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John Hennessy

Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
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Hi All members,
I have just been looking around on different forms and Facebook pages and came across one on one of the face book sites for AUTEL EVO'S and they showed two batteries side by side and they were not identical in the typical wording and misplaced QR codes etc. So this led me to look at my EVO 8k battery with two more coming. Scanned the QR CODE on the battery and got the serial number, then took out the 8k and fired it up and went to the battery section and the serial number section .
TO MY TOTAL SURPRISE THE TWO SERIAL NUMBERS WERE NOT THE SAME. TOMORROW I WILL GET MY BUSINESS PARTNER TO DO THE SAME AS WE ALSO BOUGHT A 6 K ONE for our Inspection business, it is going to be very interesting what the result is. If it is the same as mine AUTEL YOU HAVE A VERY SERIOUS QUALLITY CONTROL PROBLEM. I will be forwarding this information to AUTEL USA for some answers but if you read this first please message me and put a lot of people's minds at rest incase there is some skull dugery with copied batteries on the market and they are all around the same $$$$$$. NOT CHEAP AT ALL .
And also while we are here the stdio battery weighs 367 grams for 7100 mah HV LIPO, I have a 5400 mah LIPO weighing 548 grams , also a HV LIPO 7400mah weighing 579 grams. When I Started looking at Drones and LIPO batteries you can only get a certain amount of power per gram without taxing the chemical composition too much giving shorter battery life and swelling. Even TESLA are spending millions to get more power without the determination to the cells, is that why some are only getting 67 or so charges before they start to swell. That is what you get when you totally mistreat a LIPO Battery. If some one on the forum has some answers for my questions it would be great, but I will be treating my batteries to 20 or 25 minute flight times at the maximum.
Regards John Hennessy.
Keep flying on the green side of the grass

Is that QR code even a serial number though?

It might be a part number, batch number, SKU, could be anything ?‍♂️

If it is a serial number then you would expect them all to be different, it wouldn't be much of a serial number if they were all the same.

You can look up the actual serial number of each battery using the Autel Explorer app.

I suggest you start there.
Is that QR code even a serial number though?

It might be a part number, batch number, SKU, could be anything ?‍♂️

If it is a serial number then you would expect them all to be different, it wouldn't be much of a serial number if they were all the same.

You can look up the actual serial number of each battery using the Autel Explorer app.

I suggest you start there.
Caps lock button broken mate?

I still don't know what you're trying to say or what point you're trying to get across ?‍♂️

If the QR code that you scanned is the serial number, why are you surprised that they are different?

You should instead be surprised if they're the same?
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Ok, you got me curious. I have 6 batteries. 1 came from Wellbots, 2 came straight from Autel as replacements, (brand new)and 1 came with the drone. The 2 batteries I got replaced, I still have, so 6, but only 4 are usable. Originally with the drone I had 3 batteries. The replaced batteries turn on, they charge up, but they refuse to turn on the drone. Originally they were fine, but both Autel and I believe that they got this way due to a defective charger, so they replaced the OEM charger with a new one, and sent me two brand new batteries. Originally the two batteries worked fine and I had no trouble with them, then one day after charging, and testing, they both went south, so I immediately stopped using the OEM charger. I am sure this is a one-off problem that I had. Not a single issue once the charger was replaced. I know the batteries themselves are fine...I think the battery boards were damaged by the charger...possibly a short somehow.

After checking all 4 working batteries, all of them match the QR code. The QR code on 3 of the batteries also match the code on the battery box. (the 4th battery, I don't have a box for)
Does this mean that if your QR code doesn't match, you have a counterfeit battery? Not necessarily I think. Just like DJI drones, ...meaning, each DJI drone has the serial # on the box and sticker on the drone, but that serial number won't match what the drone is, because that serial number read is from the internal main board. The serial # for these batteries as read by the drone would be from the internal board. If that board was ever replaced, the serial # on the box may not match. Being that Autel charges a premium for these batteries, I bet the market to create counterfeits is there.
Just for kicks I weighed each battery. 371 grams. One of the 4 was 368. One of the defective was 368, and the other was 371. I would think that if you have counterfeit batteries, the weights may be very different than these weights. I am confident that none of my 6 batteries are counterfeit.

*after carefully inspection of all batteries, everything matches...fonts, wording...all the same. Unless a counterfeit is really, REALLY good, something will be amiss...fonts, font color, letter spacing etc. John, check your battery that doesn't match the serial and see if it matches EXACTLY. I don't do facebook, so if you can rip the pictures of the batteries and post them here, it would be helpful for comparison.
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I'm not sure if I follow you guys as to what the problem is? Each battery will have its own serial number I do believe. At least mine do for the ones I can read. Is the OP saying the serial number on the box is different then the serial number of the battery inside?
Everyone seems to think these batteries are made from Autel. I highly do not think so as most are farmed out to outside contractors who make batteries for many different devices. Production runs can differ from time to time.
OP is saying that the serial number read by the Explorer app is not the same as read by scanning the QR code on the battery itself. Take a picture of the QR code and you can see the serial number on the bottom of the QR code.
Well I don't have a answer other then if it is fake why even but a serial number on it LOL
Seems strange indeed. Perhaps we should be getting a discount.
Well I don't have a answer other then if it is fake why even but a serial number on it LOL
Seems strange indeed. Perhaps we should be getting a discount.
Hi Augustine,
What I am saying is exactly what Quad808 described, QR codes are fused or being able to track down each battery which should have the same serial number as the QR number like 3 of Quad 808 batteries are, if there are troubles with production it can be traced and fixed. If these do not match the company has got no idea where the problem is with the production line. At least that is the way that QR codes and QUALITY CONTROL are supposed to work. Don't forget that when you get a new battery you have to connect it to the app for the firmware of the battery to be checked and updated if necessary, other wise they will not work in your EVO 2. That is my understanding from all the YouTube videos going around. I have sent all of my questions to Support at Autel and have two tickets to be answered regarding these anomalies . Many years ago a company I was with sent some drawings to China for production quotes and samples etc and we got back samples with my signature across the item ,as per the sign off on the drawings. They were copies off the plan including my authority signature. You must admit that unless those two batteries in the post on facebook were side by side would you be able to tell the difference. I will post there replies as soon as available. Johnno Hennessy.
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Well I suspect you will not get a answer to this from Autel but I can be wrong. I asked for a MSDS sheet for the battery on 08/19/2020 08:02 and I am still waiting for it. This is something that they should have in their data base and should not be a problem producing.
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I have some concerns regarding battery authenticity. I ordered one from Aliexpress (probably the first mistake) and after the first inspection I noticed something odd.
Aside from the lid, an original battery is constructed from 2 pieces - an orange exterior casing hugging an inside a black casing. Those are held tight together.
In the battery I received those two pieces were not tight. The black casing was sliding freely inside the orange casing. Anyone else ever encountered this? is this normal?
Because i'm not much of a pilot, but I don't want things and pieces wobbling and moving and sliding inside the drone mid-air. Especially things that IMO aren't suppose to. I have two other batteries I purchased locally from an authorized reseller, and they were airtight and held together perfectly.

Also there's the S/N issue. The two other original batteries I have the S/Ns printed on them match with the one presented inside the Autel app.
The Aliexpress one - does not. One S/N printed on the battery, and a different once shows up in the app.
Not to mention the Aliexpress battery never came in the original box.
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We highly advise people order any Autel branded products directly from Autel or an authorized dealer (EVO II Authorized Dealers). Authorized dealers source their products direct from Autel.

If you order from 3rd party marketplaces like Aliexpress or Amazon there’s a much higher chance of getting counterfeit direct from China. Many of these products are not hard for counterfeit factories to replicate and you just don’t know what you’ll get.
We highly advise people order any Autel branded products directly from Autel or an authorized dealer (EVO II Authorized Dealers). Authorized dealers source their products direct from Autel.

If you order from 3rd party marketplaces like Aliexpress or Amazon there’s a much higher chance of getting counterfeit direct from China. Many of these products are not hard for counterfeit factories to replicate and you just don’t know what you’ll get.
I doubt very much that Autel would allow an aftermarket product on the market. They had complete control over the XStar and even if there was an aftermarket battery, it wouldn't work in the XStar because of the firmware. The XStar was one of the most popular drones at the time and got Autel in the drone business and then they let us down by not producing batteries. An aftermarket battery for the XStar would probably still outsell the EVO battery.
They don't have a choice, these are fake / replica / cheap for a reason.
Like Don said it would be very hard to produce a generic battery as the PCM module has to be programed by Autel to except their firmware updates. 99.9% of the consumer drone batteries are made by one or two companies. A battery with a lose shell could have been part of a bad production run.
Got response from the support:
According to our engineer the battery has 2 different serial numbers. First is the internal serial number which is read using the app and the other is the external serial number which is on the QR code.
Got response from the support:
According to our engineer the battery has 2 different serial numbers. First is the internal serial number which is read using the app and the other is the external serial number which is on the QR code.

That's odd. If that's the case, why does the legitimate batteries I own have matching serial numbers both in the app and both printed on the casing itself?
Does inner parts of the battery supposed to wiggle as-well?

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