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The best EVO promo video ever

Come off it. You got called out. This is the Autel Forum. And people came here to discuss their $1000+ investments, their equipment and their AUTEL problems, if they have any.
Not to hear you give your disparaging opinion on a piece of equipment that you don't even own and have no experience with , while trying to convince us that you bought a Parrot Anafi for half the cost of what we paid for our EVO's and that it offers you the same quality, fit, finish and performance as our overpriced unproven birds, which we all know to be a lie...
I have enough life experience to know that I don't need to rely on other people's limits as anything other than my starting point. You're an opinionated enthusiast, not an Industry Professional. While this is my first drone, I'll bet money that my 25 years of experience in the overlapping and encompassing Industries that brought this technology and this type of equipment to the consumer is FAR more than what you have to offer the community. Not everyone is a hobbyist, so you might want to try your "Experienced Guru" act somewhere else. . Maybe you should go hang out with Parrot Owners... Maybe you can convince some of them they didn't invest in junk... Be a lot easier than trying to convince us that we did. I'm happy with my purchase. And I don't care that you are hurt and jealous because of it.

"You Sir are stuck on a brand and really do not have a good feel for whats out there. " ... Presumptuous don't you think? Maybe he's happy with his investment. I am. Go sell your EVO and buy something else if you aren't.

"but like you said I will try and be civil and just drop this back and forth with you. "... Nah. You don't get to take the High Road out... Crawl out like you crawled in.

You have no idea what I own and this conversion has nothing to do with the Anafi so back off.
Come off it. You got called out. This is the Autel Forum. And people came here to discuss their $1000+ investments, their equipment and their AUTEL problems, if they have any.
Not to hear you give your disparaging opinion on a piece of equipment that you don't even own and have no experience with , while trying to convince us that you bought a Parrot Anafi for half the cost of what we paid for our EVO's and that it offers you the same quality, fit, finish and performance as our overpriced unproven birds, which we all know to be a lie...
I have enough life experience to know that I don't need to rely on other people's limits as anything other than my starting point. You're an opinionated enthusiast, not an Industry Professional. While this is my first drone, I'll bet money that my 25 years of experience in the overlapping and encompassing Industries that brought this technology and this type of equipment to the consumer is FAR more than what you have to offer the community. Not everyone is a hobbyist, so you might want to try your "Experienced Guru" act somewhere else. . Maybe you should go hang out with Parrot Owners... Maybe you can convince some of them they didn't invest in junk... Be a lot easier than trying to convince us that we did. I'm happy with my purchase. And I don't care that you are hurt and jealous because of it.

"You Sir are stuck on a brand and really do not have a good feel for whats out there. " ... Presumptuous don't you think? Maybe he's happy with his investment. I am. Go sell your EVO and buy something else if you aren't.

"but like you said I will try and be civil and just drop this back and forth with you. "... Nah. You don't get to take the High Road out... Crawl out like you crawled in.
I'm neither here to defend or take sides but Agustine has owned an Autel way longer than you have and has been through the wash with them on quite a few occasions as many of us have. He has been here quite a while and has helped numerous people with our Autels.
We should get back on topic.
You have no idea what I own and this conversion has nothing to do with the Anafi so back off.
I've seen enough of your posts to know where you were going. Back off? You come in here and start off disrespecting OP's contribution, then talk trash another contributing member like you're some kind of superior and he should defer to you, then tell ME to back off? NAH... You're supposedly a moderator, right? Does the owner of this site like having his staff belittle users, be disrespectful to them, trash their gear, disparage brands and products sold by their advertisers... ? Or is it just you being an arrogant jerk because you offered to take a free EVO to review and Autel declined? For me it's as simple as logging off pal. I don't need you or this site. You really should just go back to your people... The Budget Drone People... Seriously.. Knock off the arrogance or I'll go ahead and delete my contributions and leave the site, I'll also fire off an email to any of the Brands who's Kool-Aid I drink, and let them know what kind of reception they're getting over here. Pull one of those snowflake crybaby things people like you do to get heard... See how long you remain a Moderator over here running off the market ... Normally I'd just hit that ignore button. But I don't support enabling people like you...
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I'm neither here to defend or take sides but Agustine has owned an Autel way longer than you have and has been through the wash with them on quite a few occasions as many of us have. He has been here quite a while and has helped numerous people with our Autels.
We should get back on topic.

And? I don't care what the mouthpiece owns. He's a disrespectful ******. And that's all I've seen from him since I've been here. And I don't care how long... I'll own mine so much better than he ever could. You too probably.
Thanks Tufargon for the support.
A lot of my comments about the EVO has nothing to do with how well it performs. Like you and many others that have been here over the last two years I feel cheated and lied to. I don't feel Autel has a right to me saying anything nice about a product that was developed with the hard earned money I spent on my XSP. They lied and lied and lied again right up to their announcement of the EVO and never offered us early adapters any kind of compensation. Yes I am bitter, and will never buy into their lies again. I never said the EVO has a bad camera but I do believe their are other options that are just as good. And I never said anything in this post that the Anafi is better or even close but I have also seen some amazing videos from it.
You can give me the best dam camera around but that does not mean I am going to give you the best video or photo from it.
I will say it again. The EVO is just another tool in the tool box.
Yes I am bitter, and will never buy into their lies again.
So drop in occasionally and air your grievances - but hanging out here all the time for the apparent main purpose of slagging the EVO off ad nauseam - along with anyone who praises it - is just petty, juvenile and destructive.

Your mission seems to be to hijack any discussion about the EVO's abilities in order to run it down and belittle the posters. How you can get away with sabotaging this forum in this way is beyond me.

Sure, the person who buys the last of any line is going to feel aggrieved but it happens all the time in the consumer tech market. If Autel have broken any laws, you and others should bring a class action against them. If not, it's just too bad and you need to get over it.
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drop in occasionally?? In case you have not noticed this forum is about all Autels UAV's and I Sir still own one or two. I will drop in here any time I feel like it and voice my opinion on any post I like.
You guys seem to think the new EVO is the only UAV around. Guess what there are still a lot of us old timers around that have made that trail through the snow for you newbies to follow.
You're being disingenuous. This discussion is taking place in the the specific EVO-designated area of the forum which you have to make a conscious decision to enter.

And your apparent motives for doing so are not to help the community of EVO pilots but to stalk and abuse people who have done no harm to you and to pursue a vendetta against Autel and its new product.

Nobody here believes that the EVO is the only UAV around although most probably think it's the best drone around that they can afford if they have bought one. People come here to discuss the EVO - if you let them. And they certainly don't want to be hijacked, bullied and belittled by a persistent saboteur with a chip on his shoulder.

Take your grievances to Autel or a lawyer and leave people in peace to discuss/praise/criticise this drone.
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You're being disingenuous. This discussion is taking place in the the specific EVO-designated area of the forum which you have to make a conscious decision to enter.

And your apparent motives for doing so are not to help the community of EVO pilots but to stalk and abuse people who have done no harm to you and to pursue a vendetta against Autel and its new product.

Nobody here believes that the EVO is the only UAV around although most probably think it's the best drone around that they can afford if they have bought one. People come here to discuss the EVO - if you let them. And they certainly don't want to be hijacked, bullied and belittled by a persistent saboteur with a chip on his shoulder.

Take your grievances to Autel or a lawyer and leave people in peace to discuss/praise/criticise this drone.

He admitted he has ZERO interest in furthering the Brand, promoting the Brand or supporting the Brand or it's Purchaser's, who may love their craft and maybe have a small issue that they want help with or want to support it and show some brand loyalty... I'm betting he thought he'd get a free EVO for sitting around and talking...and they said Maybe, so he talked them up like crazy..... But then they didn't give him one. I don't care what his problem is. My drone is awesome!
He's the reason I can't stand Amazon reviews... They LOVE it if it's free.... But make them pay for one and it's garbage. That is a USELESS opinion... And that makes him a troll. I don't care what he owns or flies. I've not seen a single solitary Contribuiton to the EVO community. Just negativity and derogatory attitude. Plus his arrogance... So presumtious as to think we just threw $1000 on something with no research... And what he was hoping is that we'd research and find him running his mouth trashing them for not giving him something for FREE. Because all that aside... He CAN'T complain about actual problems because he's never laid his hands on one... SO what help can he offer?


This is the video I saw Franlac post, that made me pull the trigger on the EVO instead of a Mavic 2 Zoom...the only other portable drone on the market that would have fit my needs and was in my budget range of $1000- $2000.. and I got in the door with $700 still in my pocket and went with a company KNOWN for excellent customer service... No buyer's remorse over here... And I'd say this video is Promo material worthy. Made me confident it was the bird I wanted. And while the scenery is awesome, the proximity to trees and obstacles is what I was looking for. Stability in close quarters.

Yes, I think I have seen all the Franlac videos and they are beautiful. Imho, they aren't technically in quite the same league as the NZ video above though. The one in your link is a little jerky and I'm not getting 4k clarity throughout, especially in the tree foliage, so I'm guessing the editor has played around with it and lost some detail in the process. One scene shows a clearly speeded-up car although the drone appears to be flying slowly. Maybe the EVO was limited to 3mph throughout and anything which looks faster was done in post. Alternatively/additionally, he may have altered the frame rate in post and incurred some penalties if converting, say, from 50 or 25fps to 30fps.

Nonetheless, it is beautiful - and far nicer than anything I am capable of shooting yet.
Yes, I think I have seen all the Franlac videos and they are beautiful. Imho, they aren't technically in quite the same league as the NZ video above though. The one in your link is a little jerky and I'm not getting 4k clarity throughout, especially in the tree foliage, so I'm guessing the editor has played around with it and lost some detail in the process. One scene shows a clearly speeded-up car although the drone appears to be flying slowly. Maybe the EVO was limited to 3mph throughout and anything which looks faster was done in post. Alternatively/additionally, he may have altered the frame rate in post and incurred some penalties if converting, say, from 50 or 25fps to 30fps.

Nonetheless, it is beautiful - and far nicer than anything I am capable of shooting yet.

No. I guess not ...if you want to pick on him, lol. It's far better than what I could share, that scenery! I have nothing like that around me. All flat beaches and houses and trailers... Ruined landscape... BUT, his flying. He took that thing into some tight places and close to trees. He was confident in the stability and that was what I wanted to see. Most EVO pilots are photographers and are staying way back and out of the brush, but he was right up in it. Sold me an EVO right there. This thing sits in the air like it's being held in place by wires. I've had it out in some fairly windy conditions too.. I figured the camera was a camera is a camera and would get the job done. But this thing flies itself... so I'm going to start playing with the camera so I have something to do. Never going to be a cinematographer though... Not with Microsoft Movie Maker as my go to editing software.
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Other then a place i have not seen before the video was just so so. Not the jaw-dropping broadcast-quality footage the OP said it was. Along with all the laws they might have broke but no one really knows for sure. Seems like B-Roll is the new lets get our product out there and Autel has jumped on board. Thought I was watching a Peter McKinnon B-roll video LOL
You make a good point in that on a 2nd viewing, it’s more about access to a given area than a great video... Many of us could have flown the exact same flights in an XSP and I doubt you could tell. Post production was top-notch, but that takes money, as does renting a helicopter, a sailboat, and all the gear....
You make a good point in that on a 2nd viewing, it’s more about access to a given area than a great video... Many of us could have flown the exact same flights in an XSP and I doubt you could tell. Post production was top-notch, but that takes money, as does renting a helicopter, a sailboat, and all the gear....
For me it was just great to see what experts/professionals could get out of an inexpensive consumer drone. The big question is: could they have got as good (or better) results using a competitor's drone? Based on the extensive online footage I have watched, they wouldn't be able to but I will follow anyone's links to videos from another camp which look better.
But if these “professionals” shot the entire video with an XSP, could you tell? I think not. For me, in 2019, to be competitive in the thousand dollar drone market, you need a 1” sensor. Rumors have been floated, but I’ll never believe them until it’s for sale.

The bottom line is I just don’t trust Autel. I brought the XSP primarily b/c they PROMISED two camera upgrades — one with a 1” sensor, which caught my attention. Why have a removable camera? So I waited, and waited, and waited, until it quietly went away.
BUT LOOK! WE HAVE EVO! (It doesn’t have a 1’ sensor either, but it might later). I think Evo is a solid design — by all accounts with the latest firmware it flies pretty well. Is the camera noticeably better than the XSP? Maybe, maybe not.
4K@60fps is better, but low light performance is about the same, as is dynamic range. So, even after Autel CS offered me an Evo last week (I emailed them about an issue we solved) for $899, w/ the 2 batteries & bag package, no sales tax to AZ, I thought about it, and then decided my next drone will have a 1” sensor. It’s won’t be a DJI, but it could be a Yunee, Autel, Parrot, or??
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But if these “professionals” shot the entire video with an XSP, could you tell? I think not.
I don't think I have ever viewed any XSP video but I didn't think it was capable of producing the various aerial slow motion sequences given that its max 2160p rate is 30fps. The final output of the NZ video above is 24fps so you wouldn't get noticeable slo-mo from 30fps source footage.
That’s true, but a variation of slo-mo can be achieved in post too, I’ve done it with XSP footage many times.
Does it still look like UltraHD slo-mo? Are there any example videos online?
No, the XSP cannot do the Ulta slow-mo. There's S/W that can simulate Ultra slow-mo, but it's only as good as the source material.

Here is a long 55min 4K video shot entirely with an XSP on the Big Island of Hawaii -- on YouTube it's only 1080p. The raw file looks amazingly good on a 75" 4K TV. I did enhance some scenes a bit in post, but not much. I used a CP filter on everything, never an ND. I slowed many clips to make-up for the 40mph+ intense wind gust in certain places that caused some jitters, or to simply lengthen a short clip. This is why I still use the XSP, it's got a great camera...

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Great job! I especially liked the colour - and to get any usable footage in 40mph gusts is an achievement in itself. I wouldn't want to compare the XSP and EVO based on video which was captured in such difficult conditions and extensively worked in post. But there is lots to like about the XSP camera - and it is very soothing wallpaper!

Don't know how you resisted titling it "Hawaii Five-Five".
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TY! Hawaii 5-5! Great title! ;). Actually, very little was done in post, the vivid colors came from using a polarizing filter (CP), rotated for max affect before take-off. Doesn’t always work, but if you plan carefully, it helps remove excessive blue from foliage, and makes blue skies and blue ocean really pop!

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