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Not going to buy any more Autels

UPDATE: After further experimentation, I was able to bring my dead/damaged batteries back to life. What didn't work was holding the battery LED buttons down for 30secs and then leaving them on charge for 24hrs (two failed attempts). What DID work was holding the buttons down for 60secs and then leaving the batteries on charge for 3 days* (one attempt). I have just been out flying with both these batteries and they are as good as new. (I don't know if two days would have been enough because I forgot about them and didn't test at that time.)

It is worrying that Autel support didn't know that this extended routine might work - or more likely chose not to share this fix with me. Delighted as I am to get my batteries back, I am now even more disappointed with Autel than I was before - and that was barely possible.
Congratulations! That’s terrific news, now you’re back to four batteries again that’s a sign of relief.

This bringing back dead batteries method of yours apparently worked, hopefully others out there with Evo 1 dead batteries will read your post.

Congrats again!
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@ted1970 @jlanni I get your concerns and I know that being on the receiving end of this situation is frustrating to say the least, but your expectations and comparisons to DJI just aren't realistic.

DJI has a market cap of 10T to Autels 30B; that's over 300x larger than Autel. There is no third party vendor who is going to make parts or recycle batteries for older Autel models.....they would never recoup their original investment. Just like Autel is not going to keep supporting products that they can't make a profit off of, no business would last for long if they did this. Even cars typically only come with a 3yr warranty and they cost many times what a drone cost.

I have been running various businesses for over 10yrs now; I look at the business side of it and I knew going into this that I was buying into a niche drone system whose only real advantage over DJI was the lack of geofencing. This is also why I would never buy the smart controller, any batteries that I don't need, and any accessories that I don't need; instead of being mad at Autel you could just sell all of your current gear and buy the latest model which is what I am going to do when it comes out, or sure you could go to the DJI camp but I can tell you it has horrendous downsides of its own such as geofencing and very invasive data collection practices.

On the one hand you are going to reap the benefits of buying into a much larger ecosystem and on the other hand you are also going to encounter the downsides as well. For some of us like myself, those downsides outweighed the benefits in the end. Personally I lost a DJI Mavic Pro due to a glitch on their geofencing software that force landed it in the ocean.
I might be wrong about this, but I believe Autel is also now on the geofencing bandwagon. I can totally understand geofencing from a safety to manned aviation feature, but how they (DJI, Autel, whoever) incorporate it is horrible when they have planes crashing themselves in the ocean and landing behind fences. I don't see why they don't simply treat the geofence as an invisible wall so a pilot could at least stand off or turn around and return home. Sorry to hear about your drone.
At least you didn't buy yours 3 days before the announcement like I did... It didn't bother me that much at first since I was coming from a 3dr Solo... Now I'm bummed since there isn't any aftermarket support at all... Now I'm in a worse boat, At least with the solo there are individuals making all kinds of components to keep them going and improve them. If your Gimble goes out there are after market ones that can actually be adapted to it and will allow you to move to the latest version of version of the GoPro. If you have a Gimble or camera issue with an Evo one you're screwed unless you're able to find somebody with a crashed 1 that didn't break theirs.It's just kind of a bummer I was happy to be somewhere where I thought I would at least be able to get manufacturer support for a little while I was not expecting it forever but at least longer than the period of time that I have it. I guess I will be looking elsewhere in the future.
Yeah. Sorry man. It's a shame. It's a good drone! Pick up a used battery or two and just keep flying i guess until you can't get any more viable batteries. I wish there was a drone (consumer) that took lipo batteries like I use in my RC planes. Cheap, plentiful, and non-proprietary. Anyone ever try modding one to accept generic Lipos?
So I looked and now the Autel Robotics website doesn't even list the Evo 1 under the support area for info -- or anywhere else except for a few old accessories. It's just like Marty McFly when his dad, George, almost didn't kiss his mom at the 1955 Under the Sea dance! Erased... from existence....
Couldn't they have at least left the old stuff there? It's not like they had to create anything more, just leave the old documentation available. In some press release they note supporting the Evo 1 through 2022, but, funny 🤔, under the Technical Support page, there is no Evo 1 to click on to get to a Technical Support message screen.
Erased... from existence...💀
These are not the actions of a credible, responsible company. They seem to be playing the short game for short term cash - which suggests that they may not be around much longer.

My guess would be that they are either running out of cash or minimising their liabilities to make them appear a more viable buy-out.
These are not the actions of a credible, responsible company. They seem to be playing the short game for short term cash - which suggests that they may not be around much longer.

My guess would be that they are either running out of cash or minimising their liabilities to make them appear a more viable buy-out.
@YuKay I think you are correct. My 1st larger drone was the Yuneec H480 which I eventually had a Peau 3.97 lens installed in CGO3+ to get a better image. I bought the EVO1 and was amazed at the 1/2" sensors video quality. I have watched the EVO2 V1 V2 debacle as I was looking for a 1" sensor as I shoot cameras with them or M4/3 on my ground rigs. After considering the 2 PRO I decided that with the smart controller and the drone 3 battery package I would end up spending $3,000.00 with no guarantee that Autel would support this for any length of time . I just purchased a "new" tried and true Typhoon H Plus with a 1" sensor, built in 7" monitor in the hefty controller, 3 batteries, case, DY5 charger etc. for under $2,000.00. 3rd party batteries are available and all of the early problems with it have been corrected and there is service and support 40 miles from my location. Needless to say it out flies the EVO as a hex, has 5 motor failsafe and the picture quality at 4K60 is absolutely beautiful.
I still dig flying the EVO 1 and have 5 batteries that still function. When they fail it's over. I really don't want to spend time chasing used batteries for a 3 year old drone and am gun shy, as far as Autel goes, do to their lack of support for older models which at some point the EVO 2 will be.
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@YuKay I think you are correct. My 1st larger drone was the Yuneec H480 which I eventually had a Peau 3.97 lens installed in CGO3+ to get a better image. I bought the EVO1 and was amazed at the 1/2" sensors video quality. I have watched the EVO2 V1 V2 debacle as I was looking for a 1" sensor as I shoot cameras with them or M4/3 on my ground rigs. After considering the 2 PRO I decided that with the smart controller and the drone 3 battery package I would end up spending $3,000.00 with no guarantee that Autel would support this for any length of time . I just purchased a "new" tried and true Typhoon H Plus with a 1" sensor, built in 7" monitor in the hefty controller, 3 batteries, case, DY5 charger etc. for under $2,000.00. 3rd party batteries are available and all of the early problems with it have been corrected and there is service and support 40 miles from my location. Needless to say it out flies the EVO as a hex, has 5 motor failsafe and the picture quality at 4K60 is absolutely beautiful.
I still dig flying the EVO 1 and have 5 batteries that still function. When they fail it's over. I really don't want to spend time chasing used batteries for a 3 year old drone and am gun shy, as far as Autel goes, do to their lack of support for older models which at some point the EVO 2 will be.
Yes, Jim, if the H Plus can now pan smoothly [it couldn't two years ago which is the main reason I decided on an EVO 4K instead] then I too will be buying Typhoon when my EVO can no longer be kept aloft. It's a tragedy though because Autel worked some unique magic to get sensational 4K imagery out of that ½" sensor and I loved them for it. But once bitten, twice shy so I will sink no more of my capital into a company which doesn't support its products or its userbase responsibly.
Yes, Jim, if the H Plus can now pan smoothly [it couldn't two years ago which is the main reason I decided on an EVO 4K instead] then I too will be buying Typhoon when my EVO can no longer be kept aloft. It's a tragedy though because Autel worked some unique magic to get sensational 4K imagery out of that ½" sensor and I loved them for it. But once bitten, twice shy so I will sink no more of my capital into a company which doesn't support its products or its userbase responsibly.
@YuKay The H Plus is capable of a smooth yaw (pan) it just takes a bit of getting used to the sticks. I had the same complaint about the EVO controller. I found by using my thumb at the base of the stick worked better than the end of the stick. Same with the H Plus.
It shoots excellent 4K video.
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@YuKay The H Plus is capable of a smooth yaw (pan) it just takes a bit of getting used to the sticks. I had the same complaint about the EVO controller. I found by using my thumb at the base of the stick worked better than the end of the stick. Same with the H Plus.
It shoots excellent 4K video.
I can only say that I viewed every available H Plus video over many months and never found one that was smooth enough for me to buy the drone even though I drooled over its form factor and RC. But maybe they just kept working on the firmware and tweaking the hardware because that's the best-looking H Plus footage I've ever seen.

Of course, I stopped watching once I had settled on the EVO so I have missed a couple of years of evolution. I will now go hunting for more because the H Plus looks like a great alternative for EVO refugees. And somehow, Yuneec are still going.

Thanks for posting it.
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I can only say that I viewed every available H Plus video over many months and never found one that was smooth enough for me to buy the drone even though I drooled over its form factor and RC. But maybe they just kept working on the firmware and tweaking the hardware because that's the best-looking H Plus footage I've ever seen.

Of course, I stopped watching once I had settled on the EVO so I have missed a couple of years of evolution. I will now go hunting for more because the H Plus looks like a great alternative for EVO refugees. And somehow, Yuneec are still going.

Thanks for posting it.
I suspect when the EVO 3 series drones are released they will be exceptional. I think there are 4 versions. The camera systems that are being advertised in this line i'm sure will please everyone. I just hope the flight performance is improved somewhat. Within the same class, Autel drones have always had better camera systems than DJI. DJI has always had better flight capability. Just my observations after owning both the Autel EVO2 and the Mavic 2 Pro.
I suspect when the EVO 3 series drones are released they will be exceptional. I think there are 4 versions. The camera systems that are being advertised in this line i'm sure will please everyone. I just hope the flight performance is improved somewhat. Within the same class, Autel drones have always had better camera systems than DJI. DJI has always had better flight capability. Just my observations after owning both the Autel EVO2 and the Mavic 2 Pro.
No doubt the EVO 3 will be exceptional - but for how long? Past form says that Autel will stop supporting them after a couple of years whereas the Typhoon H Plus still is still around after four years and may live for many years yet. Brilliant as Autel's drones are, the company won't be around much longer if they continue to abandon their customers at that rate. Not everyone is made of money.
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My Evo 1 has performed flawlessly so far, but I am so p-o-ed at Autel for discontinuing support already! It is absolutely ridiculous that you cannot continue to get batteries and spare props (either from Autel or from any third-party suppliers I am aware of) for a drone as relatively recent and capable as the Evo 1. Looking around, there is no problem getting supplies and equipment for DJI drones many years older than the Evo 1. Plus, there is a lot of third-party aftermarket equipment as well for DJI systems. And, for those who say I shouldn't complain because it's a few years old, I contend that, from a purely business sense, why the heck would I buy a new Autel Evo 2 when they will probably kill support for it in a few months or so whenever they come out with the Evo 3? People who buy $10,000 drones don't buy Evo's and most people who buy Evo's I'd wager do not want to shell out >$1000 to get a system you won't even be able to buy batteries for in a couple years!
It's not like I expected it to be supported for decades or anything, but I think being able to at least buy batteries and replacement props for more than three years is reasonable.
Needed to vent. Bye Bye Autel
p.s. I know DJI has the whole geofencing thing people go on about, but Autel has land-fencing. As in: you can't even take off without batteries and propellers! :mad:
p.p.s. Owning an Autel makes me feel like I'm on the Island of Misfit Toys! Which sucks, because I really like my Evo 1!!
I can relate, own the xstar and the EVO 1. Had my first battery failure on the EVO. Now there is no support and limited parts.to no parts
I can relate, own the xstar and the EVO 1. Had my first battery failure on the EVO. Now there is no support and limited parts.to no parts
I can get any parts and support for my DJI Phantom 3. Even have the phantom one. Was doing a repair and was able to get support from DJI, they even offered to fix it for me if I ran across something I could not do myself. That is how service should be. Why do people put up with drone companies that don’t back their product after 2 years. Autel drones are not cheap.
Greetings colleagues, I had a situation with my evo1 with the gimbal and I'm looking for another complete gimbal or the flexible roll plane, does anyone know where to get it or have it.


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I can get any parts and support for my DJI Phantom 3. Even have the phantom one. Was doing a repair and was able to get support from DJI, they even offered to fix it for me if I ran across something I could not do myself. That is how service should be. Why do people put up with drone companies that don’t back their product after 2 years. Autel drones are not cheap.
I'm also doing the same thing with my evo1. I have a problem getting a flexible plane for the gimbal that activates the roll and those I've contacted all tell me that you have to send it to autel when DJI sells you the spare parts or you get them from someone, They are not cheap at all and they are not flexible with which we have Autel drones to acquire spare parts.
Yes, Jim, if the H Plus can now pan smoothly [it couldn't two years ago which is the main reason I decided on an EVO 4K instead] then I too will be buying Typhoon when my EVO can no longer be kept aloft. It's a tragedy though because Autel worked some unique magic to get sensational 4K imagery out of that ½" sensor and I loved them for it. But once bitten, twice shy so I will sink no more of my capital into a company which doesn't support its products or its userbase responsibly.
hello colleagues, I changed my DJI MAVIC AIR1 for the AUTEL EVO1 because of the tremendous benefits but now that I need spare parts there is not only they have it and no one else it is a pity that being a tremendous drone to compete with DJI you cannot get spare parts like this You can't and I'm going to have to go back to DJI in due course and according to them the excuse is that they are not very big and the FAA regulations do not allow such sales.
My Evo 1 has performed flawlessly so far, but I am so p-o-ed at Autel for discontinuing support already! It is absolutely ridiculous that you cannot continue to get batteries and spare props (either from Autel or from any third-party suppliers I am aware of) for a drone as relatively recent and capable as the Evo 1. Looking around, there is no problem getting supplies and equipment for DJI drones many years older than the Evo 1. Plus, there is a lot of third-party aftermarket equipment as well for DJI systems. And, for those who say I shouldn't complain because it's a few years old, I contend that, from a purely business sense, why the heck would I buy a new Autel Evo 2 when they will probably kill support for it in a few months or so whenever they come out with the Evo 3? People who buy $10,000 drones don't buy Evo's and most people who buy Evo's I'd wager do not want to shell out >$1000 to get a system you won't even be able to buy batteries for in a couple years!
It's not like I expected it to be supported for decades or anything, but I think being able to at least buy batteries and replacement props for more than three years is reasonable.
Needed to vent. Bye Bye Autel
p.s. I know DJI has the whole geofencing thing people go on about, but Autel has land-fencing. As in: you can't even take off without batteries and propellers! :mad:
p.p.s. Owning an Autel makes me feel like I'm on the Island of Misfit Toys! Which sucks, because I really like my Evo 1!!
I packed it in a few months ago with Autel (EVO 2 PRO V1 owner). Oh, and, I love my new Mavic 3 ... Got my credit card ready for the M4 .....
I packed it in a few months ago with Autel (EVO 2 PRO V1 owner). Oh, and, I love my new Mavic 3 ... Got my credit card ready for the M4 .....
I have several DJIs and I changed one because of the EVO1 performance and I am partly sorry for having made the change and why if there are no spare parts anywhere and the mockery of my colleagues for having made the change since I can only fly it and that's it nothing of all photos and videos for the blessed flexible flat of the roll that nobody has only AUTEL.

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