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Weird thing happened flying my Evo today


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2018
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When I go out to one location (two to three times a week) I run three seperate waypoint missions across two batteries. Today I got out, flew the first mission. No problems. Loaded the second mission, it flew to the starting point, flew about 3 seconds and stopped. A message popped up on the screen, but I couldn't make out what it was. Restarted mission, same thing. Brought it down, power cycled everything. Started mission, flew back to the starting point and same thing, stopped after three seconds. Started trying to fly it manually, but it's hard to do because from point A to B the drone is supposed to be pivoting the whole time. I also noticed as I was free flying the drone would pull up suddenly like I did a hard reverse.

Landed. Swapped batteries. Started third mission. Same thing. Then I took off obstacle avoidance and it flew the mission with no problems.

Called Autel and they said they've seen this before where obstacle avoidance in bright sunlight can see glare as a solid wall. I've flown in similar conditions and never seen this before. Has anyone seen anything like this?

//Gonna try to fly this weekend at a different time of day and see if it works out.
When I go out to one location (two to three times a week) I run three seperate waypoint missions across two batteries. Today I got out, flew the first mission. No problems. Loaded the second mission, it flew to the starting point, flew about 3 seconds and stopped. A message popped up on the screen, but I couldn't make out what it was. Restarted mission, same thing. Brought it down, power cycled everything. Started mission, flew back to the starting point and same thing, stopped after three seconds. Started trying to fly it manually, but it's hard to do because from point A to B the drone is supposed to be pivoting the whole time. I also noticed as I was free flying the drone would pull up suddenly like I did a hard reverse.

Landed. Swapped batteries. Started third mission. Same thing. Then I took off obstacle avoidance and it flew the mission with no problems.

Called Autel and they said they've seen this before where obstacle avoidance in bright sunlight can see glare as a solid wall. I've flown in similar conditions and never seen this before. Has anyone seen anything like this?

//Gonna try to fly this weekend at a different time of day and see if it works out.
I have had it happen to me once. It doesn't happen often enough to me to become a problem. Hopefully they come up with a patch for it. The Mavic has the same issue.
Same here. Happened once. Just stopped. I never did figure it out. Smooth waypoints since then. Go figure...
Same here. Happened once. Just stopped. I never did figure it out. Smooth waypoints since then. Go figure...

Did it happen more than once on that flight or just the one time? Thanks!
Did it happen more than once on that flight or just the one time? Thanks!
As I recall (that was my first attempt at waypoints and its been a while) I did a RTH and just did some manual flying for a few minutes testing some video settings. I assumed I had done something wrong in the setup of waypoints. With further experience now I don't believe I did anything wrong.
If the sun is low in the horizon the OA gets very freaky, were you flying early morning or late in the afternoon, facing towards the sun?
If the sun is low in the horizon the OA gets very freaky, were you flying early morning or late in the afternoon, facing towards the sun?

Later in the afternoon. Sun was def. down in the sky. I flew in overcast weather over the weekend and no problems.
I really don't know if it's the nature of the beast as I don't own any DJI products with OA but Autel certainly needs to address this issue. I had a couple of incidents with mine, both caused by the OA, instead of avoiding they caused accidents.
When I go out to one location (two to three times a week) I run three seperate waypoint missions across two batteries. Today I got out, flew the first mission. No problems. Loaded the second mission, it flew to the starting point, flew about 3 seconds and stopped. A message popped up on the screen, but I couldn't make out what it was. Restarted mission, same thing. Brought it down, power cycled everything. Started mission, flew back to the starting point and same thing, stopped after three seconds. Started trying to fly it manually, but it's hard to do because from point A to B the drone is supposed to be pivoting the whole time. I also noticed as I was free flying the drone would pull up suddenly like I did a hard reverse.

Landed. Swapped batteries. Started third mission. Same thing. Then I took off obstacle avoidance and it flew the mission with no problems.

Called Autel and they said they've seen this before where obstacle avoidance in bright sunlight can see glare as a solid wall. I've flown in similar conditions and never seen this before. Has anyone seen anything like this?

//Gonna try to fly this weekend at a different time of day and see if it works out.
//well not just like it but I was flying into the clouds and my avoidence sensor went off// and thats not very sunny up there on an over cast day.
//well not just like it but I was flying into the clouds and my avoidence sensor went off// and thats not very sunny up there on an over cast day.
Clouds can be very confusing creating glare and light bounce, it could easily be mistaken for a wall.
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Clouds can be very confusing creating glare and light bounce, it could easily be mistaken for a wall.
Thats what some one else told me, there were people saying the rear sensor was not working but I had no prob..but it did make me wonder when I heard beeping in the clouds, and they were very misty thats why I came down whenI hit them..I was frilming and lost my vison up there.
be careful with the rear sensor, I crashed because it is not meant to stop the craft, I was testing so was careful not be high off the ground, it looked to me like it had stopped so I left pushing back and boom, no stop lots of beeping though, telling me what an idiot I am.
be careful with the rear sensor, I crashed because it is not meant to stop the craft, I was testing so was careful not be high off the ground, it looked to me like it had stopped so I left pushing back and boom, no stop lots of beeping though, telling me what an idiot I am.
The rear sensor does stop the craft if in Novice or ATTI mode. Not sure why they disabled it in normal mode…unless they found that it wasn't reliable above a certain speed.
Usually OA equipped birds will limit speed when active, the IR system probably works ok even the visual system will probably have enough delay reacting to make speed limit necessary in order to be effective. I don't see what the issue is with limiting the speed but having it work. The visual system on the other hand is so sensitive it makes it impossible to move at times. The place where I take off from is on the water with the landing pad in the middle of a maybe 15 foot "yard" long and narrow, coming in for a landing can be pretty impossible unless u turn the craft around, it will refuse to reach the landing pad because of the wall. Mind you, It's a good think that it works well, but I am not used to OA having flown an Inspire 1 for almost 2 years, so it can be really annoying, but that said, the OA was one of the 2 factors that kept me from the ANAFI.
Or maybe Autel found that with rear OA active, the EVO could find its way into spots it couldn't get out of?

I'm still hoping to see that the forward OA works vertically as well as horizontally. The EVO supposed to be able to avoid obstacles by flying over them but all I have found so far is reports of it not ascending to avoid.

Judging by the Wired review, you're well out of the Anafi.
it does see below and above, so good that it stopped for me when I least expected or wanted with the obstacle a couple of feet lower, it will go around ONLY in intelligent modes
Back in the day, Autel were promoting its OA as flying over as well as around obstacles, eg. from 1:20 in this CES video:

Back in the day, Autel were promoting its OA as flying over as well as around obstacles, eg. from 1:20 in this CES video:

it does, in autonomous mode, "if you are tracking yourself on a bike ......etc"
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After many additional flights there is def. something wrong with my Evo. I get a message about the angle of the camera being too severe. Finishing up a project over the next two weeks then I will be sending it in to get looked at.
When I go out to one location (two to three times a week) I run three seperate waypoint missions across two batteries. Today I got out, flew the first mission. No problems. Loaded the second mission, it flew to the starting point, flew about 3 seconds and stopped. A message popped up on the screen, but I couldn't make out what it was. Restarted mission, same thing. Brought it down, power cycled everything. Started mission, flew back to the starting point and same thing, stopped after three seconds. Started trying to fly it manually, but it's hard to do because from point A to B the drone is supposed to be pivoting the whole time. I also noticed as I was free flying the drone would pull up suddenly like I did a hard reverse.

Landed. Swapped batteries. Started third mission. Same thing. Then I took off obstacle avoidance and it flew the mission with no problems.

Called Autel and they said they've seen this before where obstacle avoidance in bright sunlight can see glare as a solid wall. I've flown in similar conditions and never seen this before. Has anyone seen anything like this?

//Gonna try to fly this weekend at a different time of day and see if it works out.

I had the same exact thing happen to me with my Mavic Pro. It was always when looking into the sun is when it did it the most.

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