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Override "return to home?"


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
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Once "return to home" is initiated, are we stuck just waiting for landing? When I lose sight of the EVO, I sometimes just use return to home but it would be really great if I could assume control once it's in sight.
Once "return to home" is initiated, are we stuck just waiting for landing? When I lose sight of the EVO, I sometimes just use return to home but it would be really great if I could assume control once it's in sight.
You can't cancel return to home? I ordered an Evo, still waiting for it. I own a Mavic Pro Platinum but usually when you cancelled return to home, you can control back the aircraft.
Well, I DO know that joy stick inputs are pretty much ignored once it's in "return to home" mode. Maybe there's a way to do it, but I don't know what it is.
Well, I DO know that joy stick inputs are pretty much ignored once it's in "return to home" mode. Maybe there's a way to do it, but I don't know what it is.
That's weird to know that with the Evo you can't cancel rth. Hopefully a future firmware fix this.
If there is no cancel button like on the XSP that you have to hold for like 3 seconds you can just use the up control and hold it for like 3 seconds.
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Thanks. I don't know what Forward Vision System is, but I'll look into this.
Thanks. I don't know what Forward Vision System is, but I'll look into this.

Look on page 14 and down from there.

Forward Vision System & Rear Avoidance Sensors The Forward Vision System on the front of the aircraft uses image data to calculate the distance between the aircraft and potential obstacles. The system will halt EVO’s forward progress when an obstacle is detected. Infrared sensors detect motion and measure any heat being emitted by potential obstacles to the rear of the aircraft. TIPS • Always keep the binocular camera lens clean. • When the StarpointTM Positioning System is activated, don’t use other 40KHz ultrasonic devices nearby, such as ultrasonic rangefinders, fault detectors, cleaners or welding machines.
You can't cancel return to home? I ordered an Evo, still waiting for it. I own a Mavic Pro Platinum but usually when you cancelled return to home, you can control back the aircraft.
@macoman Not only can you override the RTH function to regain control you can also override the land function with the same command.
Keep in mind that you must hold the pause button until a blue line appears and goes across the screen. I had a situation where I could not cancel because I thought it was just a matter of pressing the pause. It is not fun when you have no control, I have a video posted on here, you'll hear me panic as I didn't recognize at first it was indeeed returning to me then I couldn't cancel rth and had no control you'll see on the screen the image move slightly right and left as it fought my inputs really frightening to me.

EVO failed distance test, very frustrating.

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