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My kids gave me a decent drone for Christmas, 4K camera, GPS, ... but in the $300 price range. As I’ve flown RC for 40+, planes and helicopters, and been taking digital pictures for 20+ years, seemed a natural extension of hobbies I have. I was excited. I quickly realized the drone I got has a 300+ minute recharge time (not a typo) for a 8-10 minutes flight time. Returned it! Bought a Breeze 4K and liked it a lot but flight time was only 6-8 minutes, and I had 3 batteries! Returned it! Between return times I started researching Drones and found so many limitations as to where you could not fly it really discouraged me! You can’t fly in any good places. Sure, an occasional school or park, but not where there are people present, or cars, or airports, or helicopters pads, and on and on. Then I see, on YouTube actual $250 tickets being given to drone pilots for flying where they should not be. Should I find something interesting to take video of, I’ll spend 2+ hours editing and then post to YouTube for a few family members to see. Worth it? I don’t think so. YET, I’d still like to get a nice drone but when I think about the above it’s really not worth it. I can see a ‘selfie’ type drone with limited range taking just video of my wife and I on a remote trip.

Lots of talk about 1” CMOS sensors (low light) and other neat features, but more for professionals, not the average user.

I’m trying hard to find an application that would allow me to justify getting a nice drone but I see selling it, like SO MANY, soon after I get it because I have to drive some hours in the car just to fly it.

More and more cities and counties are restricting flight of drones. More and more idiots are pushing the bounds (laws) and making it worse for drone pilots. More and more complaints from neighbors are being heard by the police.

So, how are you using your drone? How are you not bothering others? Where do you fly? I don’t want to take the same video time after time at the same location.

Any constructive comments welcome. (Not; ‘be a man, just get it!)

My kids gave me a decent drone for Christmas, 4K camera, GPS, ...
Any constructive comments welcome. (Not; ‘be a man, just get it!)

Hi Scott, I am also in Colorado (in Grand Lake, right on the border of Rocky Mtn National Park). Flying in the mountains is really nice. Up here, 'common sense' is the major rule. (even though we do follow all the other rules.) We are right on the border of Rky Mtn Nat Park. I can't fly over the park. But, if I get enough altitude (around 1000') outside of the border of the park, I can still get some great pictures of wildlife, of the Park, and of the mountains around the park. I can fly over the lakes we have here. Following FAA regulations up here is easy and non-restrictive.
I would encourage you to take a look at some of the drone photos and video on YouTube, and that will give you an idea of some of the places you can go to get similar video, (even in a very populated, and sometimes crowded society.) If you live in a larger city, you can get some great photos, while still staying below 400'.
Thanks for the reply. I live in Westminster, between Denver and Boulder. I have no doubt some, like you, have the opportunity to fly in less restricted air space. While this is good, and you have a nice application for taking video, others, like me, will struggle to find nice scenery where we can fly while not driving for hours to do so. In the mean time, I’ll keep flying my planes and enjoying RC.
Hello. If you were looking at the Breeze, did you look into the DJI Spark? It is compact and is much more than a 'selfie drone'. Still somewhat limited in flight time at 15 minutes but simple to use. It is quite capable. If you are looking for more than that with good portability the DJI Mavic may be what you are looking for. Beyond that the Phantoms are good choice for semi-pro to pro photographers.
The Autel is a good machine but it does not have any third party apps and it has reached the end of its life so the support is low, parts hard to find. Hate to say it but the Autel has seen better days. Still like mine though and will keep flying it as long as I can.

If you are seeing someone pay a fine, then they broke some sort of ground-based rule, like taking off or landing in an area that prohibits take off's and landings of aircraft, that includes model aircraft. All National Parks are like this and so are most state parks. The airspace itself is regulated only by the FAA.
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As I’ve flown RC for 40+ (years) , planes and helicopters....

I started researching Drones and found so many limitations as to where you could not fly it really discouraged me! You can’t fly in any good places. Sure, an occasional school or park, but not where there are people present, or cars, or airports, or helicopters pads, and on and on....

So, how are you using your drone? How are you not bothering others? Where do you fly? ...
Anywhere you flew your RC planes & helicopters you should be able to fly a quadcopter. I do believe they fall under the same unmanned aerial vehicles rules.

You can usually fly near people & cars, just not directly over them.

Aside from FAA restricted airspace, it's an open sky. Land owners & government entities can prevent you from taking off & landing on their properties, but you can still fly over them.
Thanks for the input. I had the Breeze and flew it for 3 days. Only issue I had was flight time being 6-8 minutes in Colorado. Seems thinner air = higher motor speeds = less flight time. DJI has a location not far from me. I talked to them about the Spark as it relates to flight time. They told me 8-10 minutes tops in Colorado and if I wanted longer then the Mavic was the way to go. I’m not about to sink $1000 into a Mavic for 20 minutes of flight and very limited places to fly. I have spoken to two Mavic owners that live in Colorado and neither of them even fly any longer due to restrictive air space. Them, like me, would love to fly at Estes Park / other park areas / flatirons mountains but can’t. Pulling up NFZ’s it’s really very limited. The guy that got the ticket, posted on YouTube, took off from an open space, NO signs or indication drones could not fly. The ranger tracked him down from his YouTube channel! Came to his house and gave him the ticket. All posted on YouTube. A bit concerning- had he not posted he’d never of been found. So while no indication you can’t fly, you never know. His video flying over the Flatiron mountains was cool.

So I continue to look for a Mavic (used) and there are tons around, most still want $700+ and while I could pay that it’s like throwing money away - as these owners found out. Must now realize, too late, very limited places to fly, and are trying to sell their Mavic.

I think long distance drones (>100 yards) are very limited in actual airspace as many get concerned seeing a UAV flying around - then report it - then more rules in local areas. It’s not getting better; and it never will. As this type of flying is interesting, as mechanical issues / low battery on RTH flight causes these drones to fall out of the sky it’s going to get real ugly trying to fly beyond line of sight.

Yes, I could fly a drone where I fly my planes as it’s in a remote location but nothing to video but open land. A bit boring after 3 minutes. The commercials promoted my all drone advertisements is flying over pretty scenery; beach, vacation monuments, crowded locations / points of interest where people gather - all very misleading. Pilots need to find the non-existent beautiful scenery where no one visits so you can fly your drone, take great video, and won’t get reported or hassled by others. = very few actual places like this.

Thanks for your honesty about the Autel drones. The new one being just advertised looks interesting and the reason I joined this group. No information on pricing but I expect $1000 based on features I have seen. I’ll keep looking at DJI as new announcements pending later this month. Will be interesting to see their 2018 offerings.

I think for me, the selfie drone will be the way to go but I need more flight time. Perhaps in the new offerings?

So I sit patiently by reading forums like this hoping I may find an actual application / flying area for me.
Hi Scott,
First, the Autel's support is NOT 'minimal'. They still support it; just as much as they ever have, with the same promptness and efficiency that all of us Autel owners' have praised them for. If you need a spare or replacement part for the Autel XSP, you'll be able to get it. If Autel see's a need to update the XSP firmware in the future, it will happen. LuvMyTJ appears to be a DJI owner who has an 'Autel Chip on his shoulder'. Many of his recent posts about Autel have been negative, as he is disgruntled about the way in which Autel moved from one (XSP) aircraft to another (EVO) aircraft. I agree that they could have done better, but they sure aren't deserving of the 'trash-talk' that has been thrown their way. No manufacturer (including DJI) announces the details of a new product before it is released. Likewise, if Autel would have kept selling new XSP aircraft up until January 6, then there would have been people who would have been mad at them for selling something that would be discontinued just a few days after it was/is sold.
On to more positive notes: The guy you know of who posted a video and described where it was taken, well, he might as well have sent an invitation to the National Park Service. I work (as a volunteer for the US Forest Service. You wouldn't believe how many offenders (of all different types of offenses) we catch, and ticket, because they posted a picture or video of themselves commit an offense - such as smoking pot around a campfire in the NATIONAL Forest. (Which is not protected by Colorado law). We've had people post videos of themselves driving 4WD vehicles through beautiful, pristine meadows. Poachers are also caught posting pictures of animals that they have poached.
As KentA and others said above, good, common sense, is the prevailing law. As long as you don't fly within close proximity of people and animals (where it can be annoying to either), you are generally okay. I've gotten some great shots of, and looking over Rocky Mtn National Park, without actually flying over the Park. Estes Park (contrary to popular belief) is not part of Rky Mtn Nat. Park. Rather, it is on the border of the Park; just as Grand Lake is on the western border of the Park. There are many, many places around Colorado where you can fly your drone. In fact, look at this video!: drone colorado - Bing video
If you are interested in making the drive (100 mi) to Grand Lake, let me know, and I will take you to some great places to go droning and take pictures. Note that there are no special restrictions for flying over a U.S. Forest Service area, such as Arapaho National Forest. As with anywhere else, you just can't fly closely to people or animals, and (common sense), you can't use a drone to hunt with.
Happy Droning
Thanks for the comments and standing up for Autel. I know nothing about the product(s) but good to hear they have a support structure in place to help the brand. I saw the EVO video and had to find out more - that’s why I joined this forum. DJI has many service related complaints on their forum - I was surprised - but clearly they sell lots of products. So understandable.

Nice Colorado video; but the exception (great video) not the norm. Yes, there are places to fly in this beautiful state (if you are willing to drive to isolated areas) but I do believe more and more restrictions will be placed on flying areas. Seems it never gets better (opening up more areas to fly) it only gets worse due to the few that ruin it for others.

We also need to differentiate between the levels of drone flyers. Perhaps, simplistically, just hobby owners and professionals. The volume of low cost drones, <$200 (you put in what ever number you want), is amazing. I would define these drones as "hobby" types. These are the people looking to just fly around close to their home - not traveling hundred of miles to fly for 30 minutes. Uneducated flyers will harm this sport. I see Drone video companies ‘for sale’ on Craig’s list telling me the current owners aren’t making a living and want out. I have to think restrictive air soace is one reason. Could be wrong.

I look forward to reading more about the EVO.
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I look forward to reading more about the EVO.

Hi Scott, With confidence, I would say that the two main reasons that we chose to purchase Autel aircraft is: 1. Price (you get as much, or more for less money with Autel, and 2. Customer Service. The Customer Service from Autel (in Bothell, Washington) is tops in the drone industry. Whether a person has a question about operation of their aircraft, a pre-purchase question, or a problem they are having with their aircraft, Autel is well known for providing prompt attention to customer calls and emails. When it comes to Customer Service, there is a large difference between DJI and Autel. Now that Autel has come out with the EVO, they now have an aircraft that is not only superior to the DJI Mavic, but they have superior customer service, and a lower price. It really isn't my intention to 'stand up' for Autel, as it is to present a fair and open picture of the 'competitive process.' Unfortunately, consumers are often caught in the middle of 'competitive practices', and likewise, people often purchase a product; only to learn that it was replaced by a new model just a few days later. With phones, tablets, computers, refrigerators, microwaves, TVs, DVR's and cameras, we have become accustomed to the rapid in electronic products. But, when Autel moved to a new aircraft, existing users of the X-Star Premium expressed betrayal and frustration and went so far as to predict lawsuits and stated that present owners of XSP aircraft would be 'abandoned'. It's really unfortunate that this happened, and that these people turned a good thing into a negative matter. Like so many others, I would love to have a new EVO, but I can't afford it. So, I will simply use and enjoy my X-Star Premium and the amazing capabilities it has. I have friends who own DJI Phantoms and a Mavic, and all envy my XSP. As you might know, a person can use either an Android or an Apple device as a monitor on the present controller. (The new EVO has a built-in O-LED monitor!). In early December, Apple came out with a new operating system for it's mobile devices. Unfortunately, that OS was flawed and caused problems; not only with the Autel Starlink app, but with many other iOS apps as well. Unfortunately, when that happened, there were individuals that jumped onto the forums and trashed Autel for not working harder and faster to fix the problems - problems that were caused by the Apple OS.
Unfortunately, there are people that will look for any excuse to find fault with 'easy targets' (such as Autel). They seem to think that a larger company, (such as Apple, DJI, Mercedes, Michelin Tires, etc) would be the least likely to do something wrong, and they simultaneously find it easier to find fault with the smaller, struggling company.

Unfortunately, as a new drone user, it appeared as though you were somewhat caught in the middle of all that. I just wanted to let you know that, in fact there was/is another side of the fence, and that the skies are very bright on the other side (Autel) of the fence. Thanks for listening.
@Colorado_scott There are lots of places in Colorado to fly legally. I suggest you use AirMap Web App to locate them. Remember, the smaller yellow circles are airports that you can notify if you plan to fly near them. You notify, not ask for permission. The Hover app is also an excellent app for maps & other needed info.

@kroorda I have no "Autel chip" on my shoulder as you put it and I take offense to that statement. I am the person who pushed for this very forum to discuss the new X-Star when it came out (did you know we have 10 drone forums I admin on?). I saw a future for Autel... it is very unfortunate that it didn't materialize. I have been around long enough to know what I am seeing. I still hope Autel succeeds but I am weary of them now after their failures of last year. I understand, you are new and feel I am bashing them with no proof but you are wrong. I have been in the hobby for a long time and have owned many drones. I used to build my own drones up until 2013 when the Phantom2 came out and it included everything I wanted, and, was much less in cost than what I could build it for. I have seen a few companies come & go, it is not uncommon in this market. I am letting him know that if he chooses a dying product he will be out of luck sooner than later. What good is it if there are no parts or software updates for it? Sooner or later the devices will not run the Starlink app (unless Autel keeps updating it and their speed is super slow so don't count on it). It is no different than any company in this situation, not just Autel. You mention how the EVO is a better aircraft than the Mavic? How do you know this when Autel has not released specs? Also, did you know DJI took Autel to court several times over infringement on the X-Star? I assume it will happen again as it appears they have yet again copied DJI's design. And as to my recent post, yeah, some have been critical, but that is a result of Autel pretending the last year never happened. Again, I know you are new and may not understand the current drone market but DJI doesn't show a new product then not produce it. Keep in mind these forums tend to reflect folks who have issues. Not as many come on just to praise the products. And as far as me using DJI to compare them with, it is because DJI is currently the largest drone manufacturer in the world and they didn't get there by not bringing products to market. All of my DJI customer support dealings were stellar, maybe I got lucky. Also, your comment on getting more for less doesn't hold true. DJI makes comparable or better quads than the X-Star for the same money. In fact, currently, all of the P3 series which is more than comparable to the X-Star, cost LESS brand new than the Autel does. Autel is hanging on to the drone market by its fingertips and if they do not bring the EVO to market by the third quarter of the year they are done. Even Gopro has dropped out of the drone market. The market is tough and you have to be tougher to survive. Beleive me or not, that is up to you, but I am not just pulling stuff from thin air and I am not a disgruntled owner. I am a disappointed owner that still likes his Autel.
So, I make my opinions known to new people who are looking to buy an X-Star, I don't want to see a person pay good money on their first new drone only to have it be something that creates frustration for them when they crash it and have no way to repair it. As time goes on there will be less & less support. I want them to be fully informed about their purchase and all the pro's & con's that go with it. Don't let your hurt feelings turn this into something it's not.

@kroorda I have no "Autel chip" on my shoulder as you put it and I take offense to that statement. I am the person who pushed for this very forum to discuss the new X-Star when it came out (did you know we have 10 drone forums I admin on?). I saw a future for Autel... it is very unfortunate that it didn't materialize. I have been around long enough to know what I am seeing. I still hope Autel succeeds but I am weary of them now after their failures of last year. I understand, you are new and feel I am bashing them with no proof but you are wrong. I have been in the hobby for a long time and have owned many drones. I used to build my own drones up until 2013 when the Phantom2 came out and it included everything I wanted, and, was much less in cost than what I could build it for. I have seen a few companies come & go, it is not uncommon in this market. I am letting him know that if he chooses a dying product he will be out of luck sooner than later. What good is it if there are no parts or software updates for it? Sooner or later the devices will not run the Starlink app (unless Autel keeps updating it and their speed is super slow so don't count on it). It is no different than any company in this situation, not just Autel. You mention how the EVO is a better aircraft than the Mavic? How do you know this when Autel has not released specs? Also, did you know DJI took Autel to court several times over infringement on the X-Star? I assume it will happen again as it appears they have yet again copied DJI's design. And as to my recent post, yeah, some have been critical, but that is a result of Autel pretending the last year never happened. Again, I know you are new and may not understand the current drone market but DJI doesn't show a new product then not produce it. Keep in mind these forums tend to reflect folks who have issues. Not as many come on just to praise the products. And as far as me using DJI to compare them with, it is because DJI is currently the largest drone manufacturer in the world and they didn't get there by not bringing products to market. All of my DJI customer support dealings were stellar, maybe I got lucky. Also, your comment on getting more for less doesn't hold true. DJI makes comparable or better quads than the X-Star for the same money. In fact, currently, all of the P3 series which is more than comparable to the X-Star, cost LESS brand new than the Autel does. Autel is hanging on to the drone market by its fingertips and if they do not bring the EVO to market by the third quarter of the year they are done. Even Gopro has dropped out of the drone market. The market is tough and you have to be tougher to survive. Beleive me or not, that is up to you, but I am not just pulling stuff from thin air and I am not a disgruntled owner. I am a disappointed owner that still likes his Autel.
So, I make my opinions known to new people who are looking to buy an X-Star, I don't want to see a person pay good money on their first new drone only to have it be something that creates frustration for them when they crash it and have no way to repair it. As time goes on there will be less & less support. I want them to be fully informed about their purchase and all the pro's & con's that go with it. Don't let your hurt feelings turn this into something it's not.[/QUOTE]

Sir. Thank you for your reply. I appreciate (sincerely) what you say. However, a number of your statements (that I have highlighted in red above) are quite bold, and, at this time are assumptions, rather than factual. I do understand that you are a moderator on all these [drone] forums. Likewise, you understand that the purpose of a forum is place where users can share information, based on real-life experience, and to offer help and guidance, etc. However, providing information that is based on assumption and speculation (rather than fact) is not always helpful. Saying (above) that the future for Autel has never materialized is incorrect. Just because a model has been replaced with a newer model does not mean that either the previous, or the present model is a "dying model". As per the items that I have indicated in red above, there is no basis for making the assumption that the Starlink app will not run on devices in the future. Inferring that the new EVO will not be brought to market is quite bold. And, leading a person to believe that they might not be able to get parts or service in the future is also quite bold - as well as irresponsible.
We (me, included) all have the shared intention of helping fellow viewers/users of the forum. However, some help with facts, while others [try to] help with speculation and anticipation. I would like to suggest to you that you (and others that make statements - based on speculation and emotion) could be must more helpful if you based your efforts to help on facts. (None of the things that I highlighted in red (above) are facts.)

I would also like to take this opportunity to also acknowledge that you have also made some very good, and credible points. It is true that Autel has followed in DJI's footsteps, rather than innovating uniquely new product on their own. While I completely understand Autel's secrecy behind their latest release, I believe that it would have been more effective and receptive to their present/existing users if they would have previously made a statement, such as, 'In anticipation of the release of a new and exciting product, we will temporarily not be re-stocking XSP's or parts. However, it is our intention to fully support all previously sold aircraft in the days and years to come." But, no such statement was made. And, because such a statement wasn't made, it left some users (like yourself) feeling abandoned. But, I must say that, if/when people did inquire to Autel (regarding their future), responses were provided immediately, and the responses all indicated that Autel has the best of intentions for the future. Those are the facts. If it turns out otherwise, only then should stones be thrown at Autel. But, up until this day, Starlink runs just fine on all devices, firmware updates have been issued, and warranty and non-warranty repairs have been made efficiently. Unlike companies that are on the verge of failure, Autel answers their phone, and emails, and responds immediately. Their repair department is Open, alive, and well. It is very true that DJI is the largest and is a leader. And, competing against such a giant is extremely difficult. The last thing Autel needs is for persons to be making speculative and assumptive statements on a public forum that infer they are in demise.
If I can read between the lines, and being somewhat new to this drone thing (but 30+ years of RC competition / flying), I hear both you saying if I had to pick a drone manufacturer I could not go wrong with DJI. Is that correct? I'm not going to pay $1000 (whatever) for the EVO - or any drone, but I can find used Mavic's for $750 with the Fly More pack.

I'm really interested in longer flight times in excess of 20 minutes for I see myself using my drone at a lake if fish at, launching from a kayak, taking video, catching fish, and landing back on the kayak / catching the drone. I need a solid 20 minutes for this.

I'm also looking at the selfie drones, as they would have all the functions I'd need. Any recommendations on this knowing the above?

Thanks Scott

I love my X-Star, but accept some history-- Autel introduced products at CES 2017 that didn't materialize. Will this happen again with their Evo in 2018?

A dying product can certainly describe the X-Star since it has been discontinued.

Sooner or later the devices will not run the Starlink app may already be happening. Starlink is incompatible with the newer iPhone updates.

Last night I went outdoors in my bathrobe & knelt in the snow to pray for the survival of Autel's Robotics. Since the drone department is a fraction of a massive Chinese corporation, & I suspect the good intentions of the Autel’s drone squad is exposed to the control of Chinese businessmen & none of us know of their honorable reputations.
Well I'll say this, I really appreciate the honestly and willingness to help. Can't say this from the DJI forum as many want to put down those they don't agree with. So be it, that's just how some are. I am still thinking a selfie drone for me, line of sight is far enough for my needs. Always found pictures / videos more interesting if you are in them. I'll keep hunting for my 'perfect' drone - and the good news, I'm in no hurry. Thanks again for all the comments.

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Thank you for the reply and thank you for not taking it personally and getting vindictive over it all. Good, healthy discussion is good for all.

If you really want a selfie drone, like I mentioned before, please take a look at the Spark - http://click.dji.com/AMEYw8oK6vQFCyqjN0VR?pm=link as it is a very compact, very high tech unit with the latest tech. I know it is a DJI product but until someone knocks em off the box, they are the king. There is also the new Tello, not made by, but sold by DJI - Tello Drone. If those don't interest you, the good thing is new drone manufacturers are popping up every day with new models.

I would like to answer the portions of my post to you highlighted as follows. These are my personal thoughts and may conflict with the opinions of others but I call em as I see em. :)

I saw a future for Autel... it is very unfortunate that it didn't materialize
- This statement is mostly opinion on my part, but formed from observations in the marketplace. Autel had lots of promise, and in some ways they still do. When they first burst into the drone market they had everything going for them. Their slow response to the market was part of their downfall. In 2016 the presented the Venture quad, the Kestrel fixed-wing aircraft, and a handheld gimbal camera, none have been made available. In 2017 Autel offered the Kestrel again, a new version of the X-Star with retractable landing gear and a camera that rotated 360º, the modular 1" sensor camera for the X-Star, the modular thermal imaging camera for the X-Star, and the Software Developers Kit... none of them made it to market. Now here we are post-CES and they have said all the other stuff is dead (except for Kestrel, I think), and they showed us the EVO. It looks like a great quad, I truly hope they bring it to market. DJI needs a competitor. We all know lack of competition is not good for the market.

I am letting him know that if he chooses a dying product - You may not want to face it, but the X-Star is at its end of life. It has survived just over two years now. That's the way it works with all manufacturers. Sooner or later a product will end and at some point after that support will be discontinued.

Sooner or later the devices will not run the Starlink app (unless Autel keeps updating it - If Autel fails to keep updating the Starlink app sooner or later it will not be supported. It happens. I still have a few apps on my iPad that won't update until the developer does something about it so they just don't work at all on iOS 11. Now I assume that Autel will continue to use the Starlink app for the future drones like the EVO and they will keep it current. Although that doesn't promise that they will support the X-Star in 2 or 3 years... who knows. I have some older drones that have no manufacturer support, that is just the way it is... I am not mad about it, nor am I mad at the end of the X-Star.

DJI is currently the largest drone manufacturer in the world and they didn't get there by not bringing products to market - As far as I am aware, everything they show at CES, they sell immediately or very soon after. They tend to offer several drones and several accessories every year and sell them. They grew because they provided a product and followed through with it. DJI’s dominance of the consumer drone market has a lot to do with the rate at which it has been able to bring new, advanced products to market. In 2017 DJI had 1,500 people working on research and development, nobody else has that. DJI’s partnerships, such as one with Sony for camera components, have also helped. I refer to them often as they are a sucess story in the drone world.

when they crash it and have no way to repair it - If you look in the Autel store right now they offer 25 items, 12 of those are sold out. Here are a few important ones, especially the camera as a crash will almost certainly damage it. Finding parts, like the camera is tough and will only get tougher as parts become even more scarce.
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I, too, enjoy a good conversation! My two brief endeavors into the drone market showed me two things; 1) I want a drone that charges batteries in about an hour as my first drone took 300+ minutes to charge using a USB charger. USB chargers charge at 5 volts, and typically at 1 amp or 2.1 amps. Charging any battery that is over 5 volts means each cell in the pack is being charged one-by-one, as a LiPo “cell” will charge to about 4.2 volts when fully charged. This is why the charge time is so long. 2) I want a flight time much longer than 8-10 minutes. I quickly found out the thin air in Colorado kills advertised flight times. I typically got 6-8 minute flights, just hovering in the house (no wind) during testing. This was confirmed by the DJI store close to me when they suggested if I wanted 20 minute flight times I should not consider the Spark (the drone I was considering based on features and size) and look at the Mavic. Yep, I looked at the Mavic and even used ones are $750, but many “for sale” each and every day - making me ask “why” so many are for sale? Impulse buys? People figuring out there are not many good places to fly and are discouraged? Just the sheer volume of Mavics out there make it seem so many are for sale? I don’t know this answer.

Anyway, I thought the Spark was the answer too, but too short of flight time for me. DJI has new product press announcement later this month, we’ll see what’s announced.

As much as I hate it, the EVO has me very interested. I know nothing about the software and how well it does / does not work, but reviews will be out soon which will help me make a decision. Another thing working against me, as a retired electrical engineer, I love technology. It’s in my DNA. I worked on GPS, wireless technology, and distance sensors throughout my career.

The smart decision for me is the selfie drone, with 20+ minutes of flight time, a decent camera, fast charging batteries, and a cost of around $500. If I can’t find that solution, I’ll bump the price to $800 and see what’s availavle, and if that does not work, perhaps $1000 which puts the pending EVO in the hunt. Perhaps I’ll come to my senses and not buy one at all and just keep flying my RC planes and helicopters. I can only hope!
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My kids gave me a decent drone for Christmas, 4K camera, GPS, ... but in the $300 price range. As I’ve flown RC for 40+, planes and helicopters, and been taking digital pictures for 20+ years, seemed a natural extension of hobbies I have. I was excited. I quickly realized the drone I got has a 300+ minute recharge time (not a typo) for a 8-10 minutes flight time. Returned it! Bought a Breeze 4K and liked it a lot but flight time was only 6-8 minutes, and I had 3 batteries! Returned it! Between return times I started researching Drones and found so many limitations as to where you could not fly it really discouraged me! You can’t fly in any good places. Sure, an occasional school or park, but not where there are people present, or cars, or airports, or helicopters pads, and on and on. Then I see, on YouTube actual $250 tickets being given to drone pilots for flying where they should not be. Should I find something interesting to take video of, I’ll spend 2+ hours editing and then post to YouTube for a few family members to see. Worth it? I don’t think so. YET, I’d still like to get a nice drone but when I think about the above it’s really not worth it. I can see a ‘selfie’ type drone with limited range taking just video of my wife and I on a remote trip.

Lots of talk about 1” CMOS sensors (low light) and other neat features, but more for professionals, not the average user.

I’m trying hard to find an application that would allow me to justify getting a nice drone but I see selling it, like SO MANY, soon after I get it because I have to drive some hours in the car just to fly it.

More and more cities and counties are restricting flight of drones. More and more idiots are pushing the bounds (laws) and making it worse for drone pilots. More and more complaints from neighbors are being heard by the police.

So, how are you using your drone? How are you not bothering others? Where do you fly? I don’t want to take the same video time after time at the same location.

Any constructive comments welcome. (Not; ‘be a man, just get it!)

First of all, let me welcome you to this forum. If you do in the future decide to purchase an Autel product, you will be blown away by the many friendly and helpful folks here who are more than willing to jump in and share their expertise and experience, and who are glad to devote considerable time and effort toward helping fellow pilots resolve issues. It has truly been one of the most gratifying aspects of owning an X-Star, the purchase of which I have never regretted.

If I could go back for a moment to your initial comments that started this thread, I can absolutely relate to your dismay over finding so many restrictions on nearby areas where it would be convenient for you to fly. The nearest areas where I feel comfortable flying at any extended range are well over a 45-minute drive from my home. Consequently I don’t get up in the air anywhere near as often as I would like, and I am truly envious of the forum members who live on farms, ranches or other rural areas where they can literally fly out of their back yards. I just have to accept that reality, recognize that most Forest Service and BLM land is wide open for drone flying, and plan to take a bit of a trip whenever I want to fly. As I believe was suggested somewhere earlier, be sure to download the AirMap App, I find it far more useful than the FAA B4UFLY App.

Also keep in mind (and I believe from your comments this is the direction you’re going), despite all the talk surrounding the need for extreme range, a lot of really good work can be done in close proximity to your launch point. Maybe it’s because of my past experience (I operated a commercial aerial photography business for 5 years, using a tethered blimp with remote controlled cameras), I’m very comfortable with the concept of pre-planning my shoot, putting the camera straight up in the air in the immediate vicinity of my launch point, going through my shot list as quickly as possible, and getting back on the ground at the earliest opportunity. I’m not advocating that you need to be “sneaky” or do anything illegal, but there’s really no reason to make a public display of yourself, either. If you can put the bird up for 5 minutes at one site, then drive a mile to the next site and do the same thing, you may find it less disruptive and less obvious to the general public than making one long distance flight from a single launch point. Not saying that’s the best use of a drone, but just accepting the fact that a lot of people just flat out don’t like or want drones flying over them.

As far as NFZ restrictions, Autel does not engage in “geofencing”, it’s up to you as the operator to determine where it is appropriate to fly. Other than the restrictions built into the autonomous flight routines in Starlink, which are there to ensure compliance with FAA regulations while using an Autel app, there are no other built-in restrictions. It’s my understanding that DJI does impose NFZ restrictions, but since I’ve never flown a DJI product, and never will (that’s a discussion for another time), I can’t really comment beyond that.

In Nevada, we have very comprehensive drone laws. To me, that’s a very good thing, not because I necessarily agree with every one of them, but because it enables me to understand exactly what what my obligations and responsibilities are, and plan accordingly. Every state, of course, is different, however I believe our laws reflect a pretty good dose of common sense, and would probably be pretty good general guidelines to follow if you live in an area that doesn’t have established guidelines. For anyone who might be interested, below are links to a couple of the most important sections:


Critical Facilities: NRS: CHAPTER 493 - GENERAL PROVISIONS

Hope you find some of this helpful, Colorado has a lot of spectacular scenery but I believe it’s going to require a bit of a drive to take advantage of it.
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Sundog, you clearly have your head square on your shoulders (other than your screen name!) I appreciate your comments. I really don't want to drive 30-60 minutes to fly - that's a deal breaker for me. I fly my planes 30 minutes away, but do focused practice with others for competition purposes. It's not a hobby, its a way of life! My ideal, as you have referenced, would be to go out and fly when I wanted to - but even doing this, will get boring after a few days of the same scenery - other than getting to know the new drone and features. Initially I thought how cool to head to Estes park or other similar places and take neat video. Then the restrictions set in. Now I search, as mentioned, for actual video footage to take that is not boring - and kayaking is my answer. I drive 45 minutes to kayak all day with my wife, and I fish. Taking movies of this would be interesting for me. $1000 interesting??? I'm debating that part, but neat to do with that application for me. It's a tough hobby for many - as shown with so many drones for sale. People purchase, then realize they have to drive an hour + so they don't get hassled and realize, "this is not for me". I'm trying, as you see, to not make a mistake here and purchase impulsively and have my purchase 'make sense'. The technology is addicting. The reality of flight w/o issues, very concerning. I'll keep reading and learning. I know nothing about Starlink, but will learn in time. I've mentioned, I've sought out 2 local people that have Mavic's - NEITHER fly now due to restrictions. This is very concerning.

Again, appreciate your comments.


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