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Randall Warnas quits Autel


Active Member
Mar 2, 2021
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So much promise and Randall confirmed Autel is just another Chinese monopoly with no desire to look out for their employees and one would reason, their customers.
I just read about it. Is sad to heard that because we were happy to have the CEO here in the forum and share our thoughts with him. Anyway, best wishes to Randall and just hope to continue to getting support from the new CEO @AutelCEO.
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I know the feeling, I was fired as a field Engineer when I stood up for un-just treatment of a fellow Engineer. I now work at the beerbaitNgas, fly, love life, it has a way of working out
Hi, IMO this is bad news for those expecting continued support for V1 versions of the EVO ll, Live Deck, and Smart Controller.
I agree it's not good news but I don't think it is necessarily bad news. he resigned but my equipment didn't resign; it works no matter who is in charge of the company. I still have a warranty and I still have care....so there's that. it is possible his promise was a personal promise rather than company promise and if so, all it will cost is a few extra $$$ I guess. let's just hope the forum (and the customers) can work their magic on the new ceo and keep the dream alive. it's not like randall was making a ridiculous promise that the new administration couldn't possible be expected to uphold. I know that's the way a few folks felt but I say let's wait and see...keep flying and enjoying the ancient v1 equipment in the meantime. honestly, you might not need the continuous handholding but simply just a hand when it comes time to making that expected leap.

for those who were expecting to just send in your perfectly good v1 drone and v1 sc and receive a brand new v2 drone and v2 sc in exchange for free, yeah I agree you can probably kiss... :)
Hi, IMO this is bad news for those expecting continued support for V1 versions of the EVO ll, Live Deck, and Smart Controller.
It certainly removes the person that provided us reassurance that we'd be support. All is now unknown as to what Autel Robotics intends to do for anyone with a V1 setup of the V1 Smart Controller and Evo II Airframe (I am one of many on this forum).

I messaged him on LinkedIn to wish him well. AR blew an opportunity to have a manager of product, distributors and consumers at their helm. Now we need to see of they are rudderless or being steered in a direction that is in everyone's interest.
I agree it's not good news but I don't think it is necessarily bad news. he resigned but my equipment didn't resign; it works no matter who is in charge of the company. I still have a warranty and I still have care....so there's that. it is possible his promise was a personal promise rather than company promise and if so, all it will cost is a few extra $$$ I guess. let's just hope the forum (and the customers) can work their magic on the new ceo and keep the dream alive. it's not like randall was making a ridiculous promise that the new administration couldn't possible be expected to uphold. I know that's the way a few folks felt but I say let's wait and see...keep flying and enjoying the ancient v1 equipment in the meantime. honestly, you might not need the continuous handholding but simply just a hand when it comes time to making that expected leap.

for those who were expecting to just send in your perfectly good v1 drone and v1 sc and receive a brand new v2 drone and v2 sc in exchange for free, yeah I agree you can probably kiss... :)
We're in a new unknown.; we have no choice but to wait and see.
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Well that big speech of his was a complete waste of time eh?

Where does this leave all Evo II v1 owners now?
Not for a lack of good intent, but for a lack of being in a position to execute. At least it establishes his persona and how he relates to the market (we don't know if any of it will be adopted by Autel Robotics - a true unknown).
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Wow. watch here:
I am semi shocked, BUT always respect someone who does something like resign from a CEO position, probably making a crap ton of money in that position, for a situation he doesn't agree with. I am sure he didn't make this decision lightly. From what I saw, he seems like a stand up guy. Lets hope that Autel doesn't blow it now with their customers.
Well; that's very sad news;
I purchased my Evo II Pro v1 in July of 2020, it seems like the product life cycle of the V1 is severely short.
If the path for Autel Robotics is to NOT support V1, well I would hope those thinking about getting Version 2, will take some advice and look elsewhere for their next drone.
Why would anyone buy a product from any manufacture with a history of cut and run product life cycle, it shows how short sided their vision is.
Do I plan on future drone purchases? ... I'm sure I will, with a company that shows they have a stable product history with far better life cycle than Autel Robotics.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; I will not be fooled Twice!

I don’t regret getting the Evo 2 Pro V1, purchased it when first released. Same with SmartController V1, Pre-ordered first day it was available and now have one.

The area I had issues with my Evo 2, updating was a nightmare with stock controller. Now, with SmartController it’s a breeze those updating issues I had before are gone.

I know many here are disappointed with Autel, things happen and remember the distributors are deeply invested more so than we are. They are the ones taking a hit on this, for their sake as well as Autel’s let’s support and wish them the best.

Whatever you fly, enjoy it to the fullest. Life is short, enjoy every moment!

Typical Autel, non support for x-star, Evo 1, Evo 2 V1, what's next, if a CEO resigns, it's because Autel is headed in the wrong direction. I do not trust Autel anymore, I have been waiting to purchase a new product but do not trust Autel. My money is going to DJI, I am done with Autel, Randell quit for a reason! It is not taking care of previous customers PERIOD! DJI is a typical Chinese company also but what choice do we have?
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DJI : The choice that the products are tracked. My Evo 1 out of date, no more battery, I would like to take care of the one I have. I had hesitated with the evo 2, but when I saw the galley into which it had plunged the owners of X-Star, without waiting for the official release of the Evo 2, I ordered a Mavic 2 Pro and I made the right choice because today I have just ordered 2 new batteries for A PRODUCT WHICH HAS EXISTED FOR THREE YEARS and which is still followed.
It's funny that Autel follows the same muddy path followed by predecessor Yuneec, now extinct in the United States.
To believe, that they are part of the same family.
It only remains to wait for the official date of the funeral .....
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