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X-Star Premium & X-Star WiFi FIrmware Issues Version Now @ 2.0.12 Final

Within the last 3 weeks I had purchased an xstar (Wi-Fi) new in box so soon as I opened it I had to update as it had been on store shelf sometime (so I don't know the difference from previous FW versions) . First two quick flights weren't bad I was very impressed (coming from a year of **** phantom flights ) however the battery took a couple hours to charge and after 2 charges it was puffing. I contacted autel who had a new battery shipped out within 24 hours (amazing customer service ) supposedly the battery had just sat way to long untouched. Now I've flown few more times but every time I'm getting app disconnected, I need to bind rc to bird every start up, loss of video signal and again app disconnection even when I'm within 100feet of the bird itself. (Thank god of LCD display on the remote) also I have a very much unwanted gimble tilt, I do adjust it in app bit that doesn't help :/ running a iPad mini2 . Flying in open area, no airports and well outside the nfz for our hospitals helipad .

Sent from my ASUS_Z00TD using Tapatalk
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Well i did the firmware update today and all i can say is "WOW"

I finally did it too. I've only taken a quick test flight near home just to make sure it still flew . . .

I always manually take off (and land too). It shot up like a rocket. WOW! I like this! No more fooling around. The acceleration and deceleration has changed dramatically as well.

However, I got some pixilation in my video feed at a very short distance and this is disturbing. I flew in a spot that I've flown many times before and I never used to get this. Now, since this is just one flight I'm not going to get all upset - unless this turns out to be a regular occurrence. I have another place I've done a lot of flying before, and again, with no video problems. When I can get out there (probably after the holiday) I'll give it another longer distance flight and see what happens. I sure hope this video thing isn't going to ruin what has so far been a great upgrade experience.
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Ran FW update again , successful compass cal , went over all my settings and lifted up 60ft . Only had to trim gimble to -4.6 this time instead of -6. At hover it was dropping and lifting altitude at times a foot as well circled and crossed a 3x3 area . Compass cal was all done in middle if a massive soccer field here in the country away from any possible interference. Gimble set -4.6.

Sent from my ASUS_Z00TD using Tapatalk
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Continuing Issues With Firmware 2.0.12 Release Notes | Autel Robotics ??????

I have flown an X-Star Premium for 13 months, currently have 5 batteries, and that happened to me for the first time yesterday with the latest firmware when the remaining charge suddenly dropped from 33% to 8% with 1-minute of flight-time remaining. Fortunately, it happened flying low over a paved road and I was able to make a safe landing, but I am not sure I want to "roll the dice" again until this problem has been addressed.

I still have the original firmware release on my drones. I did not install the Beta or the Final 2.0.12.

I am trying to decide if I should continue with original firmware or upgrade. The Autel Release notes are calling to me with new and upgraded functions and features. The Siren's Song.

Are there continuing issues that have been documented after the 2.0.12 release?

It appears that battery drop is a continuing issue.

One member posted the following as a fix for battery drop:

"Are you charging prior to flying. I read something that I found online, tried finding it again and could not. But the guy was talking about battery discharging being set to two days. If you leave the battery sitting for the time it takes to discharge and you will have a battery drop. Since then I have been charging the day before I fly or the day of, and since then with the updated Starlink I have not had that issue again. I did have it once and Autel replaced my battery."

Have other members used this fix successfully?

Is this THE fix or temporary workaround? Or is it still a roll of the dice as Augustine posted?

What other risks am I taking if I go to 2.0.12 ???

If I missed a list of issues in one place, I apologize. Just point me in the right direction.


Has any R&D been done with an Android device as a “see if”
As I read about this issue, sounds like ONLY an IOS problem.
iOS and Android share the same problem\problems.
iOS is the only one having the App problem but thats because Apple can't get their act together or Autel would have put out a patch for it already.
As far as R&D is concerned Autel seems to busy getting some new products ready for 2018 so don't count on them for R&D.
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iOS and Android share the same problem\problems.
iOS is the only one having the App problem but thats because Apple can't get their act together or Autel would have put out a patch for it already.
As far as R&D is concerned Autel seems to busy getting some new products ready for 2018 so don't count on them for R&D.
When I say R&D........ I mean ME:)
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Issues with Firmware (FW) version 2.0.12 officially released on October 23, 2017 ?

I just heard back from AR and they are not aware of any issues in Firmware (FW) version 2.0.12.

"Sorry for the delay as I was out of the office for a few days. Yes, 2.0.12 is the official release of the firmware and became the official release on October 23rd. There aren't any problems that I'm aware of that would knock you out of the air, as we feel this is a much more stable version of the firmware."

However, it is difficult to understand if issues continue to exist after forum members installed the latest firmware (FW) version 2.0.12 on or after that date or if the issues were encountered in an earlier version of the firmware.

I would like to capture the forum’s collective experience with the Final Version of FW 2.0.12 if you are willing to provide it. I understand that there can be issues not related to a firmware. e.g. Star Link

So I started a Google Doc spreadsheet and updated it with as many of your responses as possible.

I used the thread started by Augustine as a baseline. There were 87 posts in this thread not all of which were problems or issues. Some feedback enthusiastically embraced new functions or features and improved performance.

After I read all 87 responses it was still difficult for me to determine if the forum member was reporting a FW issue that occurred in a previous FW version or after they upgraded to 2.0.12.

If you are willing to review and update this spreadsheet with your real-world feedback, keep a few things in mind:

The Objective of Spreadsheet:
Determine if the issues in the columns of the spreadsheet have been fixed or resolved by the latest Production Release or Version of Firmware 2.0.12 dated October 23, 2017.

I used your individual posts in Augustine’s thread to initially update your individual records on the spreadsheet with a (Y)es or (N)o based on your forum comments in the 87 posts referenced above. Please correct any mistakes. However, please make sure you enter which FW revision you were using when the issue occurred.

Including your current FW version is important. We don’t want to attribute an issue to the final FW 2.0.12 if, in fact, an issue existed only in a previous FW version. e.g. Beta FW

If I missed your name and if you have upgraded your firmware to revision 2.0.12 and you are experiencing one of the existing issues on the spreadsheet, feel free to add your forum name and add a Y(es) or N(o) under the appropriate issue.

If I missed an issue, please let me know rather than trying to update the spreadsheet. I had trouble locking certain areas of the spreadsheet that would have prevented entering or updating data. If you try to add issues you may cause formatting and readability issues.

The instructions for updating the spreadsheet with your feedback are documented at the top of the spreadsheet.

Please read all notes on the spreadsheet before responding. Especially read the Legend and Instructions at the bottom. Other instructions for completing the spreadsheet are at the top.

You can download this spreadsheet at any time from the Google Docs menu system with the following menu path:
File > Download as. (There are numerous download options.)

You can email a copy of this spreadsheet at any time from the Google Docs menu system with the following menu path:
File > Email as attachment

You do not need to have a Google account to view this Google Doc spreadsheet.

Be careful to make sure you are in the Menu System structure of the Google spreadsheet when choosing the ‘File’ paths above. It is different from your browser’s menu system near the top of your window.

Will one person's spreadsheet changes overwrite the other?


“If they conflict, yes - basically last one in wins as I understand it. Having said that, if you make a change the autosave usually cuts in pretty quickly and saves what you've done, probably before the other person has had time to make any changes - certainly this is the case in a spreadsheet, where in any case (a) you probably aren't in the same cell and (b) there is an indication of where your co-editor is at the same time.” Google response.

If the link to the spreadsheet link below doesn’t work from the forum, cut and paste it into your browser.

Let me know if you have problems viewing. I will figure out a plan B. Thanks for your input and a big thanks to those of you who were on the bleeding edge by upgrading to Beta firmware versions to bring us 2.0.12.

XSP Ver. 2.0.12 FW Issues Doc V1.0 12/17/17
Ya it seems to be working now. The only problem with 2.0.12 I have is orbit so that is all I marked off. Any other problems were with betas which we don't need to worry about anymore.
Some of those problems on there are from the Starlink App and bad\dirty camera terminals.
OK redid it again and added a couple of things. Should be interesting to see the results. Problem I see people don't know or just don't understand firmware problems to App related problems.
Continuing Issues With Firmware 2.0.12 Release Notes | Autel Robotics ??????


I still have the original firmware release on my drones. I did not install the Beta or the Final 2.0.12.

I am trying to decide if I should continue with original firmware or upgrade. The Autel Release notes are calling to me with new and upgraded functions and features. The Siren's Song.

Are there continuing issues that have been documented after the 2.0.12 release?

It appears that battery drop is a continuing issue.

One member posted the following as a fix for battery drop:

"Are you charging prior to flying. I read something that I found online, tried finding it again and could not. But the guy was talking about battery discharging being set to two days. If you leave the battery sitting for the time it takes to discharge and you will have a battery drop. Since then I have been charging the day before I fly or the day of, and since then with the updated Starlink I have not had that issue again. I did have it once and Autel replaced my battery."

Have other members used this fix successfully?

Is this THE fix or temporary workaround? Or is it still a roll of the dice as Augustine posted?

What other risks am I taking if I go to 2.0.12 ???

If I missed a list of issues in one place, I apologize. Just point me in the right direction.


I fly the Wi-Fi version. I've had battery drop issue (was replaced and they claimed due to the battery sitting to long in the box before i purchased it ) however now it's severe gimble tilt issues during flight, signal loss at close proximity and constant app disconnect at any distance no matter what device I upgrade to.

Sent from my ASUS_Z00TD using Tapatalk
I fly the Wi-Fi version. I've had battery drop issue (was replaced and they claimed due to the battery sitting to long in the box before i purchased it ) however now it's severe gimble tilt issues during flight, signal loss at close proximity and constant app disconnect at any distance no matter what device I upgrade to.
Thanks for your feedback!
Would you please update the spreadsheet below. We are trying to centralize the issues with 2.0.12. Your forum name is already in the spreadsheet. I put a (Y)es under each issue you identified. I also added your comments.

I entered your current firmware revision if 2.0.12 is correct. If not, please change.

One more thing: Please enter your phone Operating System either IOS or Android.

Last: If you have no further changes to your record, enter a 'Y' under the column 'Updt', indicating that you have completely made all your record changes.

I have a scheduled phone call with Autel in a couple weeks and want to make sure they know about and are addressing all 2.0.12 issues. Thanks.
XSP Ver. 2.0.12 FW Issues Doc V1.0 12/17/17
It would be interesting to see the ability to register a profile to include part 107 number, and the ability to name flights for logging and file name purposes. It could be used easily to adjust warnings and other things they are trying to build into the software..
It would be interesting to see the ability to register a profile to include part 107 number, and the ability to name flights for logging and file name purposes. It could be used easily to adjust warnings and other things they are trying to build into the software..
I strongly agree with all that.

Another simple addition that would help me a lot would be an icon that could be clicked to start a new image-file numbering series. I often take hundreds of real estate photos a day and waste lots of time afterward trying to positively identify groups of photos.

For example, land values in picturesque areas are highly dependent upon views, such as ocean views, beach views, bay views, river views, mountain views, city views, etc. Drone photos provide an inexpensive way to show prospective buyers what first-floor, second-floor, third-floor views will be if homes are built on available lots. However, it is critical to know both exaclty where and the heights at which photos were taken in various directions to avoid being charged with fraudulent misrepresentation.

Take an XSP out to a large plot of land, hover and take photos in all directions at first-, second- and third-floor altitudes over each location where a home could be built and then try to figure out exactly where each photo was taken during post processing and it will be clearly apparent how failures to include simple capabilities that would cost practically nothing to provide makes the difference between the XSP being suitable as a toy or a professional tool.

It is abundantly clear that the XSP was designed by hobbyists who had almost no insight into the needs of commercial users or appreciation of the huge commercial market potential the XSP could have had with only a few simple software and firmware additions that would have cost almost nothing to provide. If AR is going to succeed, they will need to let competitors have the toy market, hire people who understand the needs of commercial users, and design products that meet those needs.
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Guys... Electronically defined 'no fly zones' are determined by a signal (beacon) sent out from an air control facility. They are not based on a set of coordinates which are programmed into any aircraft, including fixed wing aircraft. If your drone is receiving a NFZ signal further from an airport than it should, it is NOT because of a fault with the aircraft, but, because the signal from the airport is reaching out further than it should. This can happen for a number of reasons (topography being the most common). If the aircraft receives the beacon signal from the airport, then it's going to think it's in a NFZ. That's the way it's designed; including in full-sized aircraft. If you are receiving the signal further out than 8 miles from an airport, then you should contact the airport, or the FAA. Don't contact the aircraft manufacturer as the aircraft is only doing what it is supposed to do (stay out of NFZ's).
I believe this information may be incorrect. In the USA (and I assume everywhere currently), NFZ's are in fact part of the firmware and have zero to do with any airport beacons. As far as I am aware, there is no such thing as a beacon for UAV's at airports. The manufacturer puts the NFZ's in at their discretion and uses GPS to determine if the drone has reached one of those NFZ's. If you have other information that says otherwise, please post your source.
I strongly agree with all that.

Another simple addition that would help me a lot would be an icon that could be clicked to start a new image-file numbering series. I often take hundreds of real estate photos a day and waste lots of time afterward trying to positively identify groups of photos.

For example, land values in picturesque areas are highly dependent upon views, such as ocean views, beach views, bay views, river views, mountain views, city views, etc. Drone photos provide an inexpensive way to show prospective buyers what first-floor, second-floor, third-floor views will be if homes are built on available lots. However, it is critical to know both exaclty where and the heights at which photos were taken in various directions to avoid being charged with fraudulent misrepresentation.

Take an XSP out to a large plot of land, hover and take photos in all directions at first-, second- and third-floor altitudes over each location where a home could be built and then try to figure out exactly where each photo was taken during post processing and it will be clearly apparent how failures to include simple capabilities that would cost practically nothing to provide makes the difference between the XSP being suitable as a toy or a professional tool.

It is abundantly clear that the XSP was designed by hobbyists who had almost no insight into the needs of commercial users or appreciation of the huge commercial market potential the XSP could have had with only a few simple software and firmware additions that would have cost almost nothing to provide. If AR is going to succeed, they will need to let competitors have the toy market, hire people who understand the needs of commercial users, and design products that meet those needs.

Can't you just note gps time (several good phone apps out there) when you begin a new photo set and reference to your file creation times when you pull the data?
What I would do when I was a Real Estate Appraiser was just mark down on each notepad I would make a note of how many pictures I took for each house/property.

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