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We need to ban together, This has to end!


Dec 2, 2023
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We all need to ban together and either get a law passed or a news report aired or something.
Ive been on the internet today reading one horror story after another of Autel scamming people charging them for repairs when its still under warranty. Or sending used parts or drones and being charged as new . Or holding peoples drones ransom until an invoice that had no prior authorization is paid. Now I heard from someone who used to work there that they hate Americans If they see you have a Chinese name you get great customer service but if you have an American or "white" sounding name they will bend you over with no lube. Im going to post a link to my story and a few others and you'll see a pattern here. Especially in regards to them sending used drones or controllers and charging for new ones. I got my controller back today and it was supposed to be swapped out for a new one., Sure enough they sent a used one with scratches and one of the dials is off axis and does not move freely or return to the middle position,. Looks like it was dropped on that corner. Wait until you read my story and what they are doing to me.. These people are cruel and ruthless.
My story> What autel did is absolutely insane, PLEASE read this. Am I crazy?

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I just send my drone for repair. It had an issue with the camera, most likely faulty from production. The issue developed over the first 2 months of flying. It also had minor damage to several spots because of a very bad crash. So maybe the crash caused the damage or made it worse. I don't know.

They sent back a brand new drone, full package with batteries and everything within 2 weeks. No charge no questions asked.

I see people communications with support and I wonder my self. How can you Not have issues with support when you can not clearly explain what the issue is or send them 6 confusing emails in the same day?

I don't know maybe you are right aboutbad support... but if you want the best night scene no BS geofencing, no height limit; which is crucial when flying around steep mountains or canyons. Then your only option is Autel.
I read your story before. Yeah you are right but the way you handle it was not good either.
1. Any customer support would be confused with so many emails.
2. You don't send emails for things you need right away. You call and then you follow up with an email. Keep your communication clear and make up your mind. State specifically what you need.
3. Why you need a special service? To send you a new controller before receiving the old one? Imagine that they have thousands of people to deal every day and half of them ask for a special treatment. Which is not necessary wrong in your case but you add confusion to your case.
4. They offered to repair it same day if you visit them. Maybe it was too far for you. But the option was there.
5. and most important! Use common sense! You don't send something for a repair just because it's locked with a password. There is always a work around. Search online, read the manual, call them and insist. There is no way to reset the password?
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I don't know what some others are whining about. I have had to deal with Autel Customer Support on several issues and each time, they get back within a day or two. The repairs have been turned around within two weeks. Maybe I am lucky or maybe I just treat them politely.
We all need to ban together and either get a law passed or a news report aired or something.
Ive been on the internet today reading one horror story after another of Autel scamming people charging them for repairs when its still under warranty. Or sending used parts or drones and being charged as new . Or holding peoples drones ransom until an invoice that had no prior authorization is paid. Now I heard from someone who used to work there that they hate Americans If they see you have a Chinese name you get great customer service but if you have an American or "white" sounding name they will bend you over with no lube. Im going to post a link to my story and a few others and you'll see a pattern here. Especially in regards to them sending used drones or controllers and charging for new ones. I got my controller back today and it was supposed to be swapped out for a new one., Sure enough they sent a used one with scratches and one of the dials is off axis and does not move freely or return to the middle position,. Looks like it was dropped on that corner. Wait until you read my story and what they are doing to me.. These people are cruel and ruthless.
My story> What autel did is absolutely insane, PLEASE read this. Am I crazy?

Others just like mine
After reading this I am concerned. I bought a new EVO Lite+ and it had issues right out of the box. Autel wanted it back to repair under warranty. So I bought it in October tried to get it to work via support to resolve issues in November. Sent to Autel at beginning of December and here I sit, spent over $1000 and still don’t have a working drone.
I hope to be one of those with a successful outcome. I would expect a response in the coming week as that would be 2+ weeks since they got it. And then there is the holidays :).
After reading this I am concerned. I bought a new EVO Lite+ and it had issues right out of the box. Autel wanted it back to repair under warranty. So I bought it in October tried to get it to work via support to resolve issues in November. Sent to Autel at beginning of December and here I sit, spent over $1000 and still don’t have a working drone.
I hope to be one of those with a successful outcome. I would expect a response in the coming week as that would be 2+ weeks since they got it. And then there is the holidays :).
No man just call them. I had to call them once, they picked up right away.
This has been going on for several years. I had nothing but trouble with my Evo2 V1 and it eventually dropped out of the sky despite numerous emails identifying the problems I was experiencing. I am based in Australia and was told to send the drone to a repairer in New Zealand but it 'disappeared'. After getting increasingly vocal I was promised a replacement (it was still under warranty). You guessed it the one I was sent was not brand new but it has at least worked. Not sure if they 'hate Americans' or just have zero idea about customer service. Its true that there are plenty of people who have no problems but they should not be trivialising the experiences of those that do.
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We all need to ban together and either get a law passed or a news report aired or something.
Ive been on the internet today reading one horror story after another of Autel scamming people charging them for repairs when its still under warranty. Or sending used parts or drones and being charged as new . Or holding peoples drones ransom until an invoice that had no prior authorization is paid. Now I heard from someone who used to work there that they hate Americans If they see you have a Chinese name you get great customer service but if you have an American or "white" sounding name they will bend you over with no lube. Im going to post a link to my story and a few others and you'll see a pattern here. Especially in regards to them sending used drones or controllers and charging for new ones. I got my controller back today and it was supposed to be swapped out for a new one., Sure enough they sent a used one with scratches and one of the dials is off axis and does not move freely or return to the middle position,. Looks like it was dropped on that corner. Wait until you read my story and what they are doing to me.. These people are cruel and ruthless.
My story> What autel did is absolutely insane, PLEASE read this. Am I crazy?

Others just like mine
Well, I've only had DJI drones and I've had service 3 times. They are somewhat slow even acknowledging they've received my drone. I will just say that you can't expect Autel to treat you differently because you have personal financial problems. You should look at the long term . Asking big companies to things they don't normally do doesn't usally work. For instance, last repair I asked DJI to send my drone back via FedEx but they said they only use DHL.

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