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Well here is the video of my crash

Sorry to see you crash..the "Thanks for watching" at the end is classic. Glad you had no damage...I would replace the props either way, or at least check them for balance if you have a balancer. The XSP is quite resilient to crashes and one tough drone.
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Sorry to see you crash..the "Thanks for watching" at the end is classic. Glad you had no damage...I would replace the props either way, or at least check them for balance if you have a balancer. The XSP is quite resilient to crashes and one tough drone.
At the end are links to some of my other videos. Sometimes when I share on forums, the links won't show up. If viewed on the actual YouTube site, they do.

Sent from my SM-S902L using Tapatalk
Errr.....you flew smack dab into that tree.....WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!o_O Glad it didn't stick, do you have slick trees, or a teflon coated drone?:D At any rate, you came out smelling like a rose. You must live a charmed life.
I thought I had the height. I wanted to just skim over the tree tops. I was across the field about 250 yards away. It was looking good until the last few seconds...lol.

Sent from my SM-S902L using Tapatalk
Yep, if was cool to begin with, heck, I even liked the chickens!:)
I don't suppose you do some chicken chasing with your drone?
The "Top Gun" maneuver would have worked for you..." I'm gonna hit the brakes, he'll fly right by"...easy to say now after the fact but I have been practicing in my back yard some of the very abrupt and harsh maneuvers for just such an occasion. I fly toward my fence at 50-60% forward throttle, then right stick all the way back and 30% left stick up (the up is to force more air toward the item you are avoiding while tilting back from that object)..don't know if the x-star would actually flip or not, Ive had landing gear about 60 degrees to the ground but it didn't look like it would flip over as it seemed to auto compensate for the heavy swing of the craft by itself.
The "Top Gun" maneuver would have worked for you..." I'm gonna hit the brakes, he'll fly right by"...easy to say now after the fact but I have been practicing in my back yard some of the very abrupt and harsh maneuvers for just such an occasion. I fly toward my fence at 50-60% forward throttle, then right stick all the way back and 30% left stick up (the up is to force more air toward the item you are avoiding while tilting back from that object)..don't know if the x-star would actually flip or not, Ive had landing gear about 60 degrees to the ground but it didn't look like it would flip over as it seemed to auto compensate for the heavy swing of the craft by itself.
I was watching the drone from about 250 yards away. I should have been watching the tablet. Too much glare plus I had sunglasses on and couldn't see very well. I realized I was too low, too late. Lucky no damage!

Sent from my SM-S902L using Tapatalk
Yep, if was cool to begin with, heck, I even liked the chickens!:)
I don't suppose you do some chicken chasing with your drone?
Lol...chickens belong to the lady that owns the property. I often worry they will get too close when I'm launching. They arent afraid of much. I'm afraid I'll decapitate one if they get too close.

Sent from my SM-S902L using Tapatalk
Yeah, in that case, watching the screen, you would have been able to see what you were headed for. In one of my tree landings, I should have been watching the drone because the limb was below the view of the camera as I was coming back in to land.
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I view the Drone until I've reached vertical height to be clear of local obstacles. Then I don't look at it again until I'm vertically overhead and starting the landing sequence. This maintains orientation. Looking back and forth between the drone and the viewer is a recipe for disaster.

No flame intended. Complete Pilot error. I've crashed three times. Two Pilot error. One Drone failure. So the Drone is still better than I am. :)

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