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Artifacts in Pictures


Active Member
Nov 4, 2018
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Kaunas, Lithuania.
Hi Guys!

Today i was flying in low light conditions and then came back home, i saw some artifacts in pictures, so did small test and made some pictures in my room, it looks like that i have artifacts only in RAW pictures and longer exposure time, more artifacts there is. Can someone tell me what is wrong? MAX_0024.JPGMAX_0023.jpg
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Well alright, there say that RAW and lower ISO preventing from Artifacts, i was using RAW and ISO 200-600 and only playing with Shutter speed, and longer shutter more artifacts, and why artifacts not visible in JPEG file with same camera settings?
That's a good question. If the JPEG was taken with a different part of the sensor (no idea) it might indicate dust on RAW part of the sensor.
Are you saying that RAW and JPEG files are taken with different part of sensor? Is it not using full 1/2,3' sensor for everything :)?
No, I was wondering if that might be the case. The other possibilities are:

1. As part of the in-camera processing of JPEGs, a despeckling pass removed the artifacts. (I don't know what, if any, noise filters may be built into the EVO's JPEG algorithm.)

2. The artifacts in the RAW file might be the result of the RAW import settings of the image processing software you used to open the file. Are you able to open the RAW file in a different application to see if you get the same result?
i believe i found source of problem, it seams that native mac os app Preview not showing RAW files correctly, because when i open same file with Adobe Lightroom no artifacts visible :) so case solved :)
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