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AEB - Any Way to Change Exposure Ranges?


New Member
Jun 23, 2021
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When using AEB, what are the exposure brackets set to? In a five shot exposure I would think it is -2, 1, 0, +1, +2.

It does not seem my photos are showing that range.
When using AEB, what are the exposure brackets set to? In a five shot exposure I would think it is -2, 1, 0, +1, +2.

It does not seem my photos are showing that range.

Like with many things Autel camera related, I don't think this is documented anywhere. It would be easy to find out though, simply take an AEB set while shooting RAW and look at the shutter speed values in your RAW editor, that will tell you what the brackets are set to.

If you don't like what they are set at I don't think they can be changed but not sure since I never use this feature. I personally always just shoot manual brackets when I need to increase the dynamic range. I prefer to shoot manual brackets and keep an eye on the histogram because the scene rarely fits neatly into proper numerical over/under settings. For example I may want to shoot -1.25, -1, -.75, 0, +.75 if I am more focused on retaining the highlights.

Personally I strongly dislike HDR and rarely use it which is why I don't typically shoot brackets let alone AEB brackets. My preferred method for HDR scenes is manual exposure blending but to do that you need to shoot with specific portions of the scene exposed specific ways to blend it back together in post and AEB is simply not customizable enough for that.
When using AEB, what are the exposure brackets set to? In a five shot exposure I would think it is -2, 1, 0, +1, +2.

It does not seem my photos are showing that range.
Check to see what your EV is set to, iirc the AEB then offsets from what you have your EV set at.
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