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Trying to cover my bases


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
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Greetings All, I tried with search to find what I was looking for but no dice, so here I am: if for some reason my battery goes bad and force the unit to land away from my location, how do I initiate trying to find it?
(PS I only found a small snippet by Autel)

And on my Starlink flying page my lower left map only shows the generic map, how to have it show satellite view ?

Sorry if this has been addressed before but I could not find even on Google.

Thanking you in advance
You need to have show flight route enabled first to find your quad.

And you change to the different maps by using the layer map thingee on the right hand side.
You need to have show flight route enabled first to find your quad.
View attachment 900

And you change to the different maps by using the layer map thingee on the right hand side.
View attachment 901

Agustine I thank you very much for your timely input, I have show flight route enabled so how do I extrapolate what I see on the map to having text data like distance or are there any beside the map ?
again sorry for asking details that sometimes are obvious wanting to be ready if it comes to that point
No more data that I know of. The idea is to look at the map and it should give you a good idea where to look. I don't think there are any coordinates but I might be wrong. Just keep the app open with the map and go look for your quad. :)
No more data that I know of. The idea is to look at the map and it should give you a good idea where to look. I don't think there are any coordinates but I might be wrong. Just keep the app open with the map and go look for your quad. :)

Many thanks buddy and I am copying your instructions on Word and saved on my laptop, hoping I never get to that point
Hi again, I have the satellite view instead of the generic but when I review my flight the satellite view is good for only 6 to 700 ft then beyond is generic view again, feeling a few gray hairs sprouting....
Here's a pic of what I'm trying to say:


  • IMG_0133.JPG
    855.3 KB · Views: 12
Thank you Agustine and if I listened right, I should have AMAP on on the Starlink...correct?
He says that AMAP should stay OFF unless you’re in China.
Glad you asked this question, good info. Also has anyone found a device to attach to a drone (that's lite enough) to find it later. iPhone has something you can put on your keys that might help, even if it only reaches 20 yards it could help in dense foliage.
I don't have anything to offer concerning a tracker but a couple of us have ordered a couple of Strobes at $17.00/ea from Carolina Dronz and stick it to each diagonal legs, they run for 5 hours between charges, once in the air they can be seen for 3 miles and I could see it might help when searching in tall grass or the like, if you find a tracker suitable for us please let us know.

Good Luck
Norm, please take this as friendly banter and not condescending.

I like your attitude!!!! You are already figuring your gonna lose your Drone and you'd like to have a search program in place before that happens!!!! Most of us worrying about those trivial things after the loss. :D
Glad you asked this question, good info. Also has anyone found a device to attach to a drone (that's lite enough) to find it later. iPhone has something you can put on your keys that might help, even if it only reaches 20 yards it could help in dense foliage.
Consider a "Tile Mate - Key Finder. Phone Finder. Anything Finder" from Amazon. I just ordered one that hasn't arrived. The 1st amazon customer review from "Hart" is very interesting. I figure if it's not what I need for a drone, it can be usefully attached to something else.
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