Yuneec forums. He said they have the RID since December. Perhaps he can chime in and give us a run down on how it works.

Actually it's not as bad as I feared. RID is required to broadcast on WiFi or Bluetooth. The range depends on the power, and it's measured in meters for BT. About 10-20, less than 100 definitely. Probably nobody will get it from 400 feet. For WF it's longer, but still, if it's a long range flight someone around you will be able to get it only for a short time after launch and before landing. Did I understand it correctly it's either WF or BT, not both at the same time? Then I'll opt for BT version. :) Probably wrapped in copper foil. I expect WF+BT jammers will become popular
Actually it's not as bad as I feared. RID is required to broadcast on WiFi or Bluetooth. The range depends on the power, and it's measured in meters for BT. About 10-20, less than 100 definitely. Probably nobody will get it from 400 feet. For WF it's longer, but still, if it's a long range flight someone around you will be able to get it only for a short time after launch and before landing. Did I understand it correctly it's either WF or BT, not both at the same time? Then I'll opt for BT version. :) Probably wrapped in copper foil. I expect WF+BT jammers will become popular
I also disagree with the assertion that a drone without a readily discernible broadcast is a suspicious drone and ultimately subjected to additional scrutiny. I completely disagree that citizens will be calling 911 to report unidentified ghost drones. obviously you'll want to blame BT or WF but you should never "tamper" with or play with jammers which could escalate the situation.

imagine this, you are standing in a field flying your drone and a police officer pulls up in the parking lot and observes from a distance (happened to me). he clearly can see you are droning but he hasn't spotted your drone. so he whips out his mobile phone and fires up his "drone app" and attempt to locate and the app returns "no data found." all of a sudden your drone comes in for a landing. at this point, does officer have RAS to approach you AND place you under investigative detention? obviously he can contact you and ask why he can't see the drone you are flying but....

anyway, not going to happen in my state but will be interesting to see the case law that develops from the few interactions that go sideways.
I also disagree with the assertion that a drone without a readily discernible broadcast is a suspicious drone and ultimately subjected to additional scrutiny. I completely disagree that citizens will be calling 911 to report unidentified ghost drones. obviously you'll want to blame BT or WF but you should never "tamper" with or play with jammers which could escalate the situation.
The range is limited anyway. No more than a mile for cellphone WiFi. Most likely times less even without any mods and interference. Anyway, it was written by trumpists in a hurry, may change under Biden like other regulations.
I also disagree with the assertion that a drone without a readily discernible broadcast is a suspicious drone and ultimately subjected to additional scrutiny. I completely disagree that citizens will be calling 911 to report unidentified ghost drones. obviously you'll want to blame BT or WF but you should never "tamper" with or play with jammers which could escalate the situation.

imagine this, you are standing in a field flying your drone and a police officer pulls up in the parking lot and observes from a distance (happened to me). he clearly can see you are droning but he hasn't spotted your drone. so he whips out his mobile phone and fires up his "drone app" and attempt to locate and the app returns "no data found." all of a sudden your drone comes in for a landing. at this point, does officer have RAS to approach you AND place you under investigative detention? obviously he can contact you and ask why he can't see the drone you are flying but....

anyway, not going to happen in my state but will be interesting to see the case law that develops from the few interactions that go sideways.
Stuff like this is why I hat flying around people. Though I have never had an issue still do not like it.
As Agustine mentioned, I replied on a post on the Yunnec forum, owning an H520 too.
Faced with your current problem, In Europe, it is already compulsory (although the police do not yet have the reception and verification equipment and will not have it for about six months).
We see here how far the stupidity of governments can reach (not to say another word).
Here is the post put:
We have this system operational since December 29 in Europe and mainly in France where it is now mandatory. You just need to add a box on the drone. This box transmits information (like yours) every three seconds from take-off to landing.
It transmits in 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi on a channel dedicated to all the beacons which is channel 6, ie 2.437 Ghz.
You have to turn on the beacon, wait for it to capture the sats and then turn on the drone which will look for the free channel to make the connection.
This order of connection is very important to prevent the beacon from disturbing the drone during transmission.
I had to buy a beacon for the Evo and which will also be used for the H520 since with us, they are of the same weight class.
My Mavic 2 Pro did not need a beacon since DJI integrated it into its drones which have the Occusyncrome 2.
The beacon that I have is only 15 grams battery included and is not too disabling.

The beacon is autonomous. It can transmit for 5 hours and has a "Theoretical" range of 1 km.
There is no point in giving links, these beacons are made for Europe and, for other countries outside Europe, either that the transmission mode will not be the same, or the transmission channel will not be on the same frequency (not modifiable).
We do have to use remote ID in France, mandatory since begining of 2021 and then it will be everywhere in Europe.

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