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Kestrel Limitations


Active Member
Mar 11, 2017
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Petersburg, TN
Is the Kestril bound by the same regulations as the X-Star type drones?

If so how will it even be of any use beyond the xstar? At 40mph it will quickly be out of sight so will Autel hard code the rules into the new aircraft limiting range and altitude?

"The FAA's 624-page rulebook allows commercial drones weighing up to 55 pounds to fly during daylight hours and lower than 400 feet in the air, or higher if within 400 feet of a taller building or tower. The aircraft must remain within sight of the operator or an observer who is in communication with the operator.

The rules govern commercial flights, such as for aerial photography or utilities inspection."
From what I think I understand about it, the Kestrel five kg or about 11 pound version will stay in the air for about two hours. It will likely be able to carry a much larger and heavier payload, including all kinds of instrumentation for more capabilities and more serious, intense applications. With more time in the air, it could complete in one autonomous, easy flight what a half dozen a typical quad copter would require.
Hey Mapper, i saw a post by you in the past regarding software you were using to capture raw image data. Can you tell me anything more about that?
Raw image data is manufacturer specific and also camera specific in some cases. For The translation and manipulation of raw data I use 1 of three pieces of software;
Nikon Capture NX-D
Photo Shop (full version I think) I am using the old PS2
Corel Paint Shop Pro X9

Photo shop is my preferred but i have an old version and it is becoming obsolete. Photo Shop has gone to a monthly subscription and is cloud based. You never own the software. I do not agree with that sales approach and so I don't subscribe.

Corel Paint Shop Pro has come a long way over the past few years and has much if not all the functionality of photo shop. Price is economical.

Nikon Capture only supports Nikon family of cameras and Image format.
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