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Battery Question

Island Dog

Active Member
Jan 9, 2017
Reaction score
Good Morning group......I accidentally dropped a battery onto the sidewalk, from about 18" off the ground....now it will not charge at all.....there are no physical signs of the cell bulging and only shows the external case scratched from the fall......Any ideas on repairing this or is it toast??? Thanks for any feedback!
thanks for the tip.....tried that a few times up to 30 seconds.....no luck though
Darn, my first battery did the 35% to 3 % drop thing and it would not charge. Took me two days trying different combinations of hold the button and charging but it finally started to charge.
Darn, my first battery did the 35% to 3 % drop thing and it would not charge. Took me two days trying different combinations of hold the button and charging but it finally started to charge.
Uh-Oh, sounds like it's time to break out the saw.:D

Dog, I used that saw to help open up the case on a battery that got wet. I finally got it to start charging, but it's still not working. I'm not telling you to do that, but I would probably open up the case just to see if maybe a wire had come loose.
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Autel is pretty good at replacing batteries. I would just say it will not charge anymore. They have never asked for any of mine back and just replaced them. Give it a shot.
surprised it only dropped about 18".....oh well time to buy battery #3
what Agustine said... They don't want the old one back due to shipping and disposal hassles...
thanks I'll do that......beautiful day to fly here on the Eastern Shore of Virginia......
Additional battery question. When the battery is more than 80% charged the manual state that you should power up the battery prior to placing in the charger. Does anyone know why and do you put on the charger while it's on?

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