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Pink Moon Photo Opp !


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2016
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Get your cameras ready!
If you are staying inside and bored, take this time and get your drone (Or any Camera!) and take your best shoot and Post Here!

"That’s because another supermoon is lighting up skies around the world this week. And although every full moon is a fairly photo-worthy experience, this one is pretty special.

The phenomenon, called the “super pink moon,” will actually be the brightest full moon of the year. And, although the moon won’t be very pink, it will be a bright, eye-catching shade of orange.

When you can see the ‘super pink moon’
The full moon will be visible in North America on April 7, rising in the east that evening and setting in the west during the morning of April 8.
So, if you’re looking to catch the bright lights, find a clear spot to look eastward as the sun sets Tuesday night — particularly around 10:35 EST, when the moon will reach peak illumination.
And don’t freak out if you miss it. The next supermoon, called the “full flower moon,” will appear exactly one month later, on May 7."

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I had all my sh## ready for this but it looks like we're gonna have rain so i'll probably miss it. I hope we see some pics and vids in here.
Rained here all day also. Just small little openings to the moon around 12:30 AM so I tried to get some photos. No tripod so most where garbage.







After the clouds left the fog rolled in. Gave a spooky effect.



at least YOU got to SEE the moon !
Good Effort.\
We can try again tonight !
I tried to shoot it just as it rose behind Lone Mtn across the street, b/c I knew it would go into clouds right after that. Damn that thing moves fast when it's rising..... I tried to clean it up a bit, with mixed results. The cactus is about 1/2 mile away, the moon a little further... :)super-moon-cacti-2.jpg
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So we had a clear night last night so I went out on day(night) two and took a bunch
after it got above the horizon
Hand held 400MM F8-F11
too windy (and lazy) to try with the EVO
First two early, last one after it got up in the sky a bit



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Really nice photos.
I have a 16-300mm Tamron and there is no way I could get shots like that. Very well done.
Yea, zooms tend to be slow aperture wise. You can max the ISO w/some noise, but..... I used a 40yr old manual 600mm f4 Nikkor that weighs 20+lbs on a big tripod. At the horizon, the moon is moving so fast it’s a frenzied shoot. While it wasn’t too hard to shoot the moon itself as it got higher, trying to put something in the frame for perspective was really hard...
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BTW, I did fly my XSP, but since the moon was so bright, and the lens on it so wide, it’s just a glowing golf ball in a dark sky. Kinda disappointing.... here's a screen shot:Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 1.07.00 PM.jpeg
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Just a 4.5-5.6 75-300mm zoom that comes as a package when you buy the camera. It's probably a 14 year old lens but it is a Canon so there's that...thanks guys!

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