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Feb 18th Sun Rise 360 pano

Not really. Just need a calm day so the XSP is not moving all around. Use the grid lines option in the photo menu to line up your shots. You need to take 8 photos horizontal equal spaces as close as possible. Think about a clock when taking your pictures. Then you need to take 8 more same way but at 45 degree angle on the camera. Then you need 2 more photos point straight down but opposite each other. Just take your time and make sure you have all the photos you need.
Here is a tutorial that I followed.
Pretty photo. Snow is such a nice accentuation for any landscape photo.

Question; Been looking at pano programs for my Mac & as I research them, Litchi seems to be a DJI product, right down to offering waypoint programming as one of its functions. Will it work instead of Starlink? issues with x-star? Maybe I'm just misinterpreting what I'm reading.

Also: The gentleman on the video seems to be stitching together about 50 photos together, you recommend about 18. Some programs recommend hundreds to create a dramatic photo. What's the value of the extra photos. It would seem the extra photos would add error due to time shift, but at the same time I can envision more photos adding to accuracy. What's your opinion?

Pretty photo. Snow is such a nice accentuation for any landscape photo.

Question; Been looking at pano programs for my Mac & as I research them, Litchi seems to be a DJI product, right down to offering waypoint programming as one of its functions. Will it work instead of Starlink? issues with x-star? Maybe I'm just misinterpreting what I'm reading.

Also: The gentleman on the video seems to be stitching together about 50 photos together, you recommend about 18. Some programs recommend hundreds to create a dramatic photo. What's the value of the extra photos. It would seem the extra photos would add error due to time shift, but at the same time I can envision more photos adding to accuracy. What's your opinion?


Ok lets see if I can answer your questions

I am not a Mac user but I would think most pano programs are offered in windows and Mac.

The video tutorial is just that, a how to put everything together. We fly the Autel X-Star and the video uses a DJI product that can run the Litchi program with all its options making this process a cake walk :)

So not having all the options of Litchi we have to manually do some of the picture taking. Its really not that hard.
The guy is stitching together 18 photos and not 50. Not sure where you see that.
You need 18 photos as in the tutorial. Minimum, The last two looking straight down. Using jepgs with the Exif info helps with the better pano programs that support Exif for alignment.

If you have more photos it can help with missing overlay that causes blank spaces
Thanks for the insight into Litchi.

50 photos: I thought he selected all of the photos on the page to make his pano. Once you pointed out it was 18 I saw my mistake

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