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Contact email/name/phone # for 3D Printed Drone Mods company?

Lough Gur

Dec 22, 2018
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Does anybody have an email or phone number for 3D Printed Drone Mods? I made the mistake of ordering some products from them (3D Printed Drone Mods). I should have known something was off when I placed my order and couldn't even print the confirmation screen (no "print" button or ability to use right-click [I used prtsc]). After four days I still have no email confirmation, the order status is "On Hold", and the only way to contact the company is through a fill-in-the-blank contact page that's failed 8 times when I've tried it. I was trying to contact them to find out what "On Hold" means, and when I could expect shipment, but the whole website is so sketchy that I just want to cancel the order at this point. Any help would be appreciated.
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Scott Smith is the guy who owns the company. He has been around for ever and is pretty reliable with stuff people order. Could be Covid related as to why he is behind or not responding. He lives in
Clermont, Florida if that helps.

Also he is on facebook. Might be able to send him a message that way. His last activity on there was Nov. 28th from what I can tell. He is a member here but I cannot remember his user name.
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Does anybody have an email or phone number for 3D Printed Drone Mods? I made the mistake of ordering some products from them (3D Printed Drone Mods). I should have known something was off when I placed my order and couldn't even print the confirmation screen (no "print" button or ability to use right-click [I used prtsc]). After four days I still have no email confirmation, the order status is "On Hold", and the only way to contact the company is through a fill-in-the-blank contact page that's failed 8 times when I've tried it. I was trying to contact them to find out what "On Hold" means, and when I could expect shipment, but the whole website is so sketchy that I just want to cancel the order at this point. Any help would be appreciated.
Similar problem, placed order on Nov 9th. Have made several attempts to contact with no reply.
I just sent him a PM via FB, we'll see if that works.
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Here's my update on 3D Printed Drone Mods (3D Printed Drone Mods). His name given in a post above is Scott Smith, but the website shows Martin Smith. I've tried multiple times to contact him through the "Contact" portion of the website and it fails each time ("Failed to send your message. Please try later or contact the administrator by another method"). This is the only avenue of official contact, so that's an issue.

Through some digging on this forum I've come to the conclusion that the member is gustofusion. He hasn't posted since October 3rd. I've used this forum to start a conversation with him regarding my order. Hopefully he will respond. In the meantime, I'd caution anyone looking to order through his website to be cautious.
Were you billed/charged for products before they were shipped? If so, then get a hold of your bank and dispute the charges. If not then pass it off as he's got his hands full with other things and fulfilling orders isn't a priority right now.

Shoot me a direct message with what you were looking for. I can't guarantee anything but I could possibly get you sorted out on what you were looking for.
verticalflyer - while I appreciate the offer to "get me sorted out", that's not the point. This guy has a website that's still up and taking orders and credit card numbers from people. He can't morally and commercially just abandon the site (while still taking orders) because "he's got his hands full with other things and fulfilling orders isn't a priority right now". At this point it's painfully obvious that he's not going to fulfill orders, and he should have posted a message on his website stating that. Additionally, he should contact all of the people with unfilled orders, provide an update, and allow people to cancel them within his order system. Personally, I don't want my credit card number in the hands of someone who just abandons a business for months at a time (along with the fact that he disabled the only way on the website for people to contact his business). And I don't want something shipped that I wanted months ago.

It seems I learn something every day. In this case I learned that I should have used the Contact portion of the website to ask some random question and waited for a response before ordering. Live and learn.
I know that's not your point. My statement there was, "Let me know what you were looking for and I may be able to print out what you need."

"It seems I learn something every day. In this case I learned that I should have used the Contact portion of the website to ask some random question and waited for a response before ordering. Live and learn."

When dealing with small business, yes. I'm glad you realized this now on something trivial than having to have to realize it for something not so. It sounds like you may, or may not, know how 3rd party billing companies work. The chance of your CC number, in full, being provided to this person is next to nill.

Again. If you'd like to have something printed then let me know via direct message.
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verticalflyer - how would I have known this was a "small business". It's a website! It could be a one-man operation or a company with 100 employees.

I'm confused, how can you "print out" what I need? I'm assuming you're referring to the same 3D printing that 3D Printed Drone Mods does. Aren't those mods patented?

From your earlier post ("he's got his hands full with other things and fulfilling orders isn't a priority right now") it sounds like you know this person. If so, how about giving us an email or any other way to contact him to get these issues straightened out.

No connection whatsoever other than a fellow small business owner that knows their way around different pieces of tech. Simple as that.

Good luck to you.
hope this helps.

unfortunately there are thousands of businesses and websites that are unattended, unchecked, unresponsive, or otherwise unavailable for whatever reason. maybe the website owner has locked him out until he pays his bill. maybe the guy is in the hospital in a coma. maybe the irs has frozen all of his accounts. as internet consumers, we don't have to sweat the details. that's what a credit card is for. in America, there are strict laws that dictate minimum standards for financial transactions by merchants. but so far, nothing you have mentioned sounds like he is breaking any rules. not sure if this is what you are looking for but you have nothing to worry about. since no one is entitled to the product, there is always a suitable resolution should you decide to file a claim. you really don't need to "cancel" the order, if you used a credit card a simple phone call will suffice.

I've order from the business maybe 3 times (may, July, September) and not only did I get exactly what I asked for but also I am happy with the product and it's performance. orders were shipped within 1 or 2 days. the website looks like one of those stock, generic type websites with a cart so I wouldn't worry about the layout, etc.

"Please note that your credit/debit card will indicate a charge from WHOLESELLERSOURCE."

I got answers back on the same day I sent questions thru the website contact form on jul 6 to

Martin Smith <[email protected]>​

It is very unfortunate that you did not get your order and cannot contact Scott Smith (this is his real name). I have been around the RC drone community since 2014 and have been on forums with Scott over the years and yes his forum name is "gustofusion". He has always been very helpful with many different projects. His 3D printing business really never took off till about three years ago. He was more into reviewing quads and ran a small forum which never really took off. It was geared more for the Yuneec Q500 drones. His last post on his facebook account is late Nov. and nothing since. With all this Covid sh1t going around I hope he is not one of the fallen.
For Scott not to answer his customers is just not his way of doing business so there is more going on then just someone who ran away with your money. I don't know him well enough to help any further but I know many people have been very satisfied with his service.
kenautelevo2pro and Augustine - thanks for your help and assurance. You're right, "we don't have to sweat the details. that's what a credit card is for.". I'll drop the issue and just monitor my credit card to make sure there aren't any issues. Thanks to all who responded.
Were you billed/charged for products before they were shipped? If so, then get a hold of your bank and dispute the charges. If not then pass it off as he's got his hands full with other things and fulfilling orders isn't a priority right now.

Shoot me a direct message with what you were looking for. I can't guarantee anything but I could possibly get you sorted out on what you were looking for.
Do I make front legs for a evo2? Thanks
Do you make front legs for a evo2? Thanks reply with cost please.
You can make you own if you go to a crafts store, if you wanted, but they don't look as refined as a store bought set up.. I made legs for my EVO2 by using the long ends of Sharpie Ink pens. I dremelled the ends to fit the legs of the drone and used hot melt glue to hold them in place. They are not permanent and can be removed, glue and all.
Homemade leg extensions. To take off from any grassy or sloping terrain. Used to take off the Evo 1, Evo 2, Mavic 2 Pro and Yuneec H520 at the same time.
Base Autel.JPG
Base H520.JPG

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