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Autel Wish List


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2019
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Does anyone know of an official wish list for development requests? I imagine everyone on this forum has at least one thing they'd really like to see Autel develop and release for the Evo. Personally, I have a bunch, but one I've really been wanting lately- one that I'd get a LOT of use out of- is a cable cam mode, where you set the flight path of the drone freeing the pilot to focus on the camera. Something that goes hand in hand with that is the ability to both tilt and pan the camera, but I suppose you could just use yaw as long as the drone kept on the flight path. Viewpoint could almost act this way, but when you yaw one way or the other it takes the Evo off the path and drifts towards the direction the nose is pointing. If they could cancel that effect, or add a setting to cancel that effect, and possibly allow for more flexibility with the path, it would basically be a cable cam.
ATTI MODE—the ability to set one of the bottom switches on the controller between GPS and ATTI (as you can on the Phantoms). Two reasons: 1. In Australia, and I assume some other countries, being able to demonstrate you can fly and land in Atti mode is a requirement for the official (CASA) pilot flight test. Going through a menu to change wouldn’t cut it in an emergency. 2. If you can handle flying in Atti, you’ll get much smoother videos than in GPS, generally speaking. I have made this request to Autel Support.
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The ability to switch between standard and ludicrous modes with the press of a button. The wind changes all the time, and being able to switch, just to save your drone is a must. Autel can't expect us to go into settings and change this in the middle of a panic, because the drone can't fight the winds.
The ability to switch between standard and ludicrous modes with the press of a button. The wind changes all the time, and being able to switch, just to save your drone is a must. Autel can't expect us to go into settings and change this in the middle of a panic, because the drone can't fight the winds.
See my response above—maybe they could give us three choices, or more, as there are two allegedly “customisable buttons. On a Phantom, GPS, ATTI and Sport are on the one switch.
See my response above—maybe they could give us three choices, or more, as there are two allegedly “customisable buttons. On a Phantom, GPS, ATTI and Sport are on the one switch.
I was just about to say the same thing... adding a few customize-able buttons and/or switches would take care of a few of these.
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See my response above—maybe they could give us three choices, or more, as there are two allegedly “customisable buttons. On a Phantom, GPS, ATTI and Sport are on the one switch.
I don't want a switch. I want to use the AB bittons for this.
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1. The controller could use a complete new design, ergonomically speaking. It's hard to hold and not comfortable. The little handles are too short. I keep hitting the A and B buttons unintentionally so if they are ever activated in the firmware I'll be messing things up. If there is a re-design, why not add a larger screen with the ability to access all the programming features and eliminate the need to add a phone or tablet.

2. Smooth transition through waypoints would be nice rather than having the aircraft come to a complete stop at each waypoint and then reorient itself before proceeding to the next waypoint.

3. Further development of the Explorer Application for iOS to catch up to the Android level.

4. Ability to add plug in modules such as FLIR imaging devices or LIDAR.

5. Deliver on the advertised promise of the ability to perform 3D mapping. Perhaps adding the above suggestion (LIDAR) would be necessary.

6. Ability to connect video goggles directly to the controller.

7. Audio. I'm used to flying FPV with the ability to hear what my motors are doing. Sometimes hearing a change in motor noise clues you in to conditions.

8. Ability to select between audible alarms or silent vibrating alarms on the controller. This is necessary if controlling near an open microphone while filming.
Auto-horizon would be amazing, and the ability to disable the A & B buttons.
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More engineers working on more improvements and new features, with more frequent firmware updates.

I know, that's a little vague but wouldn't it be great
I don't want a switch. I want to use the AB bittons for this.
I don't know about you, but those A and B buttons on the bottom are currently unprogrammable, and already annoying. They are a point of support underneath when using any phone or tablet, and are constantly being accidentally triggered, and buzzing, opening up the Play menu for whatever is already recorded on the microSD card, even in midflight! You certainly don't want to program anything as altering as ATTI mode into them!
Custom settings that survive a reboot, and switching PIP windows! In order to point the controller antennas at the aircraft at long range, you need to know the aircraft direction. Currently, the only way to determine that is to make the Map fullscreen and toggle off North Up, and rotate the controller until the line to the aircraft is vertical. However, as soon as you minimize the map, the mini Map goes back to North Up. Then, when you make the Map fullscreen again, it is has ALSO been reset to North Up, requiring turning it off AGAIN! On all DJI aircraft, the change from North Up can be made on either Map view, and is retained on both full screen and mini Map views, so you can retain full FPV while monitoring antenna orientation pointed at the aircraft on the mini Map view. Autel should take note!
I don't know about you, but those A and B buttons on the bottom are currently unprogrammable, and already annoying. They are a point of support underneath when using any phone or tablet, and are constantly being accidentally triggered, and buzzing, opening up the Play menu for whatever is already recorded on the microSD card, even in midflight! You certainly don't want to program anything as altering as ATTI mode into them!
The way I hold my controller, the A B buttons end up under my middle finger., so I haven't accidentally pressed them yet. I woudn't put ATTI there, just Precision and Ludicrous modes.
The way I hold my controller, the A B buttons end up under my middle finger., so I haven't accidentally pressed them yet. I woudn't put ATTI there, just Precision and Ludicrous modes.
Maybe mounting the tablet on top of the hollow handles below, rather than above the built in display, would alter the overall balance sufficiently to make the A and B buttons more useful, and less likely to be accidentally triggered.

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