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How do you all get this nice crisp photos or even videos ?

I hang my head in shame. My issues were a combination of several stupid errors on my part. The EVO is a wonderful drone and the camera is incredible....light years ahead of my Q500.
Could you elaborate a bit about what you did? My impressions of the photos I've taken were less than great. Maybe I can follow what you changed to improve the quality.
Could you elaborate a bit about what you did? My impressions of the photos I've taken were less than great. Maybe I can follow what you changed to improve the quality.
Look at the post above the one you quoted.
I’m having a softness issue as well. It does not have the plastic on the lens. I’m going to go through the settings to see if I can get it to improve.
Anyone have a solution for this? I've removed the plastic, also removed the stock UV filter. Still don't get clear photos. This is super frustrating for an expensive drone! photos are soft and look grainy. This photo is straight out of the drone. I did put my Freewell ND32/PL on for this photo, but i get the same results sharpness wise (or lack thereof) regardless of filter or not. Are these drone cameras duds?

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Did you snap this while recording video? If so it captures at video resolution. My experience is similar to yours when recording video. I haven’t done any photography.
I've been dong some shooting, and editing and I found a setting in FCPX that made me feel a lot better about the video quality. In the main video window is a view menu.In this menu there is setting Better Performance or Better Quality. When I set it to Better Quality I suddenly saw beautiful video. When it was set on Better Performance because it is H265 it degrades during playback to give better performance. So when you have H264 or H265 these files are hard to play back for most editing systems because they require a lot of decoding. So my iMac Pro can handle it, but I had it set to Better Performance anyway. So this setting is present in FCPX, and may be present in some other systems and will intentionally degrade playback for the sake of performance.

I am much happier now with this drone and the camera. Well, I have always liked the drone, but I was less happy with the camera. Now I like them both. :)
I don’t have the techno mumble jumble answers for you, but I DO have one from experience. Hahaha

Did you remove the plastic film protecting the lense of the camera??

I know. I know. Like the ol’ trouble shooting guide—“is it plugged in?” Or the new TS guide—“did you turn it off then turn it on?”

I only offer this “solution” due to... ummm...experience.

Good luck!
I need to check my camera. I'm pretty sure I've not removed the film protector from lense. Feel like that is probably spot on advise.
Have you changed your shutter speed? The faster the EVO moves, the faster the shutter speed needs to be to get sharper photos. Keep also in mind that in addition to the aircraft movement, there is wind forces and drone vibrations.

However, to control this setting you need to go manual on your exposure. This will add to your workload because to get a good exposure you also need to tweak the ISO as well. For the same exposure, a faster shutter speed needs a higher ISO.

You could hover while taking the photo to reduce the movement variables and your workload as well. Regarding video, I don't know if the ISO and shutter speed affects it. Haven't gone that far, but it would be a good experiment to make.
I hang my head in shame. My issues were a combination of several stupid errors on my part. The EVO is a wonderful drone and the camera is incredible....light years ahead of my Q500.
My issues were a combination of several stupid errors on my part.
Well what was your Errors ? I'm lost or to old to had figure it out my the post. So Enlighten me what was it ? Thanks
I've been dong some shooting, and editing and I found a setting in FCPX that made me feel a lot better about the video quality. In the main video window is a view menu.In this menu there is setting Better Performance or Better Quality. When I set it to Better Quality I suddenly saw beautiful video. When it was set on Better Performance because it is H265 it degrades during playback to give better performance. So when you have H264 or H265 these files are hard to play back for most editing systems because they require a lot of decoding. So my iMac Pro can handle it, but I had it set to Better Performance anyway. So this setting is present in FCPX, and may be present in some other systems and will intentionally degrade playback for the sake of performance.

I am much happier now with this drone and the camera. Well, I have always liked the drone, but I was less happy with the camera. Now I like them both. :)
I had another problem related to video editing software. I use Premiere Pro, which we also use at my job, and if we shoot in h.264 MP4 or h.264 mov, we always set the export to " same as source, high bitrate", and the quality is generally the same as the raw. But with all my drones, the Evo, P3P, or Solo carrying a GoPro, it blurs details. I've noticed this especially with trees, and I thought it was camera related, but after a recent shoot, went back and played raw and saw how much sharper it was. So after trying unsuccessfully with various changes to settings, I switched to a "YouTube 4k" setting export setting, which I would've assumed would be a more compressed low quality web format, but it actually came out looking just as good as the raw in terms of sharpness, and much better than the "same as source". Anyone else run into anything similar?
File compression is a tricky business. There far too many variables to enumerate, but I have found that some presets work quite well. Otherwise I have made adjustments in the encoding until I get a good file and then save that preset. Depending on your platform (MAC, PC, Linex) and video card those settings may have to differ from system to system.
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So can you tell me what your errors are? what were the mistakes you did?

This is a really old thread, the OP is probably long gone. The process to get sharp pictures is still the same though:

  • Aperture - Shoot around F5.6 if your drone camera has a variable aperture
  • Shutter Speed - Keep the shutter speed above 1/200s -> the higher the better. If you can still properly expose at 1/400s or 1/800s that's perfect
  • ISO - Keep the ISO at 100 if possible while keeping proper exposure, if not then don't go over ISO800
  • Stability - Stop the drone and hover before taking pictures to make the platform as stable as possible
  • Focusing - Typically autofocus is best, too easy to screw up manually focusing, with the wide-angle drone lenses and typical subject to camera distance, the lens is typically at infinity focus anyway
  • Remove Protectors - Easy mistake to make, if the drone is brand new, make sure you remove any stickers or clear protectors that may be on the lens
  • Don't Use Filters - ND filters, UV filters, CPLs, etc. all are an additional element between the camera lens and the subject, and they all can contribute in different ways to image degradation
  • Shoot RAW - For maximum flexibility in post, including dialing in sharpness, shoot RAW and post process in your favorite RAW post processor
  • Screen Grabs from Video - this will be the worst image quality, always switch to photography mode and take the image vs pressing the shutter button while recording video if you want the sharpest photography image
This is a really old thread, the OP is probably long gone. The process to get sharp pictures is still the same though:

  • Aperture - Shoot around F5.6 if your drone camera has a variable aperture
  • Shutter Speed - Keep the shutter speed above 1/200s -> the higher the better. If you can still properly expose at 1/400s or 1/800s that's perfect
  • ISO - Keep the ISO at 100 if possible while keeping proper exposure, if not then don't go over ISO800
  • Stability - Stop the drone and hover before taking pictures to make the platform as stable as possible
  • Focusing - Typically autofocus is best, too easy to screw up manually focusing, with the wide-angle drone lenses and typical subject to camera distance, the lens is typically at infinity focus anyway
  • Remove Protectors - Easy mistake to make, if the drone is brand new, make sure you remove any stickers or clear protectors that may be on the lens
  • Don't Use Filters - ND filters, UV filters, CPLs, etc. all are an additional element between the camera lens and the subject, and they all can contribute in different ways to image degradation
  • Shoot RAW - For maximum flexibility in post, including dialing in sharpness, shoot RAW and post process in your favorite RAW post processor
  • Screen Grabs from Video - this will be the worst image quality, always switch to photography mode and take the image vs pressing the shutter button while recording video if you want the sharpest photography image
What a great set of suggestions, thank you!

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