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Nano Plus vs DJI Air 2s Video Quality [small preview]


Active Member
Oct 13, 2021
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So this video is from Autel Israel [they not real Autel but their official distributor]
The video is clearly a re-post because its from China, thats a known building in the video, i seen it bunch of times in different videos.

Here is the link
Quality of the camera means just about as much as size so this is an entirely possible result. Air 2S has a more traditional large pixel 20mp camera vs the Nano+ has a Quad Bayer 50mp Sony IM700 RYYB with 12mp output. I will have to see some honest reviews and images instead of one cherry picked one before passing judgement.

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Quality of the camera means just about as much as size so this is an entirely possible result. Air 2S has a more traditional large pixel 20mp camera vs the Nano+ has a Quad Bayer 50mp Sony IM700 RYYB with 12mp output. I will have to see some honest reviews and images instead of one cherry picked one before passing judgement.

If this is true, and people are ok with 4K/30fps [Im ok if video is good] then its going to be insanely good sub 250 gram drone.
What scares me, is that i watched YT videos that show Autel software is borderline broken, someone tried all the tracking features for DAYS, Boats, Cars, Tractors, Buses and it losses the tracked vehicles in second or outright wont pick it up.

He has one with a passenger boat, he marks it and the tracking lost imedietly, he marks again and its lost again and so on.
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If this is true, and people are ok with 4K/30fps [Im ok if video is good] then its going to be insanely good sub 250 gram drone.
What scares me is that i watch YT videos that Autel software is borderline broken, someone tried all the tracking features for DAYS, Boats, Cars, Tractors, Buses and it losses the tracked vehicles in second or outright dont pick it up.

He has one with passenger boat, he marks it and the tracking lost timidity, he marks again and its lost again and so on
Yes they really need to step it up on the software side. Good hardware will mean nothing if it can't be reliably used.

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