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Jun 1, 2022
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I just wanted to introduce myself. I’m a 49 year old father/grandfather that’s been a project manager/Civil Engineer in the underground utilities area in the Pennsylvania/New York area. 7 years ago I decided to move south and ended up here in Tampa Florida to get away from the cold! As a child from the 80’s we didn’t have drones, quad copters or anything like this, I had a gas powered plane on 2 strings that went in a circle, model rockets and of coarse if you were lucky enough you could buy a kit, mine was a Buccaneer and took a week to build, then covered it in Solartex iron-on covering and a old radio controller that had very little distance. Anyway I ended up having an accident at work, losing 4 toes, no bones, or tendons in left foot minus the big toe bones. I’ve never felt helpless like this at all in my life! I’ve been with my wife since she was 13 and I 15 and I feel like I’m just a burden to her, having to be driven, helped into wheel chair etc…. With all that I lost my medical as a IFR rated private pilot due to having 2 major heart attacks 14 days before the accident! OMG what else can go wrong!? So I decided to add arial Photography to my photography hobby. So yesterday I bought my first used drone which is like brand new, it was really never used. I bought an Autel Evo 1. , I researched and watched a ton of videos from calibration to professional use. I spent an hour yesterday just doing some control practice and really just going over the basics of flight. That about sums it up, there’s where I’m at and I plan on also making my first fpv purchase of a tinyhawk to learn that as well. Fpv racing has me so flabbergasted that I gotta get involved. Hope to learn from you guys, and sometime see you at the meets.
Thank you all in advance.

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Welcome to the forum. I got run over by a drunk driver when I was 18. Lost my left leg then. But I was young and never look back.... bought my first drone recently plus I live in drone heaven... no neighbors no cell phones not much of anything than snow caped mountains and wilderness... Autel drones are the way to go.... you don't need to ask anyone for take off and the drone does not tell anyone who is out there just in case... loving every minute of it!
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama, welcome to the forum!
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