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Watch where you're going when backing up!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
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Washington State
I almost had a disaster with my E2P this week. After shooting a water ski lake near a river, I was backing away at an altitude that I thought was well above the tree line. But I didn't notice how close the drone was to the cliff on the other side of the river. The cliff had trees on it. I think the Obstacle Avoidance would have stopped the drone before hitting anything but when I saw how close the trees were, I stopped, gained altitude and moved forward. The event is at 3:12.
That brings up an interesting point. The E2s are well protected in 6 directions (up, down, right, left, forward, backward). But if you approach an obstacle at any other angle, you won't be protected. I love the look of flying at about 45-deg, either forward or backward. Moral of the story: make sure visually that there are no obstacles when flying anything except forward. Of course, that's a good idea in general.
And fly with standard mode to give at least chance to obstacle avoidance system to react :)
Don't know why, but some pilots think OA comes with warranty and insurance. No, it doesn't. It's an assistance, which may, optionally, work. It has blind spots. Technically 2 cameras in each direction with 60 degree view angle. Which leaves 30 uncovered in between.

PS: object tracking in the woods works pretty well, in spite of. Don't forget to put propellers guards on, just in case...
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Pilots who rely on current OA technology would probably commute to work in a Tesla while trying to catch a few more ZZZs. Sorry, but you swallowed the advertising hook, line and sinker
No, not at all. OA is just another tool to help you fly safely. You have to know its limitations. Perhaps you didn't understand my comments in the description. We all agree that the system has blind spots. However, my experience has been that when flying directly forward, backward, left, right, up and down, it does a good job. Watch out if you are flying at an angle like 45-degrees (+/- ??) in any direction. Also, watch out for small twigs and thin wires.
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I agree. perhaps my wording was overly harsh. Using it as an anciliary aid and not a primary pilotage feature isn't bad. Just accept the risks, as there are some.
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I almost had a disaster with my E2P this week.

Glad you avoided disaster. Nice footage! I upgraded recently from the Evo to the E2P and did some videos in both Eastern WA and on the Olympic Peninsula already... will be posting in the near future.

One of the perks of living here. You can do a lot worse than the PNW for drone flying!
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Glad you avoided disaster. Nice footage! I upgraded recently from the Evo to the E2P and did some videos in both Eastern WA and on the Olympic Peninsula already... will be posting in the near future.

One of the perks of living here. You can do a lot worse than the PNW for drone flying!
Thanks! Agree. I've traveled enough to really appreciate the PNW.
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