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Cutting Clips From A Video?


Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2017
Reaction score
I sent the XSP up the other day, and made a twenty minute video. Today I decided I wanted to snag a 20 second clip out of the video, so I opened OpenShot, and choose the piece I wanted to snag.

But when I try to render it, it's taking waaaay to long. Does anyone know if there is an easier/faster way to cut clips from a video?

The video original weaghed 3 gigs, and I even ran it through hand break and lightened it to 752mb. Still won't work?
Windows 10 allows you to open videos with the photo app that comes with it. If you want to trim a video or take a snapshot of of the video it will do it. I use it all the time. Very fast when you need it.

Screenshot 2018-01-31 23.42.44.jpg


Now I will try and work on this thank you again. I wasted about 4-hours on that openshot trying different stuff.
After reading this I did a 5 minute video from one of my trips to the desert. I used the filters and added music then saved as a large file and it did as good a job as my video editing programs and faster. Thank you Agustine another excellent tip.
Glad it helped.
On one of many Microsofts updates I could not find the player anymore but I am glad they brought it back. I like it for capturing stills from the videos I shoot.
I just did a 30 second slide show of my desktop pictures. worked like a champ. I am glad they did this. I used the player a lot. It was an excellent program.
Alright now I need some help with this. I am trying to edit and trim a video, how I get an error that says " this video is shorter than the one second minimum and cant be trimed" any idea??
The easiest, fastest and best video splitter I have ever used is Boilsoft Video Splitter.
I finished my project last night, and it worked like a charme.

Thank you again Augustine.

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